Originally posted by SgtHulka:
That's exactly why I was considering taking away the miniatures and table. So much time is spent on set up, and then most of the game is just sitting around passing orders and trying to prevent your figures from routing.
Your idea of removing the miniatures would speed things up. However, I think that you're still gonna find the game system to be too time consuming. Unfortunately, there's nothing that I've found that will really give you what you need. One day, I intend to create a game at Striker's scale using FFT as a base, but I haven't done it yet.
Your other comments are well-taken. But if I were to pull it apart completely I'd just switch to Stargrunt II and convert. There's just so much great stuff in the campaign/integrate with Traveller chapter of Striker it's extremely tempting to try and use it as written.
I'm not a big fan of Stargrunt II, though I know John Tuffley and he's a class act. I really liked Full Thrust and his miniatures are the best hard military sci-fi miniatures I've seen. That said, I think that Stargrunt is a better wargame than Striker.
The major problems with Striker aren't really that difficult to fix. Here's a quick and dirty set of suggestions:
Use a single d10 roll for all 2d6 rolls. I'd keep all the modifiers the same; they work out approximately right.
7+ is a hit at effective range, 9+ is a hit at long range and 11+ a hit at extreme range. Note that unless there are positive to hit modifiers (and there almost always are), a figure will automatically miss at extreme range.
A penetration roll of 2+ is a light wound; 7+ is a serious wound and 11+ is dead. Again, positive modifiers (there almost always are) are required to get a "Dead" result.
I'd strip the command and control and morale system out and go with a version of my FFT system -- stands make morale ("quality") checks and if they fail, they are removed. No routing or any of that crap. They are out of the current fight and that's all there is to it. Use cohesion rules to simulate organization and don't worry about leaders (FFT assumes that the platoon and company leaders are wherever they need to be).
Here's a link to my FFT blog. It has pointers to where you can download a free version of FFT.
Is your Fistful of TOWs based on the rules with no name/fistful of dice/street violence system or something totally different?
FFT predates those rules considerably and is a completely different system. It's a modern miniature wargame, though there has been an unofficial set of WWII rules ("Where Panzers Dare").
FFT3 will be out this summer. It covers armored combat from 1910 through 2015. FFT:2030 will cover armored combat during the 21st century. Railgun:2100 covers sci-fi armored combat and is close to Striker in scale, though I didn't include a design system. RG:2100 will be completely revised to conform to the FFT3 system when it's out. You can get RG:2100 from the FFT email list.