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Rim War forces?

Scimitar-class Fighter F-15-D, Solomani Navy

The 20ton Scimitar light fighter series is the commonest design in use for her size by the Solomani Confederation. The Scimitar-class medium fighter was in widespread service with Solomani forces, especially second line units, at the start of the Second Solomani Rim War. As the war progressed Scimitars were gradually pushed into first line units because of losses of more advanced types. Somewhat larger than the F14 Scorpion they could not use the launch tubes on Consort-class escort carriers, they were faster than the Scorpions, boasting a 5G capability.-Antony

Scimitar-class Fighter, Solomani Navy
Class: Smallcraft , F-20-D16
EP Output: 4 (1 excess)
Tech Level: 13
Single Fixed HP: Pulse laser, attack bonus +2 (+2USP) damage 2d10, range increment 45,000km.
Agility: 5 (+5 EP) Initiative: +5 (+5 agility)
Size: Small (20 tons)
Streamlining: Streamlined AF cylinder
AC: 27 (+5 agility, +1 size, +11 Armor)
AR: 11
SI: 85
Jump Range: 0 Acceleration: 5-G
Fuel: 4 tons Duration: 4 weeks
Repulsors: 0 Nuclear Dampers: 0 Meson Screens: 0 Black Globes: 0
Crew: 2
Staterooms: 0 Small Cabins: 0 Bunks: 0 Couches: 2 Low Berths: 0
Main Computer: Model/3 Sensor Range: Medium (Model/1) Comm. Range: Medium (Model/1)
Cargo Space: 0.05 dtons
Cost: Mcr27.46 (new)
Atmospheric Speeds: NoE = 1450kphCruising = 4350kph Maximum = 5800kph
Other Equipment: 2x SL grapples for 2x 7dtn Bomb-pumped Laser Missiles (Attack bonus +3 (+3USP),Damage 3d10+3d6, Range increment 90,000km. or 2x Recce/EW drone Missiles.
TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed) Ship’s Data (Commercial)

TL9 Design Specifications
Components Installed Size Cost EP Notes
15-ton streamlined AF cylinder +20 Mcr1.5 - -
Control surfaces -0.75 Mcr0.075 - -
Armor (11) -4.4 Mcr 5.5 - 0.4dtons/AR
Bridge Controls -0.3 Mcr0.1 - -
Model/3Computer -0.3 Mcr12.6 -1 EP Model/3
Flight Avionics -0.4 (Mcr0.9) - Model/1
Medium Range Sensors -0.9 (Mcr1.8) Model/3
Medium Range Communications -0.6 (Mcr1.5) - Model/3
5-G Acceleration -2.8 Mcr1.4 -1 EP -
TL-D Fusion Power Plant -4 Mcr12 +4 EP -
Fuel -4 - - -
2 Small Craft Couches -0.5 Mcr0.05 - -
1 Hard point - Mcr0.1 - -
Fixed Pulse Laser -1 Mcr1 -1EP -
Cargo - 0.05 - - -
Totals +0 Mcr 34.325(Mcr 27.46 with 20% standard design discount)

Armed Variants:
· Starfire F-20-D17 uses dual fixed Pulse laser,(Attack Bonus +3 [+3 USP], range increment 45,000km, damage 3d10); and a 4G acceleration, +5Agility. AR 12, AC 28) Cost: 30.325 Mcr/ 24.26 Mcr with discount. No external fitting for missiles. The F17 Starfire-class light fighter was designed at the same time as the F16 Scimitar class light fighter, with which it shares many components. Not as fast as the Scimitar, having a maneuver drive capable of 4G compared to the Scimitars 5G, the Starfire does carry a somewhat heavier armament in the form of two 50-Mj Laser Lances compared to the Scimitars single, and marginally armored better (AR 12 vs. AR 11).

