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Research Station Gamma


I've started the Twilight's Peak campaign but just come across a copy of Research Station Gamma which looks rather interesting and is a prequel to Twilight.

Does anyone have any tips for a successful mission or fond memories of games past to assist in my upcoming adventure?

Many thanks
Pick up the Secret of the Ancients (GDW) as the third part of the trilogy. Once there was a series of time lines that allowed one to use much of the Classic Adventures as an integrated whole...you might want to track that down.

Other advice...well, depends how experienced your players are with Traveller...

I would say to place strong emphasis on the alien nature of the little guy. Also, Alien Realms has an adventure set on the planet which you can play as a follow up where humans are the baddies. I would also draw more levels to RS Gamma with lots of wierd science that you could use later as potential red herrings or campaign leads.

Once there was a series of time lines that allowed one to use much of the Classic Adventures as an integrated whole...you might want to track that down..

I tried to google this but found nought:confused:, any ideas. I would REALLY like to see this.

Thanks, Dan.
RSG can be rather bland if played straight out of the box, but a bit of prep work turns it into a zingy mystery-adventure. Hew closely to Kafka47's advice.

Pick up the Secret of the Ancients (GDW) as the third part of the trilogy.

Some consider Shadows, from the Double Adventure, to be the prelude to the Research Station Gamma/Twilight's Peak/Secret of the Ancients trilogy.

Plus, there's a new little seed (side) adventure in The Traveller Adventure, where the March Harrier picks up a passenger that is connected with the trilogy.
Janitorial Robot (unarmed?)

Robots. You really learn to hate robots.

This was one of the most memorable gun combat sessions for my players. A lone Janitorial Robot scattered a team of six munchkins armed with SMGs, laser carbines and shotguns. Two were captured and 'treated' by the Veterinarian robots and the other four each choose a different corridor and split up sure that they had a better chance alone.

My players left this adventure with the idea that they needed to buy, steal or design ammo capable of taking out robots; it became an obsession. Unfortunately, anything that can take out an armored robot can endanger battledress which as we all know is a big Imperial No-No.
I read in TP that Shadows and Research Station Gamma were preludes to TP but I'm flipping through Shadows and can't see the connection other than the alien architecture. Is that it?

I'm looking forward to the robot fun!
I read in TP that Shadows and Research Station Gamma were preludes to TP but I'm flipping through Shadows and can't see the connection other than the alien architecture. Is that it?

I'm looking forward to the robot fun!

Remember that GDW tood a different approach to adventure design than did TSR. TSR wrote detailed scripts. GDW provided "sandboxes" for GMs to make their own.

Use Book 8 (or whatever you feel like) to make Shadows and RSG and the other two link together however you want.

It's like building your own adventure, but with a little help.

It's an invitation to GM creativity.
One of the main linking widgets was the coynes, and I believe one is found inside the Alien complex in Shadows. Now, the coynes are detailed in Twilight's Peak, but they would be a great basis to create a whole campaign upon, with the players finding one or two here and there, and then having a mysterious group shadowing the players who are also after the coynes.

Depends how much time and how many adventuring possibilities you have.
One of the main linking widgets was the coynes, and I believe one is found inside the Alien complex in Shadows. Now, the coynes are detailed in Twilight's Peak, but they would be a great basis to create a whole campaign upon, with the players finding one or two here and there, and then having a mysterious group shadowing the players who are also after the coynes.

That would certainly be one way to do it. Run he campaign TP style, where the players think they're just running around trading and getting into mischief as the plot of the campaign slowly reveals itself with the coyns.

The players could seek out an expert, and consult him. All of a sudden, the crew notices that they're being followed--the same ship seems to be in every port they go to. The GM adds a plot line about religious fanatics that worship the Ancients and are following the PCs who have the coyns. It's a little Dan Brown meets Traveller.

Just off the top of my head. :p
One thing I like about RSG is the TL of the planet. You've got a feudal government in a 1930's/40's technological environment. And, you've got an indig race that is treated like second class citizens and subject to predjudice.

Man, that's a heck of an enviornment for a creative GM to go crazy. Power hungry Dukes with early, first version tanks! Indigs with spears, masters of the local six-legged riding beast. A secret station out in the world's ocean.

If that's not the ingredients for a cool science fiction soup, I don't know what is.

The GM can take RSG and make it so much more than the bare basics that is presented.

Takes time, though. But, I think, the results will be worth it, especially with the bi-planes fly out across the ocean to escort the PC's air/raft as it makes its way to the station.
Thanks for all the great tips folks - I really like the world background and I'm looking forward to stranding the team there for a while.
If you need a visual I will blatantly self-promote and point out I recently posted an image of the RSG in the image gallery. As a bonus, it's twice the resolution I actually meant to upload!


Nothing else to add really. You are getting some great advice here. It's an a very evocative setting and I hope you and your players enjoy the adventure.
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Remember that after the adventure, you still have a nifty location you can tinker with, customize, and plop down in any setting. I can't tell you how many times I ripped off... er, re-purposed that tower through the years.

And yeah, the robots are fun to bedevil the players with! :devil:
I tried to google this but found nought:confused:, any ideas. I would REALLY like to see this.

Thanks, Dan.

I have seen a 1 page document which does just what you are after. I can't find it either.

However, have a look at http://dmckinne.winterwar.org/pdfs/TravellerIntegratedTimeline.pdf

It has more or less all the dates mentioned in any source. It references where they are mentioned. Just look for the adventure mentions and you should be set.

You should be able to reconstruct it yourself.
IIRC (and I may not) both The Kinunir and Twilight's Peak involved episodic adventures that were supposed to have some sidetreks take place in between them. Research Station Gamma was a great adventure to have as a sidetrek, if a bit big. The double adventures, particularly Shadows/Annic Nova, were ideally suited to this sort of thing. With a little work The Kinunir and Twilight's Peak could be woven together with Research Station Gamma and a few of the double adventures into quite a campaign all on its own.

Anyways, that's just from 25-year memories, my books are at home and I am at work. I hope that helps some ;)
