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SOC-14 1K
Name: Heavy Hauler
Class: Robofreighter
Cost: MCr1007.5
Hull: 5000T, custom (unstreamlined)
Jump Drive: W (jump-1)
Maneuver Drive: W (1-G)
Power Plant: W
Weapons: One double turret mounts 1 beam laser and one sandcaster
1 robot center (4 tons)
Cargo Capacity: 4169

Ship's Computer: 2bis
Auto evade-1

Plus the . . .
Automatic Freighter Computer
Designed by Kurega Gikur, produced by Naasirka.
TLC-3174 310A0-00-MM117-3174 Cr360,700
45 liters, 45kg
TL=12 Batteries .75hour
High Data/Basic Command O.S.
5/30 CPU with 17 free Processing units
38/0 Storage stack (maxed out)
10/25 (mesh)
Apparent Intelligence: 7
Apparent Education: 4

1 voder
1 power interface, 1 brain interface, 1 program interface
1 master unit
1 radio (5000km)
1 holo display (3D)

Software Package.
Pilot-2, Navigaor-2
Ship's Boat-2, Electronic-1, Mechanical-1, Engineering-2, Communications-1

(Designed to operate with six Repair-Maintenance Drones by the Sidur Haski Design Consortium.)
The Tureka Robofreighter is designed to operate without a human crew along secure and well patrolled routes.