The discussion about what a system would have in the way of naval defenses brought to mind a project I was working on a while ago.
I wanted to model a modern navy in traveller vessels to get a feel for how close to real world usage traveller vessels and thoughts were.
Initially I looked at the USN, but they have too many vessels, in too many configurations to be meaningfully modelled without causing massive headaches. So instead I've modelled the RAN (Australian Navy).
With just 16 vessel types (and that includes landing craft and helicopters) a much more achievable goal.
For the translation I've taken the direct ship tonnage as dTons - the numbers while completely different seem to have the right feel to me. Helo's have become utility small craft, landing craft (ship to shore) become land craft (space to ground) and so on.
One conundrum was what to do with submarines - as there doesn't seem to be an easy way to model that behaviour. The solution I'm using is to give the vessel lots of armour and call it stealth shielding. I'm not 100% happy with that translation. Another is anti-mine vessels - there certainly would be a place for them in traveller, but it would be a very different task.
Vessel Summary
Number is current number in the RAN
Tonnage is converted tonnage
Length is in metres
Crew is current crew on current vessels - this does not translate terribly well.
Comments and thoughts before I start going in to more detail?
I wanted to model a modern navy in traveller vessels to get a feel for how close to real world usage traveller vessels and thoughts were.
Initially I looked at the USN, but they have too many vessels, in too many configurations to be meaningfully modelled without causing massive headaches. So instead I've modelled the RAN (Australian Navy).
With just 16 vessel types (and that includes landing craft and helicopters) a much more achievable goal.
For the translation I've taken the direct ship tonnage as dTons - the numbers while completely different seem to have the right feel to me. Helo's have become utility small craft, landing craft (ship to shore) become land craft (space to ground) and so on.
One conundrum was what to do with submarines - as there doesn't seem to be an easy way to model that behaviour. The solution I'm using is to give the vessel lots of armour and call it stealth shielding. I'm not 100% happy with that translation. Another is anti-mine vessels - there certainly would be a place for them in traveller, but it would be a very different task.
Vessel Summary
Type # Tonnage Total Length Crew
Patrol Boat 14 300 4200 56 29
Guided Missile Frigate 6 4100 24600 140 210
Anzac Frigate 8 3600 28800 120 164
Submarine 6 3350 20100 78 45
Landing Craft Heavy 6 300 1800 45 13
Hydro Survey Ship 2 2550 5100 72 46
Survey Launch 4 360 1440 37 14
AntiMine 6 720 4320 53 39
Landing Platform 2 8550 17100 160 182
Supply Vessel 1 18000 18000 158 220
Supply Vessel 1 25000 25000 190 60
Heavy Landing Ship 1 5800 5800 130 150
ARCHAIC (not modeled)
Sail Training Vessel 1 0 44
Helo 40 30 1200 12 3
LC60 2 60 120 23 6
LC90 6 90 540 35 10
LifeBoat * 10 0 12 0
Total 106 72820 158120 1191
Number is current number in the RAN
Tonnage is converted tonnage
Length is in metres
Crew is current crew on current vessels - this does not translate terribly well.
Comments and thoughts before I start going in to more detail?