Note: Created by Antony, COTI for TNE; converted to T20 By Liam Devlin, CoTI.
Wow I did do a lot didn't I.
Just had a look at Invasion Earth to see what TL levels the Imperium and the Solomani Confed.


No TL15 units.

Marines and regular army where TL14. 80% of the marines where TL14, with 10% from TL13 and TL12.

Imperial Army was solidly TL14 (70%)with 20% being TL13 and 10% at TL12.

Merc units were TL14-12 (with half being TL12 and the rest split evenly between TL13/14)

Imperial Colonial Forces where 50% TL12 with 10% ay TL13 and another 10% at TL14. Sadly 30% were still at TL11.

This agrees pretty well with the Imperium being a solid TL14 in its regular forces with second line units at TL13 and training / third line units at TL12. Colonial forces are mostly 1TL down from regular imperial forces (with the odd high tech exception).

Spinward marches campaign has a history of a battle squadron which gets new TL14 ships in the early 700s, where as book 8 says imperial scientists show off a new TL14 robot brain in 711ish.

It is worth noting that the TL14 AHL cruisers were still being built until the end of the war, and those in construction were finished. They operated until 1048 when the remaining vessels were placed in storage / made into auxiliaries. The AHLs started to be sold off from 1010, which implies the imperial fleet was updating from TL14 to TL15 from about 1010.


Solomani forces were 43% TL14, 42% TL13, 11% TL12, and 4% TL11.

It looks like they were still in the transition from TL13 to TL14. But the confederation was still part of the imperium in the 700s when the imperium reached TL14. I assume that the confederations activities in establishing human control of the solomani sphere, and its rimward colonies diluted the effort to increase the regions base TL to 14. I imagine the solomani rim at TL14, but the rimward sectors probably maxing out at TL13, with some backwater areas still only contributing TL12/TL11 units.

Hope that helps

I think part of the Solomani tech lag was its habit of colonising beyond the border of the official Solomani Sphere. This would certainly have drained resources from worlds close to the imperium.
The imperium was certainly at TL15 by 1078 as this is when the AHL conversions to Frontier Cruisers with TL15 componants began.
I think I read somewhere that the Imperial Navy used the Solomani Rim War and to a lesser extent the 3rd Frontier War and the resultant combat losses as an excuse to modernise the battleline to a TL15 standard.

Given that they started selling off AHLs from 1010 (2 to darrians, 2 to vega and 2 to commerical concerns). They sold off 4 more upto 1035, and the scouts got 5 in 1040. This suggests they are surplus to requirements as TL15 vessels are available. They would be about 50 years old at this time.

Now the Korriakkak battleships and atlantic HC are being sold off to client states and given to the scouts about the time of the FFW, it suggests they are about 50-60 years old, which means TL15 versions were built in 1040-1060 ish.

Supplement 9 says the Tigress is an older multi-purpose battleship and new think has battleships being battleships rather than multi-purpose. Are the Tigress battleships early TL15 warships built in say 1020's???

Food for thought.

Originally posted by Antony:
The imperium was certainly at TL15 by 1078 as this is when the AHL conversions to Frontier Cruisers with TL15 componants began.
The official date for the Imperium reaching TL 15 is 1000. Just what that means is open to interpretation. The very round dates (TL13: Year 300; TL 14: Year 700) [all dates are from Referee's Companion, p. 34]
suggest that these are dates selected after the facts by historians.

My own interpretetion is that these are the dates when a significant number of Imperial worlds had reached that TL. That does, of course, lead to a further question: What is 'a significant number'?

