Here's as far as I've gotten in a test battle to try out the range band concept. I'm literally using Book 1 range bands.
Standards and Assumptions:
1) All troops are at optimal spacing for purposes of morale and command. Vehicles are 50 meters (5 cm) away from units that their destruction will cause a morale check from, and infantry is 25 meters (2.5 cm) away from stands that casualties would cause a morale check from. However, units that need to be in contact to receive orders, are, even if it negatively effects their morale.
2) There is enough concealment to allow troops to use it. So long as they take the movement penalty (1/2) they are considered evading in concealment.
3) Troops are in a formation that prevents optimal fire from high ROF weapons (no 15 hits from the autocannon).
4) As a game mechanic, the player getting fired at chooses the stands that are targeted. Otherwise everyone would just target the command elements. Esceptions to this general rule are...
....a) Once each stand has been targeted once in a single phase, the firer may choose the next stand to target.
....b) A stand that has received fire can always fire on the stand that it took fire from.
With the above basic rules, here's the sample combat, played out so far to Turn 5...
Step 1: Terrain
.....A. Roll on following table.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Random Terrain Generation
2 Road, Clear
3 Desert
4 Mountains
5 Hills/Foothills
6 Forest, Rainforest
7 Plain, Prairie
8 Rough, Broken
9 Jungle, Heavy Underbrush
10 Swamp, Marsh
11 Beach, Shore, Riverbank
12 Suburb</pre>[/QUOTE]
Example for Encounter 3 Ambush, Adventure 7 Broadsword:
5 Hills/Foothills is the main terrain type.
The Platoon is travelling through foothills when they are ambushed.
Foothills (slight slope, +2 Encounter Distance)
Step 2: Preperation
Prepare the encounter using the "Preperation" portion of Book 4's abstract system, substituting in factors already know from the scenario.
1. Mission: We already know the mission is "Security", as defined by the scenario.
2. Tech Level: We already know the Broadsword Mercenary Platoon is TL 12. The Gram Mechanized Infantry Battalion is TL 11.
3. Size: We already know the Broadsword Mercs are a Platoon (size 1); the scenario calls for a Company of Gram Mechanized Infantry (size 3).
4. Efficiency: Mercs are efficiency
4, Gram Mechanized Infantry efficiency 6.
Step 3: Resolution
Use the resolution steps of the Mercenary abstract system in order to determine initial set-up of forces.
1. Element Engaged: For mercs it is
full, for Gram mechanized infantry it is down 2, resulting in "Size 1, Platoon". It is the mercenaries' full platoon against a full Platoon of Gram mechanized infantry.
2. Encounter Type: The Encounter type is
5, Firefight (it shouldn't have been +1 since the force size is the same). The Mercenary Platoon obviously detects the ambush, so rather than being surprised,a general firefight erupts.
3. Combat Resolution: At this point, instead of resolving the combat as per Book 4: Mercenary, we set up the scenario for Striker.
Step 4: Striker Set-up
1. Friendly Forces: The player should have his stats worked out for his mercenary unit. In the case of Adventure 7, we have to build them from the Stats provided in the Adventure:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Mercenary Platoon
Stand 1: Troop Commmander
Morale 11, High Initiative
Pltn CO; AP-2
Stand 2: Leading Sergeant
Morale 12, High Initiaitve
Pltn NCO; GR+1
Stand 3: Runner
Morale 6, Average Initiative
Trooper; GR+1
Stand 4: 1st Squad, Fireteam Alpha Stand 5: 1st Squad, Fireteam Bravo
Morale 6, Average Initiative Morale 6, Average Initiative
Squad NCO; GR+2/GL+0 Fireteam NCO; GR+1/GL+0
ATV Driver;GR/GL-2 Trooper; GR+1/GL+0
Medic; No Weapons Trooper; GR-1/GL-2
Fusion Gnr;FGMP-14+1 Cook; GR-1/GL-2
Stand 6: 2nd Squad, Fireteam Charlie Stand 7: 2nd Squad, Fireteam Delta
Morale 7, Average Initiative Morale 8, AVerage Initiative
Squad NCO; GR-1/GL+0 Fireteam NCo; GR/GL-2
ATV Driver;GR-1/GL-2 Trooper; GR+1/GL+1
Medic; No Weapons Trooper; GR-1/GL-2
Fusion Gnr;FGMP-14+0 Cook; GR-1/GL-2
Stand 8: 3rd Squad, Fireteam Epsilon Stand 8: 3rd Squad, Fireteam Gamma
Morale 7, Average Initiative Morale 6, Average Initiative
Squad NCO; GR+1/GL+0 Fireteam NCO; GR-2/GL-2
Demo Spec; GR+4/GL+1 Trooper; GR-1/GL-2
Medic; No Weapons Trooper; GR-1/GL-2
Fusion Gnr;FGMP-14+3 Cook; GR-1/GL-2
Weapons Effective Long Extreme Targets
...Gauss Rifle 60(7)+3 120(3)+2 -- 1
...TL 11 RAM GL 37 75 150 1
.........HEAT (36) (36) (36)
.........HE (11) (11) (11) 2cmBurst(2)
...FGMP-14 45(34) 90(22) 150(4) 1
Other Equipment: Each Man: Combat Armor/Battledress (AC 10)
Helmet Radio (power 10)
Squad NCO and Troop Commander:Map Box
Troop Commander: Battlefield Computer</pre>[/QUOTE].....
