Tentative chronology for the settlemnt of Reaver's Deep till 380. Based on information gleaned from the Wiki.
Settlement of Reaver's Deep
Native populations:
Two more minor human races (unless my memory plays me false???)
Saie (extinct by 1100)
H'oskhikhil of Storm (discovered in the Classic Era)
J'aadje of Gaajpadje
Languljigee of Lajanjigal
Lhshana of Lhshami
Polyphemes of Htalrea
Virushi of Virshash
Yn-tsai of Tsanesi (not native)
Latish 1st Imperium: The Saie, an aggressive, expansionistic race, having been given jump technology by a Vilani governor in Daibei, used their new technology to establish a small empire in the Caledon, Riftrim and Nightrim subsectors. They overextended themselves in the process and, in a widespread civil war, their empire collapsed. Because they were spread thin, the Saie culture vanished almost without a trace. Even the identity of their homeworld and all records of their physical appearance were lost, buried amid confused myths and legends among the races that they had conquered.
Lhshana of Lhshami enslaved by the Saie. They received a considerable boost in civilization thanks to Saie technology, and also absorbed knowledge from Reaver spacecraft which visited the world during the Long Night. When first contacted by Caledonian merchants, the Lhshana had a flourishing tech level 9 civilization, though they had no knowledge of (and little interest in) space flight.
Interstellar War period: Human settlers seeking refuge from the war ravaged
worlds near Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) made an epic journey that ultimately
ended with the discovery and colonization of Caledon (Reavers' Deep 1815), in
the Caledon subsector.
Germaine settled "at the same times as Caledon" by dissenters.
Firth settled from Caledon only 15 years after Caledon itself.
Stuart had an early colony from Caledon that failed.
Rintarna settled by Terrans during the Interstellar Wars.
Rule of Man: Other Terrans followed later. The Deep was explored and a few
worlds were settled, but the region remained largely open and uninhabited.
21st Century PI: Worlds in Uhtaa and Eakoi settled by Solomani of Chineese
ancestry and form the Celestial League, precursor to the Union of Harmony.
Early in the Rule of Man: Soloman settled.
Rule of Man: Danelag settled.
-1893: Trading enclave established on Askoapoy.
Shortly before the Long Night: Hoffman settled by passenger and crew from the
Caledonian colony ship _Germania_ that crashed on Hoffman.
-1780: Population of trading enclave on Askoapoy well over 1000.
Shortly after the fall of the Rule of Man (in -1776): The Droyne of Askoapoy
helps stranded human traders and diplomats settle Gralyn.
Some time after the fall of the Long Night: Caledonia lose interstellar
travel for an unspecified length of time.
Early stage of Caledonian expansion into space: Stuart settled from Caledon.
During Long Night: Lhshana of Lhshami gain knowledge from visiting Reaver
spacecraft. When first contacted by Caledonian merchants, the Lhshana had a
flourishing tech level 9 civilization, though they had no knowledge of (and
little interest in) space flight.
Some time during the Long Night: Roakhoi settled by the losers of an Aslan
clan war.
Ca. -1620 to -1320: Coventry is a prison planet of some unidentified world
with starship technology.
Between -1120 and -1100: "Blackjack" Duquesne established colony on the
inhospitable Drellesarr. Surprisingly the colony proved viable, although the
population never grew to amount to much (800,000 in Classic Era).
Ca. -1050: Grand Admiral Izanak inadvertently gives fusion and jump drive to
the Iltharans of Drexilthar.
Ca. -1000: Iltharans begin expanding, establishing the Drexilthan [?] Empire.
Ca. -1000: Traneer is the first world settled by the Drexiltharans.
-900: Danelag invaded by Aslan of the Eakoi Corporation. [Oops! Date can't be right; mea culpa! (I wrote that bit originally.

-835: Loaktarl clan establishes the Eakoi Corporation to trade with worlds in
Ea and Eakoi subsectors.
Late Long Night: Reavers appeared in the Deep; petty warlords or pirates who scraped together a few space worthy starships and used them to loot backward worlds or to seize and hold small empires. Though the same sort of thing happened outside the Deep as well, these freebooters flourished in the Deep long after the rising tide of civilization had put an end to the majority of their brethren, elsewhere.
Late Long Night: Roikhoi explored and colonized by the Aslan Hierate [nonsens;
the hierate doesn't do things as a body; colonized by some specifc clan].
-200: Concorde settled by Aslan ihatei (clan not named).
?: Reavers establish a stronghold on Collin's World.
?: _Bold Endeavour_, human colony ship from unnamed interstellar state in Urlaggash subsector is attacked by Reavers in the Andiros System (Reaver's Deep 1328) and heavily damaged. It misjumps into Roakhoi system and the colonists settle there. [See entry for Roikhoi above; obviously refer to the same world, but spelled differently.]
Ca. -100: Ea settled by the Loaktarl clan.
Ca. -100: Soloman starts the Eakoi Trade Conflict against the Eakoi corporation. Expels Aslans from Danelag.
Ca. -80: Loakhtarl clan place a small colony on Aikhiy. Never fully successful, the residents were one of the first of the Loaktarl colonies to succumb to the Turmoils.
Ca. 100: Kolan Hegemony establishes a starport on Rock as a stepping stone for trade with the Principality of Caledon.
128: Settlers on Hoffman discovered by Caledonian merchant ship.
128: Loaktarl Clan abandon Eakoi subsector.
Later Reaver period: The Grand Duchy of Marlheim can trace its origins to one of the last successful Reaver warlords in the Ea subsector.
200: The Third Imperium to trailing and the spreading Aslan clans to spinward each expanded into the Deep at about the same time. The Reavers faded as ships of these two groups began to explore and conquer the Deep and the Aslan Border Wars broke out.
200-380: Kolath, a late Reaver kingdom, allies with the Imperium and serves as a springboard for Imperial expansion into the Deep.