Now for some heretical thinking:

ATMTM (according to my twisted mind)
You need a big economy to support High TL Production. The processes of "interstellarization"
can be noticed from early TL11 onwards. Thus, to actually produce large TL 15 products such as starships, you need several worlds at TL 15, which do engage in trade. And you need a whole range of supporting worlds at lower TLs. Thus, when the Autonomous Region was cut of from Imperial Trade, the sollies couldn´t produce any more complex TL 14 Items, because many subproducers and specialized companies were situated on he other side of the border. So, while the huge 3I could quite easyly replace the Sollie owned production, after the war the Confeds needed a century, just to replace the Impie ones. So a century after the war, the Confederation is "still" at TL 14, while the impies gained 15. But nonetheless the Rim is still one of the highest Tech and Knowledge areas around. But most capital went into import substitution without any foreign direct investment taking place anymore.

Thus are the economic long-term effects of secession.
Here is one more Solomani Ship. (From FASA's Adventure Class Ships Vol. 2.)

T20 Starship Design Sheet Output

Endeavour - Endeavour Class Solomani Patrol Frigate
Designed by: FASA

600-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined
AC: 16 (14 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 4 (TL-14) SI: 175 Initiative: 2
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 403.47 MCr (504.338 MCr without discount)
Model/4 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Long Range Communications: Long Range
Cargo: 7.0-tons Passengers:
Annual Maintenance = 40.347 KCr (20.174 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 10.087 KCr/Month (100.868 KCr per year)

Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3)
Acceleration: 6-G Agility: 2
Power Plant: TL-14 Fusion (67 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-14, 6hrs per 200 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

Hardpoints: 6
1x Triple Missile Rack Turret TL-14 (2.4 missile magazines)
Missile +3 To Hit, 3d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km, Ammo: 12 missiles
Nuclear Missile +3 To Hit, 8d6 + 3d12 Radiation (17/x2), Range: 90,000km, Ammo: 36 missiles
4x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-14, +4 To Hit, 4d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
1x Barbette Particle Accelerator Turret TL-14, +2 To Hit, 2d12 (17/x1), Range: 30,000km

Ship's Vehicles:
1x 30-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:
12x Double Occupancy Stateroom (24 People)
6x Low Berth (6 People)
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
6x Engineer
6x Gunner
7x Security
1x Boat Pilot

The Endeavour class patrol frigate is a common sight along the Solomani Frontier. It is normally employed as a routine patrol and security craft, but on occasion is found on diplomatic missions and other special operations.
The Seventh Security person is the ship's "Commisioner of Security." Only the Commisioner of Security and the Captain have their own cabin.
Also remember that there is a Solomani Confed Navy warship that is detailed and well-documented in the CT Alien Module 6 Solomani:

The Solomani Type SM Cruiser ---- which is (according to one source) really more of a destroyer. 1000 tons. 10 hardpoints.

"Built on a 1000-ton hull, the Cruiser is used for piracy suppression, border patrols, convoy protection, and for minor naval actions."

Accel 4G
Crew: 22 (damn! what a tiny crew)
Streamlined: Yes

The Alien Module 6 is dated circa 1111. So I am assuming that the Type SM Cruiser is a ship of TL14 design. My hunch is that this ship is a "newer design" that did not fight in the Solomani Rim War. I could be wrong.
Originally posted by Qstor2:
What ever happened to this?

It's in limbo like most of the products in the QLI pipeline.

Hopefully Hunter will return or the TA's author will make other arrangements. I know Avenger, MJD's new publishing effort, has released items from other authors that had been penciled in as QLI releases.

If worse comes to worse, perhaps Avenger will provide a home for the orphaned QLI products?

Have fun,
I would love to have published it via Avenger, but Hunter bought the rights to it. It included the 4-3 "canon" Sollie ships from the Solomani Alien Module. I can tell you what else was in it though if people want to know.
Avenger is already a home for orphaned QLI products. We have a pile of them releasing in the next 6 months, including the first 2 1248 Sourcebooks.
We've already released Flynn's two Robot supplements, and have a Patron Encounters book being posted this week. System Book 2: Flexos is due to be posted this week as well, as is the first GATEWAY DOMAIN CLUSTERBOOK: The Megusard Corporate.
The Stoner Cluster book will also hopefully be posted this year...