Indeed.And since nothing requires players to buy goods with low profit potential, I still think that the system makes it WAY too easy for players to make money by rolling a few dice and exploiting a defective system than by adventuring.
Almost all of my players have a lot of experience with Traveller and know the
trade system exceptionally well. If I would use the system as written, their
characters would earn the Megacredits faster than I could offer them ways
to spend them.
I have no problem with rich characters, but some players of such characters
tend to develop a habit of throwing money at all kinds of problems instead of
using their characters' skills to find a solution - if hiring a dozen experts or a
small fleet is easy, why leave the yacht and get your hands dirty ...
If money is too easy to earn, characters often "evolve" from adventurers to
adventurers' patrons, reducing their personal involvement as well as their per-
sonal risk, and while this may be nice for a short while, in the long run the old
"no risk, no fun" saying usually proves to be true in Traveller.