2. Enemy Forces: The referee has the stats worked out for the enemy forces. In this case, we use the guidelines provided for the Gram Mechanized Infantry Company on page 42 of Adventure 7: "Each infantry platoon contains three infantry squads of seven soldiers each (a leg fireteam and a grav fireteam) and a grav APC. The squad is best represented by one four-figure fireteam, one three-figure vehicle crew, and a model APC. The platoon leader, assistant platoon leader, and the driver are in the Platoon headquarters APC; for a total of 4 vehicles and 24 personnel."
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Gram Mechanized Infantry Platoon
Stand 1: Platoon HQ APC
Morale 7, Average Initiative
Gram Grav APC, Move 67 -4 FFP, 125 No Fire
Armor 48F, 38S, 32R, 34D, 15B
+2 Low 30mm HyperVelocity AutoCannon+1
Stand 2: First Squad APC Stand 3: First Squad Legs
Morale 7, AVerage Initiative Morale 7, Average Initiative
Gram Grav APC, Move 67, -3 FFP, 124 No Fire Fireteam NCO; ACR+1
Armor 48F, 38S, 32R, 34D, 15B Trooper; ACR+1
+2 Low 30mm HyperVelocity AutoCannon+1 Trooper; ACR+1
Trooper; ACR+1
Stand 4: Second Squad APC Stand 5: Second Squad Legs
Morale 7, AVerage Initiative Morale 7, Average Initiative
Gram Grav APC, Move 67, -3 FFP, 124 No Fire Fireteam NCO; ACR+1
Armor 48F, 38S, 32R, 34D, 15B Trooper; ACR+1
+2 Low 30mm HyperVelocity AutoCannon+1 Trooper; ACR+1
Trooper; ACR+1
Stand 6: Third Squad APC Stand 7: Third Squad Legs
Morale 7, AVerage Initiative Morale 7, Average Initiative
Gram Grav APC, Move 67, -3 FFP, 124 No Fire Fireteam NCO; ACR+1
Armor 48F, 38S, 32R, 34D, 15B Trooper; ACR+1
+2 Low 30mm HyperVelocity AutoCannon+1 Trooper; ACR+1
Trooper; ACR+1
Weapons Effective Long Extreme Targets
....9mm ACR 30(4)+2 60(3)+1 90(2)+1 1/2
....30mm AutoCannon 200(20)+5 300(18)+4 450(6)+2 16
Other Equipment: Each Man: Combat Armor/Battledress (AC 10)
Helmet Radio (power 10)
APC's:Map Box
Command APC: Battlefield Computer</pre>[/QUOTE].....
3. Encounter Range: Determine the Range of the Encounter by throwing 2 dice and cunsulting the tables from Book 1 Characters and Combat. This encounter takes place at a range of
Very Long, or 50 centimeters (500 meters).
4. Awareness: Determine who spots who first. Both sides are considered moving in concealment. The Mercenary Platoon
spots Platooon HQ APC, First Squad Legs, Second Squad APC, Second Squad Legs, and Third Squd Legs at 150cm. The Mechanized Infantry Platoon
spots the Leading Sergeant, Runner, Fireteam Charlie, and Fireteam Delta.
