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Ropleplayers versus Gearhead/grognards

Ropleplayers versus Gearheads which are you?

  • I roleplay and do gearhead stuff.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Liam Devlin

SOC-14 5K
Hiya out there, wee Liam Devlin here. Some of you maybe wondering why I'm posting topics having to do with RPing lately in LoneStar Lounge. Or waging a "war" of words" in character/ in reports with TJ, along with George, Rabid Vargr, and a few others (Random Static Page).
I get worried when I see tons of posts about gadgets and gizmos and a handful on the actual roleplaying part of the game. Or why call it an R-P-G?
So, to test the waters, and see what lies beyond them, I'll be asking a few questions, 'Kay?

Compliance with the poll, and not writing, is okay, if yer shy. Or embarassed. Or don't feel like it. I understand.;)
To explain my vote:

I have not been able to play due to lack of free time. If I had time I would definitely be in the group playing column.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
I get worried when I see tons of posts about gadgets and gizmos and a handful on the actual roleplaying part of the game. Or why call it an R-P-G?
I answered gearhead and roleplayer (Any reason there wasn't a "gearhead only" option, BTW?) though probably not in the way you meant. I'm a Trav gearhead, and roleplay mostly other games these days (Currently doing swashbuckling fantasy using the Unknown Armies system.) I've tried to hook my group into Trav, but it's not really their thing and I don't have time to do two games.

As to why people don't talk as much about the RP side of their gaming, I think it's largely that it's more potentially embarassing to talk about. RP events that were great fun in game often look silly if you don't know all the history and background. That's a lot more effort to write, and a lot more personal as well.
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
I get worried when I see tons of posts about gadgets and gizmos and a handful on the actual roleplaying part of the game. Or why call it an R-P-G?
I answered gearhead and roleplayer (Any reason there wasn't a "gearhead only" option, BTW?) though probably not in the way you meant. I'm a Trav gearhead, and roleplay mostly other games these days (Currently doing swashbuckling fantasy using the Unknown Armies system.) I've tried to hook my group into Trav, but it's not really their thing and I don't have time to do two games.

As to why people don't talk as much about the RP side of their gaming, I think it's largely that it's more potentially embarassing to talk about. RP events that were great fun in game often look silly if you don't know all the history and background. That's a lot more effort to write, and a lot more personal as well.
Well Tom, Lemme see, I misspelled Roleplayer in the title, and I should have had a 3rd option in question 1. (Are You a gearhead only?). I was up since yesterday, I'm fading now..worked all night, and at the time I was trying to finish up before closing off the comp at work at 0715. No excuse for haste.

As for the embarassment? Hell lad, we're practically anonymous here with call signs/ handles/ emoticons etc. well over half of us don't have a photo of ourselves on the profile (me, for the lack of a scanner, alas--c'mon Christmas!).
How can you be embarassed? :confused:
I dunno even what TJ looks like (and I'll pass for a four day weekend with LisaGB any day over that--sorry TJ, you'd do me the same!) ;)
I just see a trend here that I find disturbing. Too much talk about the gidgets, gadgets at times, and not enough of how you used em, what was so funny, etc in the game. Role playing means "playing a role"--where you get to write your characters own script, and actions. The GM supplies plot, and scenery, and those annoying mundane folk who get in your way every day.
Make believe, acting, all I'm saying is we're looking like way too widget happy and steering at times towards too much gadgetry tinkering. Balance--thats what I don't see.
Clue: T-20's ship designs are gonna be smooth transitions for CT/ HG players...no heavy detail MT, or TNE.
Its a ship, it gets ya where ya gonna go..but the ship doesn't sell the cargo, offload the loot from the stash, or dicker with he repai dogs when she's broke--THE PLAYERS roleplaying do all the rest of it.
Too many widgets makes for monty-haulism.
I'd rather have a PC with good NPC contacts, relationships, mentors, then a FGMP-15 and an Empress Grav carrier any day.

Okay, I'm off the box now.. Thanks tom, for paying attention, and responding. (No, I'm not flaming--I'm explaining),'Kay?

Next! ;)
Reluctant gearhead-only here. My old gaming group was so tightly knit and idiosyncratic that ever since we splintered (over 5 years ago now -- 9 members now in 8 cities in 6 states) I haven't had the heart to try and start over with a bunch of strangers. Plus as a busy adult I no longer have the sort of time I once did to devote to this stuff.

So nowadays my 'gaming experience' consists of odd moments -- reading and posting to boards like this while I'm supposed to be working, occasionally reading new game-books (or old ones I never got around to the first time), rarely devoting an odd evening to ship designs, world write-ups, or rulesy tinkering.

