Stan Shinn
In Classic Traveller, say a 777777 UPP character takes 3 wounds, and is at 477777. The encounter ends and the character never went unconscious (never hit zero). Are they back up to 777777 after the encounter?
In Classic Traveller, say a 777777 UPP character takes 3 wounds, and is at 477777. The encounter ends and the character never went unconscious (never hit zero). Are they back up to 777777 after the encounter?
If no stats are reduced to zero there are no rules to cover it.Unconscious characters (with at least one characteristic
reduced to zero) recover consciousness after ten minutes
(40 combat rounds) with all three physical characteristics
temporarily placed at a value half way between full strength
and the wounded level. The individual is considered to have
sustained minor wounds. For example, a character with a
strength of 8 who is wounded to a strength of 4 (and
rendered unconscious through the zeroing of another
characteristic) becomes strength 6 when he regains consciousness,
and remains so until recovered. Round fractions
against the character. A return to full strength for the
character requires medical attention (a medical kit and an
individual with at least medical-I skill) or three days of
You only suffer from a minor wound if you have one stat reduced to zero.
If no stats are reduced to zero there are no rules to cover it.
T4 Core Rules, p. 58
Superficial Wounds: A character who suffered damage, but who had no characteristics reduced to zero, is considered to have suffered superficial wounds. An Easy test of First Aid or Medical skill, assuming a first aid kit is available, is sufficient to clean and bind the wounds to prevent infection or other complications. The character then recovers all his points over the course of one day. Failure of the task or lack of attention means that the character heals more slowly, at two points per characteristic per day.
If no stats are reduced to zero there are no rules to cover it.
1. If character has no physical characteristic reduced to zero, all wounded characteristics are placed midway between wounded and full levels, rounding fractions down;
You are inferring stuff that isn't in the rules as written.To make it easy, here are the CT definitions...
Damage with no stat at zero = Minor Wound
Damage with one stat at zero = Minor Wound and Unconscious for 10 minutes.
Damage with two stats at zero = Serious Wound and Unconscious for 3 hours.
Damage with three stats at zero = Dead.
The key bit here is do not reduce more than one characteristic, which is explained in the text on wounding to mean at least one characteristic. i agree it can be interpreted the way you are doing from the p47 summary, but the text in the combat chapter explicitly states that to be suffering a minor wound you have to have had one stat reduced to zero.Any wound points applied to a
character which do not reduce more
than one physical characteristic to zero
are considered minor wounds. The
character is treated as having the reduced
characteristics until medical care
or recovery has taken place.
That's how I played it, too.S4 is incorrect.
You only suffer from a minor wound if you have one stat reduced to zero.
A reasonable interpretation as well.I get to correct you this time, Sigg!
This includes wounds where no stats are reduced to zero.
... and that settles that.Wait -- this is in the unpublished CT errata, as I haven't reformatted it to put in there...
Marc-approved and all... I present "A Partial Response to Questions After Combat"
is somewhat misleading.WOUNDING AND DEATH
Wounds are applied to the physical
characteristics, temporarily reducing
them for the duration of combat.
Now, since I obviously do need to get this in the CT errata, any thing Marc and I didn't cover?
Now, since I obviously do need to get this in the CT errata, any thing Marc and I didn't cover?
You are inferring stuff that isn't in the rules as written.
Like I said - there are no rules covering no stats reduced to zero; until you apply a bit of common sense or adapt the T4 rule.
In my defense, The Traveller Book, pg 47
is somewhat misleading.
The temporary reduction is for more than just "the duration of combat" ... half of the reduction is until "recovery" (up to 3 days).
Are suggestions for expanding rules legitimate? If so, I suggest adding S4's rules for 'partial recovery with time' as an optional rule. I can quite see, and sympathize with, a desire for keeping things simple. But some people value verisimilitude more than they value simplicity, and the mechanic of one third recovered after one day and another third more recovered after another day deserves to be an option.Now, since I obviously do need to get this in the CT errata, any thing Marc and I didn't cover?
A simpler view, which I intend to keep for IMTU is three wound categories/states:It seems complicated to some (I am seeing), but there are only two wound categories in Classic Traveller (Minor Wound or Serious Wound), and there are three wound states:
Minor Wound - Any damage that does not take any physical stats to zero.
Minor Wound and Unconscious - Damage that takes only one physical stat to zero.
Serious Wound - Damage where at least two physical stats are at zero (unconsciousness is automatic).
Wait -- this is in the unpublished CT errata, as I haven't reformatted it to put in there...
Marc-approved and all... I present "A Partial Response to Questions After Combat"
No, it doesn't say one way or the other. You yourself said that having characteristics reduced but none of them to zero wasn't undefined.The rules as written in the core text in every edition of CT state that a minor wound is only for one characteristic reduced to zero.
And so a clarification is required. Which Don has just given us.The summary text on p47 of TTB is where the error lies, it is poorly worded and open to interpretation.