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References for Reavers' Deep


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I'm getting ready to run a campaign in Reavers' Deep sector, and want to make sure I am not missing out on any major reference materials as I prefer to avoid contradicting pre-published materials as much as possible - plus they might give me inspirations for what I am doing.

I found and downloaded SEC files for this and surrounding sectors, and am also familiar w Travellermap and the data and map resources available there.

I have the Night of Conquest Adventure and some FASA and Keith Brothers' adventure material set in this sector, and am familiar w Jimmy Simpson's Library Data site collecting much of this info into handy reference format.

Any other important references on Reavers' Deep sector that I should know about?

My campaign will be set during the Long Night, so I am having to extrapolate backward from "current day" (circa 1105 Imperial) data to estimate which worlds were inhabited then, and in what condition.

I wondered if any of the Milieu Zero materials from T4 covered this sector as it existed toward the end of the Long Night?

Also, obviously the Reavers were an important part of the history of the sector. Anybody know of any published material citing famous Reaver raids or conquests into adjoining sectors such as Daibei or Magyar, or even as far as Diaspora?

Thanks for any tips you can provide; just trying to cover all the bases.
Depending on when during the Long Night you set your campaign, you might have a bit of an Aslan problem. The modern borders were set by treaty with the Third Imperium...

Milieu Zero does not get that far, reaching only to the corner around the Rift at Zarushagar. No Daibei, no Reaver's Deep. The wars between the Aslan and the Third Imperium ran between 200 (about the time Imperials were pushing through Daibei) and 380 (Establishment of the Peace of Ftahalr). The Peace established the buffer zone in Reaver's Deep and Dark Nebula.
Depending on when during the Long Night you set your campaign, you might have a bit of an Aslan problem. The modern borders were set by treaty with the Third Imperium...

Thanks. Already taking that into consideration in planning. There were some Vilani colonies in the area from the tail-end of the First Imperium, plus Terran (not Solomani) colonies from the Interstellar Wars into the Second Imperium.

Milieu Zero does not get that far, reaching only to the corner around the Rift at Zarushagar. No Daibei, no Reaver's Deep. The wars between the Aslan and the Third Imperium ran between 200 (about the time Imperials were pushing through Daibei) and 380 (Establishment of the Peace of Ftahalr). The Peace established the buffer zone in Reaver's Deep and Dark Nebula.

I wondered about the T4 "First Survey" book. Does that cover the area of Reaver's Deep, Daibei, etc? All the references that I've found say that it covers "nine sectors" but none of them say which nine. From what you said above, I am guessing these are not covered?

Edit: Nevermind on that last question, just checked a map and it is pretty obvious that if only nine sectors are covered, these would not be in that list of nine. :(

The larger Milieu Zero Campaign covers, often in only vague or incomplete detail, Corridor, Vland, Lishun, Antares, Gushemege, Dagudashaag, Core, Ilelish, and Massilia. It hints at Fornast, Delphi, and Zarushagar.
Hi! Try "List Sites" on Mark Urbin's Reavers' Deep webring:

Thanks, Hyphen. I am sad to report that all of the sites on that list appear to be dead and gone.

One interesting thing: the webring link to Keven Pittsinger's website doesn't work. So you'll have to try here for the 'Net's most comprehensive Reavers' Deep site:

This site at least still exists. Thank you again!
The Traveller Chronicle published a good deal of information, including some historical bits.

Paul Sanders' Reaver's Deep Sector Sourcebook collected everything that Paul could find (plus an adventure by me ;)). Unfortunately the book (and its companion books) were only published in 100 copies.

BTW, the correct name is Reaver's Deep. However, although the singular form is correct, so many people believe that this must be a mistake (after all, there were a lot more than just one reaver) that the plural form has become an accepted variant.

The Traveller Chronicle published a good deal of information, including some historical bits.

I'll have to dig through mine and see what I can find.

Paul Sanders' Reaver's Deep Sector Sourcebook collected everything that Paul could find (plus an adventure by me ;)). Unfortunately the book (and its companion books) were only published in 100 copies.

So you must have the subsector maps and UWP's :)

Reaver's Deep sector was designed by J. Andrew Keith. Portions of Reaver's Deep sector appeared in High Passage Magazine, and in Far Traveller Magazine. Additional data and adventures set in Reaver's Deep sector were published by Gamelords, Ltd.

I've got all the Gamelords stuff and a couple of issues of High Passage.