Turn 1
Command Phase: Mercenary Platoon is under the Move command. The commander does not change that order. The Troop Commander instead calls in a fire mission from the Broadsword's lasers. The Leading Sergeant acts as the Forward Observor, calling it in to one of the Gram APC's. The Mechanized Infantry are also under the Evade command. The Mechanized Infantry Command APC issues "Fire at enemy" orders to each of the three APC's. Due to the fact they have map boxes and battle computers, they will receive the orders in 2 turns.
First Player Movement Phase: All stands move 2.5 centimeters (evading infantry). They are still at Very Long range. The Mercs
spot Third Squad APC.
First Player Fire Phase: There is no fire during this phase, since no one is yet under the fire command.
Second Player Movement Phase: The leg infantry moves 2.5 centimeters, with the APC's covering their advance and continuing to touch their stands. The two sides have now closed 5 centimeters, or 50 meters, and are still at Very Long range.The Mechanized Infantry Platoon now
spots the Troop Commander, Fireteam Alpha, and Fireteam Beta.
Second Player Fire Phase: No one has been given the fire order, so no one fires.
Turn 2
Command Phase: All sides remain under "move" orders, however the Merc commander now issues the command "Fire at Vehicles" to Alpha, Charlie and Epsilon squads and "Fire at Infantry" to Bravo, Gamma, and Delta squads. They will receive the orders on turn 4. The Broadsword has received the ortillery mission order and begins aligning the lasers. The HQ APC issues a "Fire" order to its infantry. They will receive the orders on turn 4.
First Player Movement Phase: All stands close 2.5 centimeters. They are still at Very Long range. The mercs now have spotted
all of the enemy stands.
First Player Fire Phase: Once again no fire takes place.
Second Player Movement Phase: Close 2.5 centimeters. The Mechanized Infantry don't
spot Fireteam Gamma.
Second Player Fire Phase: No fire.
Turn 3
Command Phase: The Broadsword continues orienting its lasers. The Mechanized Infantry APC's have now received the Fire Order. Additionally, the HQ APC can now fire, since it is no longer issuing orders.
First Player Movement Phase: The mercs close 2.5 centimeters. They are now at 375 meters.
First Player Fire Phase: The Gram APC's can't fire during the enemy fire phase while moving, so no fire takes place.
Second Player Movement Phase:The leg infantry moves 2.5 centimeters. The Gram APC's halt in order to fire. The Leg infantry is no longer in contact with the map boxes, and so no longer can receive orders. They still don't
spot Fireteam Gamma. The Command APC moves to the same range as the infantry in order to keep them in command.
Second Player Fire Phase: The Gram APC's open up. Range is 375 meters, or 18.75 centimeters, well within effective range for the autocannon. Since the infantry spotted the APC's, they aren't lined up in the danger space. Each APC can attack one target. The mercs are evading in concealment for a -2 modifier. The Autocannon receive a +5 autofire modifier and +1 modifier for regular troops. The total bonus is +4, and an 8+ hits. Any hit is an automatic kill. The merc player chooses the stands attacked, since they are all in the same range band...he chooses the Runner, Bravo, and Delta, trying to preserve his FGMP's. All three attacks
hit. The Runner is killed. Three troopers from Bravo are killed. And one trooper from Delta is killed. The surviving trooper from Bravo is the second Trooper, and the KIA form Delta is the second Trooper. Now the Command APC fires. It is -4 for its movement, for a bonus of +0. The merc player chooses to have it fire at Bravo, with only one surviving trooper. It misses. Now the Mercs must throw morale. The Alpha and Bravo are in contact in order to better receive orders, as are Charlie and Delta, and as are the Troop Commander, Leading Sergeant, and Runner. The other squads are assumed to be adequately spaced to avoid morale checks. Charlie and Delta both have their NCO's alive, so they receive +2 to their checks. Alpha has its NCO, but Bravos' was killed, so their check is only +1. The Leading Sergeant is in contact with the Troop Commander, so he recieves +3 to his check and makes it automatically, as does The Troop Commander who receives +1 to his check. Alpha and Delta
make their morale checks, Bravo falls back, and Charlie is suppressed.
Turn 4
Command Phase: The mercs are now under their respective "fire" orders. The mechanized infantry stands are now under "fire" orders as well. The Broadsword is ready to fire.
First Player Movement PhaseThe mercs halt in order to fire, except for Bravo, who fall back to the same range as the Troop Commander.
