I'm reading through Mongoose Traveller and ran into a question. I've checked my CT rules and T20 rules and didn't find the answer. My search-fu is not the greatest, so here I am. The question is this:
What percentage of unrefined fuel is lost in the process of refining it?
With every substance I know of the process of refining results in some amount of loss. I can see not worrying about the amount lost if you're skimming a gas giant as you factor that into the time spent refueling. However, processing the fuel from unrefined to refined should result in some amount of loss as you rid the fuel of undesirable elements.
Does anyone have a canon source, or even a home rule for this?
What percentage of unrefined fuel is lost in the process of refining it?
With every substance I know of the process of refining results in some amount of loss. I can see not worrying about the amount lost if you're skimming a gas giant as you factor that into the time spent refueling. However, processing the fuel from unrefined to refined should result in some amount of loss as you rid the fuel of undesirable elements.
Does anyone have a canon source, or even a home rule for this?