Can someone recommend for me an app for very simple reading and editing of SEC files?
I have some files from Travellermap that I'd like to work on for my Reaver's Deep campaign. I need to do 3 things:
1) zero out all of the pop/govt codes;
2) replace world names with hex designations;
3) individually edit back in the world names and pop/govt codes that I want.
I could do all of this w Simon Hibbs's StarBase program, except for one thing: it doesn't seem to import from SEC, and I don't want to enter all of those systems by hand if I can avoid it!
Edit: Now trying to balance out which would take longer and be more annoying, putting every system in by hand, or writing a perl script to read the SEC files and break up the UWP and PBG into single digits in CSV format as seems to be required for StarBase.
Edit2: No, the quickest way for me to do it myself would be to go into town to get my office laptop w MS Access, import the SEC into Access, write a query to split up the UWP into individual digit fields, then export as CSV for use in StarBase.
I have some files from Travellermap that I'd like to work on for my Reaver's Deep campaign. I need to do 3 things:
1) zero out all of the pop/govt codes;
2) replace world names with hex designations;
3) individually edit back in the world names and pop/govt codes that I want.
I could do all of this w Simon Hibbs's StarBase program, except for one thing: it doesn't seem to import from SEC, and I don't want to enter all of those systems by hand if I can avoid it!
Edit: Now trying to balance out which would take longer and be more annoying, putting every system in by hand, or writing a perl script to read the SEC files and break up the UWP and PBG into single digits in CSV format as seems to be required for StarBase.
Edit2: No, the quickest way for me to do it myself would be to go into town to get my office laptop w MS Access, import the SEC into Access, write a query to split up the UWP into individual digit fields, then export as CSV for use in StarBase.