FIrst Player Fire Phase The three APC's that didn't move open up. They are at the same modifier to hit. This time the merc player chooses Alpha, Bravo and Delta as the targets. Alpha is
hit once, Bravo is destroyed, and Delta is hit twice. Serge is
the KIA from Alpha, and the Cook is the sole survivor of Delta. Alpha has no surviving NCO's and Charlie and Delta have one for +1. Alpha and Delta are
forced back and Charlie is suppressed. Now the mercs finally get to fire. The Leading Sergeant loads a rifle grenade. Epsilon's Sergeant and Trooper load Rifle Grenades while the FGMP-14 fires at a vehicle. It is well within effective range, and he shoots high for +0, and receives +3 for skill, -1 for concealment, +2 total. He scores a
hit for penetration 34 against deck armor 34 for a
major penetration and a
catastrophic hit, destroying the APC in a ball of fire. Fireteam Gamma opens up, and the Mechanized Infantry player chooses First Squad Legs at the target. They are within effective range of the gauss rifles, -2 for evading in concealment, +3 for autofire bonus, resulting in +1 and skill modifiers. They all
miss. However, gamma hadn't yet been spotted, so that is unexpected fire and will require a morale check. Additionally, the Broadsword fires. It has 9 lasers, but there is only one qualified forward Observor, so it can only fire at one of the targets -- an APC. The Gram Mech Infantry chooses Second Squad's APC as the target. The Broadsword's laser is a 250 Watt Beam Laser. It receives a +2 DM for Beam Laser, +3 for High Initiative forward observor, -6 for firing from orbit, -1 total. It fires low, for +2 to hit, +1 total. It is in synchronous orbit at about 260 kilometers, which is just into extreme range. It requires a throw of 12 to hit, and although 9 lasers fire,
none of them hit. First Squad legs must throw morale at +1 for NCO since they saw their APC go up in smoke. They
Second Player Movement Phase: Nobody moves since everyone is now under "fire" orders.
Second Player Fire Phase: The Vargr FGMP fires at a new target. Again he is +2 to hit, and he
scores two surface hits. The destroyed
sensors and suspension have virtually no effect on the vehicle. Since Second Squad's APC was attacked by both Epsilon and the Leading Sergeant, it can fire on either of them -- the Merc player can not choose a different target. The Second Squad APC fires on the Leading Sergeant, hoping to silence the ortillery. He is a
KIA, and the Troop Commander succeeds on
his morale check. Third Squad's APC has not come under fire, so the Mercenary player chooses its target -- the poor Cook from Delta. He is another
KIA. Charlie
passes morale. The Command APC has not come under fire and the merc player chooses Alpha, killing
one more, this time the
medic. Alpha is only
pinned down, but they're still suffering forced back from the previous fire phase. Now all three leg infantry stands fire their ACR's. The merc player chooses the targets Alpha, Charlie and Gamma. The ACR's are at long range, are +1 for skill, +1 for autofire, -1 for evasion, -1 for concealment, net +0 with 10+ required to hit. The
last shot scores a hit on Gamma. 3 Penetration -10 armor factor is a -7 to the personal wound table.
Second Trooper is barely grazed and unharmed by the bullet.
Turn 5
Command Phase: No further commands.
First Player Movement Phase: Alpha falls back 25 meters.
First Player Fire Phase: Second Squad APC fires at Epsilon, from whom they've taken fire so the merc player can't change their target. Third Squad APC fires at Alpha. Command APC fires at Gamma. Leg Infantry fires Troop Commander, Charlie, and since that's every remaining target, the Gram Mech Infantry player gets to choose the final target, and he chooses Charlie. The autocannon
miss Epsilon, but score three kills each on Alpha and Gamma. The infantry
hit the Troop commander and
would him. Gamma's survivor is its
cook, who is also
pinned downGamma and Epsilon Now Epsilon fires at the Second Squad APC, with both the fusion gun and the now-loaded rifle grenades. Only the Fusion Gun
hits, but this time for a
major penetration. It
scores 4 crew hits, knocks out suspension, transmission, and fire control. It's effectively out of the fight, with an extreme range of 25 meters. Surviving crew member bail out. Second Leg Squad
succeed on morale. Charlie is no longer suppressed. Alpha is no longer falling back.
.....[/i]Second Player Movement Phase:[/i]No movement.
.....[/i]Second Player Fire Phase:[/i] Fusion Gunner from Alpha opens up on Third Squad APC. Fusion gunner from Charlie opens up on Command APC. Fusion Gunner from Epsilon opens up on Command APC. No one has grenades loaded. Only Charlie
hits for
two surface hits for
sensor damage to the Command APC.