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Type Y2 and Y3 Yacht

I assume it has 1G M-Drives. I think that performance combo will only work in GT. In CT, you are using 60 tons for jump fuel and 20 tons for the bridge, which doesn't leave enough room for the actual drives and a stateroom. It also won't quote fit in a 100 ton hull in MgT either. No idea about orher Traveller versions.

100 Td Hull
10020 Bridge
20 JD C=6
60 Fuel 1J6
01 model 1bis
20 bridge
20 JD C=6
13 PP C=6
60 Fuel 1J6
60 Fuel PP6
07 model 6
20 bridge
07 JD 6
06 PP 6
60 Fuel 1j6
06 fuel 1 month Power
07 model 6
101 +18086
200020 bridge
035 JD F=6
120 Fuel 1j6
001 Model 1/bis
020 Bridge
035 JD F=6
022 PP F=6
120 JFuel 1j6
060 PFuel P6
007 Model 6
020 bridge
014 JD j6
012 PP P6
120 Fuel 1j6
012 fuel 4 weeks
007 Model 7

This shows the issue with small jump-6 ships. Just required systems are shown, not counting crew staterooms (in case one wants to use Bk8 to replace crew).
100 Td Hull
10020 Bridge
20 JD C=6
60 Fuel 1J6
01 model 1bis
20 bridge
20 JD C=6
13 PP C=6
60 Fuel 1J6
60 Fuel PP6
07 model 6
20 bridge
07 JD 6
06 PP 6
60 Fuel 1j6
06 fuel 1 month Power
07 model 6
101 +18086
200020 bridge
035 JD F=6
120 Fuel 1j6
001 Model 1/bis
020 Bridge
035 JD F=6
022 PP F=6
120 JFuel 1j6
060 PFuel P6
007 Model 6
020 bridge
014 JD j6
012 PP P6
120 Fuel 1j6
012 fuel 4 weeks
007 Model 7

This shows the issue with small jump-6 ships. Just required systems are shown, not counting crew staterooms (in case one wants to use Bk8 to replace crew).

I'm also assuming 1-G maneuver drives, which make things tougher.

Dropping down to Jump-5 helps a bit.
T5 would have 77 t for fuel and machinery J-6 M-1, subject to Advanced -ultimate model modification according to TL. Since J-6 is TL15, do not expect a gain here at TI's TL.

For the remaining 23 dT, T5 will ask you to add every bell and fitting but, no more 20t of % based bridge. T5 allows you to have a "bridge" with a single cramped console: 0.5 dt and a 0.5 dt computer; with a crew + courrier space of 2 dt: 0.5 for the shared fresher, 0.5 for the med console and 0.5 for each spacer bunk. Your crew may become insane and will have miserable success modifiers, but you sure could "sardine can" them in T5.

have fun


OOPS..... damn memory .... J 6 = C J-drive = 20 t + 60 T j-fuel + 6 t pp fuel+ 10 C Poplant= 2 t Mdrive = 98 t.

Here is another online copy of the 100t J-6 yacht what was in the SJG Nobility volume edited by Loren Wiseman:


I post it only so you see what I was talking about. It would be an interesting ship for a very rich noble/megacorp boss to have as a hobby. Also it would a prefect ship for an Intel agent or long range scout to have, to do a deep penetration and get the heck out of dodge ship.

I have an idea for an adventure. Its about a series of solar sail races that nobles and other rich and famous of the imperium entertain themselves with. Its a set of lets say 6 races in ten different star systems over the course of a year. Each race would be 30-45 days in running in a given star system. There would a defined courses that the race took and each ship would be expected to say within or else be eliminated from the race. Kind of an "America's cup" in space.

The rules of the races, is that each craft be no more than 35 tons. There can be only non-G thrusters to maneuver, but the main means of propulsion of the craft need be a solar sail. The style of the sail may vary. There also needs to be emergency avionics (but once used the craft is out of the race--the same is true for use of the non-G maneuver thrusters). The ship is powered for life support and to support the mechanical operation of the sail (its deployment, retrieval, and configuration and control of the sail). Although portable hand held computer navigation aids are allowed any attempt to link them directly to the ship would be automatic grounds for elimination from the race.

Each ship would have to have 1 ton special race control system [that is inspected by race officials the day of the race and inspected at the end of the race] that linked to the ships avionics [so any attempt to link an outside computer to the avionics would be recorded and flagged and the ship will broadcast signal that it is out of the race]. The device is something controlled by the racing body running each race and installed by the given racing body on days before the race as ship's register and get inspected for qualification. So the only thing the ship needs is a slot of lets say to hold say .1 ton for such a device.

In case of emergency where their would require an reentry into atmosphere, the ship's hull must have enough thickness and have enough proper heat shielding for such a reentry and also must have at least reentry parachute (and backup parachute) to allow for safe landing.

I am not familiar enough with T5 rules about the size of such avionics... But the sail and the reentry parachutes and the space/weigh they would compose of the craft's total weight. So any suggestions or hints I would be thankful for.


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