I believe the sector data was in The Traveller's Digest #16 which I think I have around here somewhere.
The Traveller Chronicle published a good deal of information, including some historical bits.
I'll have to dig through mine and see what I can find.

That would be very helpful! I like to fit in with pre-published material as much as possible, even if it is someone else's creations that are also non-canon.

I found sector data files as of circa 1105, but am obviously needing to backdate that to our Long Night setting. Actually it is a lot of fun, if only there weren't so much of it to do! My goal for starting our game is to have at least two, maybe three subsectors backdated, plus a good concept of what is going on in nearby areas - where the major worlds are, multi-world governments, ongoing conflicts, stuff like that.

I'm having fun w Caledon right now. Not only is it an important world in 1105 (capital of the Principality of Caledon, one of the larger buffer states), but I found a note in someone's Library Data that it was one of the first Terran colonies in the Deep, colonized directly from Terra during the Interstellar Wars.

So you must have the subsector maps and UWP's :)

There is good stuff (including maps) in Jimmy Simpson's Library Data, although historical stuff is all more recent, during Third Imperium.
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Paul Sanders' Reaver's Deep Sector Sourcebook collected everything that Paul could find (plus an adventure by me ;)). Unfortunately the book (and its companion books) were only published in 100 copies.

So, was Paul Sanders a pen-name for J. Andrew Keith? Or was Keith credited in the wiki entry bc Sanders collected materials mostly written by Keith?

I suppose w only 100 issues it is unlikely I could find one for sale. :( Also, it does not seem to be included on the FFE Apocrypha CDs. :( (Anybody willing to loan one temporarily for a good cause, please PM me! :) )
So, was Paul Sanders a pen-name for J. Andrew Keith? Or was Keith credited in the wiki entry bc Sanders collected materials mostly written by Keith?

Paul was a close friend of the Keith brothers and was devastated when one died. I have not seen hide nor hair of him in years. I think his material (as Cargonaut) has not entered Marc's apocrypha because his license either was excluded from the general sunset clause tied to the Mongoose license (due to the affiliation with the Keiths) or he vanished before any transfer could happen.

Note that the Keiths did write for JTAS under several pseudonyms back in the day, but Paul was not one of those.
That would be very helpful! I like to fit in with pre-published material as much as possible, even if it is someone else's creations that are also non-canon.

I'm not sure what's in The Traveller's Chronicle yet. TD #16 only had some library data plus world data for Urlaqqash Subsector.

I found sector data files as of circa 1105, but am obviously needing to backdate that to our Long Night setting. Actually it is a lot of fun, if only there weren't so much of it to do! My goal for starting our game is to have at least two, maybe three subsectors backdated, plus a good concept of what is going on in nearby areas - where the major worlds are, multi-world governments, ongoing conflicts, stuff like that.

If you need any ideas FreeTrav has a file by CmdrX on his site:

Converting Worlds from Milieu 1100 to Milieu 0

There is good stuff (including maps) in Jimmy Simpson's Library Data, although historical stuff is all more recent, during Third Imperium.

I just checked out that Excel file. Looks like it matches the sector file from the Traveller wiki and the file in Galactic, so I think you have all the data from the Reaver's Deep Sourcebook.
I suppose w only 100 issues it is unlikely I could find one for sale. :( Also, it does not seem to be included on the FFE Apocrypha CDs. :( (Anybody willing to loan one temporarily for a good cause, please PM me! :) )

I'm pretty sure you've got all the world data. They all seem to be using the same source.
I'm pretty sure you've got all the world data. They all seem to be using the same source.

Yeah, I have the data. I was wondering more about historical notes, dates of colonization and source of colonists, native sapient species, that sort of thing.

Also anything more about particular Reaver worlds or leaders, or famous raids they made against other worlds.

I know I'll have to invent a lot of that, but if someone else has already published something on it, I'd like to be consistent.
Thanks, that could be very helpful. Reminds me of some similar material about regressing worlds in the MegaTraveller supplement Hard Times, so I will dig that out and give it a quick skim as well.

I'd forgotten about Hard Times. Something else for me to dig up :)
I'm not sure what's in The Traveller's Chronicle yet. TD #16 only had some library data plus world data for Urlaqqash Subsector.
The big one is #6. It looks like most (all?) of the library data from #6 has been entered into the wiki.

The big one is #6. It looks like most (all?) of the library data from #6 has been entered into the wiki.

Thanks, Hans! I'd forgotten it included Hard Times and TNE data for Aoreriyya Section (plus your house rules).

Will you be playing in the PbP game?