So while my sympathies lie squarely with the roleplayers -- the people who actually play the game that's meant to be played -- in practice I must admit I've become a de facto member of the opposite camp -- a fusty old grognard.
Well Liam just to let you know there are role-players out there who will be willing to tell a story or two. As you know from my posts I like to write about HOW the technology affects the universe, as well as thinking in terms of "hmm how will this make my game more interesting"
Yet, I do understand the plight of those on this list who are lurking, afraid to post and feel that their writing is not up to snuff.
Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but here goes.
I have been writing for a living one way or another for the past 6 years. Now you won’t find any of my work published anywhere, except in a professor’s back file or in old yellowed copies of the school newspaper. Yet, I did not consider myself a writer. An amateur yet produced playwright of my acquaintance told me that he is the same way. He hates to write, but if he doesn’t he goes crazy. He also said that only by doing it more do you get any good at it.
That aside, I have found my self more willing to write here in this discussion group because it is fun, mostly anonymous, and on a topic I love. I have also found that there is an audience for what I have to say.
For those of you who have not yet posted, I would encourage you to write in. The silly anecdote you have to share that your family DOES NOT get about the Hiver and the Jump drive (What do bees have to do with a hopping car?) will definitely inspire a few chuckles if not gales of laughter.
(Little trick I use to make it look like I know what the heck I am doing, I write all my posts, cut all the text and paste it into the word processor of choice and spell check and grammar check it, then cut and paste it into the reply box on the CotI webpage. Really does make it look I actually deserve the college degree I got!)
Keep the Faith Baby!
I wouldn't consider myself learned enough about history or physics or motorcycle repair to be a Grognard or Gearhead.

Traveller and traveller anecdotes requests lend themself (for me) to debates about trav history or discusions of gadgets simply because I don't have much actual Traveller RP experience to call upon. Right now I belong to a university gaming group which seems pretty active with first year types (silly frosh) Thanks to joining that club two years ago I have a couple of friends I feel like i've known a lifetime.

The only regular long runing game I've played in the past year has been A D&D 3rd ed. game that meets about once every 3 weeks for four hours. We aren't the most RP intensive gamers by far but we have fun.

Given the above, yeah I tend to talk about cool traveller things rather than Cool traveler rp.

Cool rp happened, some of it happened in traveller but it also occured in Top Secret, Star Wars, D&D(of various editions), Champions,World of Darkness and Marvel SuperHeroes.
Well i'm the RP type. But i do like to get my fingers dirty with some gearhead stuff now and again. But it really tends to be so my character can do his/her job easier.

I just cross posted this to the proper thread...sorry about that gang...I like being an Ancient...grin.

The Man Behind the Curtain
T Foster:Reluctant gearhead-only here. My old gaming group was so tightly knit and idiosyncratic that ever since we splintered (over 5 years ago now -- 9 members now in 8 cities in 6 states) I haven't had the heart to try and start over with a bunch of strangers. Plus as a busy adult I no longer have the sort of time I once did to devote to this stuff.
I know, lad. T-groups 1 -3 are scattered and I have moved myself, been deployed twice since then 99 the last big group. I have three new gamers now (4 when Ms Margaret wants to involve herself).
My days are full. I haven't played Traveller since college (85), But GM'd a lot since then, and written too. You can get another group. Painful as it may seem, if you want it bad enough, you can move mountains.

Father Fletch, yer a gem. I know the writing thing all too well. But I also try to encourage others as well. Praise on some lists is "like wetting yourself in a dark suit. You get a warm wonderful feeling, but nobody notices".(-Charles Schultz btw).
SO thank you. You inspire me, as I'm sure I have inspired a few here. Aye, its not the Flame I worry about keeping, its the Faith. Faith in others abilities I see but they do not(yet).
Garf, You have Rping experience, might not be in Trav, but you've done it. Thats all that counts really. The rest is time, and sessions yet to be, yet to come. My apologies if I sounded contentious. Flaming isn't my style.
If yer an ass, I tend to ignore you. I won't answer yer posts. I don't need to "get even" and flame you to cinders--If you want abuse, go to the TML list. Plenty of there if you want it.
Here at least we gather and discuss civilly what we hold dear.
And I thank you for your response, Garf. I hope we've all learned something today. Myself included. ;)
No need for apologies. I hope inturn that I didn't sound fractious myself. That wasn't my intent.

You do however raise a good point. One I noticed myself and why I tended to ease off on my "thing" postings. Gun debates have pretty much been done to death.
Originally posted by Garf:
No need for apologies. I hope inturn that I didn't sound fractious myself. That wasn't my intent.

You do however raise a good point. One I noticed myself and why I tended to ease off on my "thing" postings. Gun debates have pretty much been done to death.
'Kay. You weren't fractious.

