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CT Only: Basic vs Advanced Chargen

Again, that means that College is a prerequisite to have direct access to Bureaucracy, but not that it compels you to.

You can't use just that one line, as it refers to the non-college transfers.

Think about it this way: if we go your way, and hang our hat on that one line in the college section, then there is contradiction in the rules where, in at least two other parts of the rules, it states that only college graduates go to the B while those that don't go to college go to the F.

If you see what I'm saying, then there is absolutely no contradiction in the rules. Everything make sense.

College education is necessary for assignments in the B unless a non-college field Scout is transferred into the B.

Take some time. Read Book 6, pages 9-17, straight through, and you will come to agree that I am correct in what I'm saying.
You can't use just that one line, as it refers to the non-college transfers.

I 'm afraid I don't understand what you mean here...

Of course, non college educated may also reach Bureaucracy by transfer, but that's not what we're discussing here, nor do I see the relation with what we were saying...

Think about it this way: if we go your way, and hang our hat on that one line in the college section, then there is contradiction in the rules where, in at least two other parts of the rules, it states that only college graduates go to the B while those that don't go to college go to the F.

If you see what I'm saying, then there is absolutely no contradiction in the rules. Everything make sense.

College education is necessary for assignments in the B unless a non-college field Scout is transferred into the B.

Take some time. Read Book 6, pages 9-17, straight through, and you will come to agree that I am correct in what I'm saying.

I agree with you in that college education is necessary to start your Scout career in Bureaucracy, and that the only hope you have to end on it if not college educated is by transfer, what I'm not so sure is that a college educated individual cannot enlist in the Field.

After all, some ofices of the Field (as Survey or Exploration) would also need some well educated people, and college education should not be a hándicap to join it.

See also that usual transfer to the Bureaucracy may be turned out, and that makes me think that no one is compelled (except if transfer is rolled again) to join the Bureaucracy, allowing to remain in Field. I don't see why College educated people should be different...

As an aside, as I already stated to be my usual practice when something is not clear, I looked it MT clarified this a little, but the problem there keeps the same, as it also says in one part (PM page 56) that College educated go to Bureaucracy, while on the page 58 of the same book it keeps saying they may go to Bureacracy...

Is to note, though, that in MT (PM, page 45) is also specified that Medical School graduates may also join the Scouts. Specifically it says that they may apply for a direct commission as Rank O3 in the Navy, Army, Scouts or Merchants. As the Scouts Rank is not by enlisted or officer, I guess that would translate to I-12.

While no Office is given (unlike Navy or Merchants, where any such doctor goes to medical branches), I guess Opperations or Technical would be the most appropiate (and it would perfectly fit IMTU, where, as told in other threads, the IISS also acts as a kind of Imperial WHO or CDC).

I guess this could be also used for CT, and that's why I also add this piece of information, despite being MT...
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...what I'm not so sure is that a college educated individual cannot enlist in the Field.

It seems logical to me that they can. But, RAW says that all college educated go to the B.


Book 6 also says that Book 1 Scouts are field scouts. But, there's no college option in Book 1.

Evidently, the EDU score is all pre-age 18 schooling (pre-college) schooling.

After all, some ofices of the Field (as Survey or Exploration) would also need some well educated people, and college education should not be a hándicap to join it.

Which brings up a point about education. EDU 12 is pretty high, yet, by RAW, a character can obtain that pre-age 18.

So, I wonder about the nature of that education. It must be advanced, but for high school aged kids.

I don't see why College educated people should be different...

I'm not saying I don't agree with your sentiment. I'm just going by what the rules actually say.

It does make sense to me that a college educated character could go into the Field, if he wanted to.

That's just not what the rules say.

To open a can of worms...we could look at the Paranoia Press Scouts & Assassins book. :CoW:
Evidently, the EDU score is all pre-age 18 schooling (pre-college) schooling.

Which brings up a point about education. EDU 12 is pretty high, yet, by RAW, a character can obtain that pre-age 18.

So, I wonder about the nature of that education. It must be advanced, but for high school aged kids.

By the time I turned 18 (the summer after graduation from high school) I had college credits in Chemistry (including lab credits from the U of U), Calculus, & English Lit. I didn't bother with the AP History class, but I could have...

Thank you, Advanced Placement classes & national exam.

As an aside, I was NOT the most intelligent, nor the most academically-accomplished, of my peers in High School.
By the time I turned 18 (the summer after graduation from high school) I had college credits in Chemistry (including lab credits from the U of U), Calculus, & English Lit. I didn't bother with the AP History class, but I could have...

Thank you, Advanced Placement classes & national exam.

That's good, but I wouldn't give a character like that EDU 12. Not on a 2-15 scale with 7 being average.