Eep! I guess I need to read up on the era and on the area, eh?
Has SpaceBadger decided on a date for the campaign yet? Otherwise you'd have a bit of trouble reading up on the era.
Eep! I guess I need to read up on the era and on the area, eh?
Has SpaceBadger decided on a date for the campaign yet? Otherwise you'd have a bit of trouble reading up on the era.
One thing w going into the "past" like this; I've already decided that while I want it to fit in w published OTU at the point where we begin, from that point forward it is an ATU and if the players change "history" that is fine.
No, and I'm actually finding darn little to "read up on" the era anyways. Just the little bits and pieces we have discussed in this thread. So I'm really trying to decide where among those bits and pieces I can make up the stuff that I need for the campaign, without diverging from what is already published.
One thing w going into the "past" like this; I've already decided that while I want it to fit in w published OTU at the point where we begin, from that point forward it is an ATU and if the players change "history" that is fine.
My suggestion would be some time around -100, then.
Paul Sanders' Reaver's Deep Sector Sourcebook collected everything that Paul could find (plus an adventure by me). Unfortunately the book (and its companion books) were only published in 100 copies.
Much of the Long Night is very nearly a blank slate.
(As an aside...)
Amusingly enough, there is no stand-alone canonical Library Data entry for "Long Night". It only appears as part of other entries, or in timelines.
Well, it's amusing to me, anyway. ;-)
Weirdly enough, "Twilight" DOES have its own entry. Go figure.
Much of the historical writing that we have about The Long Night was written from the point of view of scholars living during the Third Imperium, and therefore uses Imperial dating, although the Third Imperium and its system of dating were not yet in existence at the time of the events recorded. Therefore, our first concern must be with what dating systems were in use at the time of the events recorded.
Following the collapse of the Second Imperium and beginning of the historic period known as The Long Night, dating systems in use in the area of the former Second Imperium varied primarily by politics, culture, and tradition. In areas where the cultural influence of the First Imperium outweighed that of the subsequent but shorter-lived Second Imperium, most worlds and multi-world governments reverted to the Vilani dating system. In areas where the influence of the Second Imperium remained strong (and particularly in those colonized from Terra during the Interstellar Wars and the Second Imperium), the Terran dating system continued to dominate. Throughout the whole area of the former Second Imperium, individual worlds and multi-world governments established their own dating systems based on such things as date of colonization, date of formation of the current government, or date of some other locally important event; however, for purposes of interstellar trade, even these tended to use either Vilani or Terran dating, whichever was dominant in the states around them.
(As an aside...)
Amusingly enough, there is no stand-alone canonical Library Data entry for "Long Night". It only appears as part of other entries, or in timelines.
Well, it's amusing to me, anyway. ;-)
Weirdly enough, "Twilight" DOES have its own entry. Go figure.
Does anyone know who did the entry for Coventry (RD 3207) in the wiki? It says it comes from the Traveller's Digest #16. How canon are the TDs? How close to the article is the information there?
True. In most of the timelines, they refer to the collapse of the Second Imperium in -1776 as "Twilight", then later on will refer to the general collapse of interstellar trade in human space about -1526 as "9 PM" which I have assumed means the real beginning of the historic "Long Night". At least, that is what I use it to mean in my timelines.
According to one reference I've seen recently, Twilight is the period, ranging from 150 to 250 years, when *something* that claimed to be the Rule of Man still existed, gradually shrinking from its inherited borders. When the lights finally went out completely, the Long Night began.
OK, thanks, Hans. Looking up the TD #16, it is labelled as a DGP, but I have no idea how precise that is. I asked because there's some discrepancy with respect to dates and such. So, we were wondering.Thomas did the original entry[*]. I'm pretty sure he quoted the article in TD16 verbatim. At a guess it's originally from one of the Gamelords publications, and so not under DGP copyright at all (but I could be wrong).
[*] There's a button marked 'View history' next to the edit button that'll show you these things.
But the lights never went out completely. There were still pockets of civilization all during the Long Night, and in my opinion, several probably claiming to be the legitimate remnants of the Second Imperium. (What should I call that? IMOTU?)
I just got the Twilight and 9 PM from the original Third Imperium setting article in Different Worlds #9.
Supp11 pg 25 said:Twilight (-1176 to -1536)
The failure of the Rule of Man triggered the collapse of most of interstellar civilization. While interstellar travel and commerce continued, it was at a greatly reduced rate, and many worlds of the Imperium turned in on themselves. The period of collapse is termed Twilight and lasted for two and a half centuries.
Modern historians consider Twilight to have begun in -1776 when the treasury on Hub/Ershur refused to acknowledge a monetary issue of the branch treasury at Antares, triggering a financial collapse and the destruction of large-scale trade within the Imperium.
The end of Twilight is commonly accepted as the year -1526, when the last governmental body claiming to be the Rule of Man ceased to exist.
But the lights never went out completely. There were still pockets of civilization all during the Long Night, and in my opinion, several probably claiming to be the legitimate remnants of the Second Imperium. (What should I call that? IMOTU?)
I just got the Twilight and 9 PM from the original Third Imperium setting article in Different Worlds #9.
Or you could look at the formulas used in the date template, which based upon the date conversion discussion. The date template formula are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate to a year.