And silly me, I posted an non roleplaying subject about a pistol & Rifle match!
I think that basic RP skills are almost taken for granted, or if not, they are adequately covered by Johnn Four's RPGtips or some of the more general RP sites. "Gear," however, tends to be setting- and game-specific. The a great deal of printed Traveller rules either details vehicle/ship generation or pre-generated stats.

Also, most roleplaying occurs during game sessions, and is done on the fly. People post to this forum between sessions, when they are doing "gearhead" stuff, rather than roleplaying. I would suggest that it is a good thing that the forums haven't degenerated into a GNS flamewar like I have seen on other sites.
Originally posted by Craig:
I think that basic RP skills are almost taken for granted, or if not, they are adequately covered by Johnn Four's RPGtips or some of the more general RP sites. "Gear," however, tends to be setting- and game-specific. The a great deal of printed Traveller rules either details vehicle/ship generation or pre-generated stats.

Also, most roleplaying occurs during game sessions, and is done on the fly. People post to this forum between sessions, when they are doing "gearhead" stuff, rather than roleplaying. I would suggest that it is a good thing that the forums haven't degenerated into a GNS flamewar like I have seen on other sites.
I am not advocating a flame war Craig. The playful "in character sport, I mention at the beginning of this list is a play, acted out by 4 members of this forum, but as a Trav adventure, not just silly name calling.

You miss my point. a classic forest for the trees lad. True, roleplaying tends to happen at game sessions MOSTLY.

But it shouldn't PREVENT you from talking about the good, funny, or touching moments that occur(ed)there. I can't sit in on every GM's game that comes to this forum. Nor they mine. But they, an their players come to it.

1300 some odd members on this list, yet only a handful had good enough times to talk about it? Thats my point. Balance, not an overthrow. We can't just run out of here into some pub, hoist a mug and brag what are PCs just did last wekend to the mundane world. We come to places like here. If thats not your cuppa tea, I'm sorry Craig. I respect your points. I can see where you're at, and where your' coming from.

I ask you though.

Can you see my view as easily?
Oi, Ya tossed Grognard in the title, but failed to poll on it. I am a Roleplayer and a Grognard. Not much on the gearhead, though. I prefer to let others crank out the gadgets, maps and ships. If I like'em, I'll use'em. I guess that makes me a scavenger...

I do try to focus on the roleplay portion of RPG's. Not so much the ruleplay, or the rollplay.
Originally posted by Maspy:
Oi, Ya tossed Grognard in the title, but failed to poll on it. I am a Roleplayer and a Grognard. Not much on the gearhead, though. I prefer to let others crank out the gadgets, maps and ships. If I like'em, I'll use'em. I guess that makes me a scavenger...

I do try to focus on the roleplay portion of RPG's. Not so much the ruleplay, or the rollplay.
Thats what comes from posting an idea when yer half a wake MAspy. (Look at how I spelled things! Oi!)
I prefer roleplayers over rollmeisters & ruleslawyers too.
A wee note of clarification on my selections.

I am a role-player first, foremost, above all, and at it’s heart. Role-playing is why I got here. I build systems out of dust for fun and a ship or two when I need ‘em. After FF&S was released I built a few gauss weapons. Still, I am a role-player first, foremost, above all, and at it’s heart.
N2S, so noted.
Hey even I turned my hand to gearheading when the Pcs anted to know--just what all could the ship do if XYZ was turned off? SO I had to flesh out my HG sketch with FF&S. Hardest is the first time. Easier the second & third.
But I won't give up the main focus-the interaction of players with the plot and story. (And of course, the chaos of dice that set the outcomes on certain choices of actions).
Thank you for your response, sir!
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
I prefer roleplayers over rollmeisters & ruleslawyers too.[/QB]
I know what you mean. I've gamed with one of the all time worst ruleslaywer for the last 21 years. We've had games held up so much that I've wanted to jump across the table & strangle the s*** out of him.Thing he's great roleplayer & gm too.
Bob Brown
Warriaor Knight posted: " know what you mean. I've gamed with one of the all time worst ruleslaywer for the last 21 years. We've had games held up so much that I've wanted to jump across the table & strangle the s*** out of him.Thing he's great roleplayer & gm too.
Bob Brown '

Next time you have him hold up a game (with rules-lawyering(no offense Elliot!), do the Roadrunner "beep-beep" noise, and say, "Scuse me, 'My karma ran over your dogma', can we "play"now?"
:confused: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Bruce:
Well i'm the RP type. But i do like to get my fingers dirty with some gearhead stuff now and again. But it really tends to be so my character can do his/her job easier.

I just cross posted this to the proper thread...sorry about that gang...I like being an Ancient...grin.

The Man Behind the Curtain

Thank you Bob/Bruce. :D I dinnae mind. Glad you "weighed in". ;)