Helicopter analog
There are a variety of helicopters operated by the RAN. However their specifications and duties tend to overlap so strongly that I've condensed them into a single design.
The three utility/combat naval helicopters are
There are another couple of helicopters that could be involved. Those aren't covered by this design - the training helicopters would be smaller and cheaper, the heavy lift helicopters (chinooks) would be more similar to the LC60.
These are multirole craft. Eyeball scouting, medium lift, troop insertion, medical evac, anti-submarine warfare (in a traveller sense this would be deploying remote sensor drones) as well as limited air support and strike capabilities.
This is a big ask for a single craft, it is unlikely to be able to do all of these tasks well.
Type 13 Defensive Utility Craft ("Steel Duck")
Multirole smallcraft
Hull: 30 dTon needle/wedge
TL: 13
Type: Smallcraft
Computer: Model/3 (Reduced Avionics (1))
Maneuver Drive: 5G
Power Plant: TL13 Fusion. 4 EP
Power Plant Fuel: 2 weeks
Armour: Light (AR4)
Fittings: None by default, see Cargo/mission bay
Weapons: 3 multipurpose pods - equivalent to a triple missile turret
Ammo: 12 rounds secure storage plus up to 9 mounted in pods
Cargo: 7 dTon (mission specific bay)
Crew: 3 (Pilot, Co-pilot/Engineer, Gunner)
Cost: 27.4 MCr
While the normal weapon pod loadout is for a triple missile system, it is not uncommon to see them swapped out for sensor drone launchers or countermeasure pods (sandcasters). It is also possible to swap in an energy weapon (such as a single pulse laser) - but the corresponding drop in craft performance is generally considered detrimental to the ducks survivability. In a combat situation the duck will then act as a harrasment agent, firing off as many missiles as possible before running away to rearm, or at least be out of harms way.
The mission bay and the cockpit are able to be isolated, though like most vessels this size the duck does not have a dedicated airlock.
Common missions:
VIP/long range transport The mission bay is equipped with 12 smallcraft couches and a fresher. This does allow the duck to move personnel significant distances in relative comfort. It is not uncommon to see the ducks that are stationed at bases to be semi-permanently kitted out this way.
Transport With combat webbing strung up in the bay as many as 14 troops in battle dress, or 28 troops in combat armour can be shunted short distances in safety, if not comfort. Alternatively a small vehicle (such as a scout tank) could also potentially be carried. Lastly 7 dTon of emergency supplies can make a significant difference in disaster relief.
Combat drop drill With this drill the duck comes in to land at a specified point. While on rapid descent the vessel will pepper the target with missiles to clear the area, on landing exit all carried troops with maximum haste before launching again.
Dumb drop A common name for two similar drills. The duck comes over a target and evacuates the mission bay while still moving. The objects inside will become sucked out, but hopefully will land near a designated target area. There are two drills involved here, in one case the objects in the mission bay will be dumb drop munitions (ie. bombs), in the other case it would involve HALO gravchute/gravbelt troops.
Big Ears Deployment of sensor drones. Either from a vac-suited crewman manhandling drones out of the depressurised mission bay, or fired from a weapon pod that is mounting a drone launcher system. The same skills and mission profile also apply when deploying both smart and dumb mines.
Helicopter analog
There are a variety of helicopters operated by the RAN. However their specifications and duties tend to overlap so strongly that I've condensed them into a single design.
The three utility/combat naval helicopters are
There are another couple of helicopters that could be involved. Those aren't covered by this design - the training helicopters would be smaller and cheaper, the heavy lift helicopters (chinooks) would be more similar to the LC60.
These are multirole craft. Eyeball scouting, medium lift, troop insertion, medical evac, anti-submarine warfare (in a traveller sense this would be deploying remote sensor drones) as well as limited air support and strike capabilities.
This is a big ask for a single craft, it is unlikely to be able to do all of these tasks well.
Type 13 Defensive Utility Craft ("Steel Duck")
Multirole smallcraft
Hull: 30 dTon needle/wedge
TL: 13
Type: Smallcraft
Computer: Model/3 (Reduced Avionics (1))
Maneuver Drive: 5G
Power Plant: TL13 Fusion. 4 EP
Power Plant Fuel: 2 weeks
Armour: Light (AR4)
Fittings: None by default, see Cargo/mission bay
Weapons: 3 multipurpose pods - equivalent to a triple missile turret
Ammo: 12 rounds secure storage plus up to 9 mounted in pods
Cargo: 7 dTon (mission specific bay)
Crew: 3 (Pilot, Co-pilot/Engineer, Gunner)
Cost: 27.4 MCr
While the normal weapon pod loadout is for a triple missile system, it is not uncommon to see them swapped out for sensor drone launchers or countermeasure pods (sandcasters). It is also possible to swap in an energy weapon (such as a single pulse laser) - but the corresponding drop in craft performance is generally considered detrimental to the ducks survivability. In a combat situation the duck will then act as a harrasment agent, firing off as many missiles as possible before running away to rearm, or at least be out of harms way.
The mission bay and the cockpit are able to be isolated, though like most vessels this size the duck does not have a dedicated airlock.
Common missions:
VIP/long range transport The mission bay is equipped with 12 smallcraft couches and a fresher. This does allow the duck to move personnel significant distances in relative comfort. It is not uncommon to see the ducks that are stationed at bases to be semi-permanently kitted out this way.
Transport With combat webbing strung up in the bay as many as 14 troops in battle dress, or 28 troops in combat armour can be shunted short distances in safety, if not comfort. Alternatively a small vehicle (such as a scout tank) could also potentially be carried. Lastly 7 dTon of emergency supplies can make a significant difference in disaster relief.
Combat drop drill With this drill the duck comes in to land at a specified point. While on rapid descent the vessel will pepper the target with missiles to clear the area, on landing exit all carried troops with maximum haste before launching again.
Dumb drop A common name for two similar drills. The duck comes over a target and evacuates the mission bay while still moving. The objects inside will become sucked out, but hopefully will land near a designated target area. There are two drills involved here, in one case the objects in the mission bay will be dumb drop munitions (ie. bombs), in the other case it would involve HALO gravchute/gravbelt troops.
Big Ears Deployment of sensor drones. Either from a vac-suited crewman manhandling drones out of the depressurised mission bay, or fired from a weapon pod that is mounting a drone launcher system. The same skills and mission profile also apply when deploying both smart and dumb mines.
dTon MCr Power
Needle/Wedge Hull 30 3.6
Bridge -6 0.15
Computer Model/3 -2.2 12.6 -1 3/1/3/3 - reduced Avionics
5G Drive -4.2 2.1 -1.5
Power Plant -4 12 4
PP Fuel -2
Armour -3 0.3 TL13, AR4
Triple Missile Turret -1 3.35
Missile Magazine(12) -0.6 0.12
Mission Bay -7
Total Cost: 27.4 MCr (Discounted from 34.22)
Remaining Power: 1.5 (Agility 5)