SOmething that was not brought up earlier... two things in fact.
On the note of taking care of POWs because you would assume that the other side would be as hospitable (as stated of the opinon of the thread creator) you are wrong.
During WW2 we(the US) treated our POWs well as did the Germans, French, and Commonwealth. However the Japanese did not. May I remind you of the Bataan Deathmarch? Of the Code of Bushido stating something along the lines of those who surrender have no honor and can be merclessly killed as seen fit?
Now Moving on to the statement about the Solimoni's not wiping Earth out as that would be like the French wiping out Paris. I also beg to differ on this as it has happened before. I don't know the exact date... but Winter in Russia, Nepolean, Moscow burning by the Czar's command... someone get out the marshmellows!
Personally as for the exact rules of war that the Imperium has, I think Mister Bill Cameron hit it on the spot. Tribunnels I would not think would exist at large and if they do see little use. The Nuremburg Trials were still going on 3 years after V-E Day and any Tribunel really would be as well.
On the note of taking care of POWs because you would assume that the other side would be as hospitable (as stated of the opinon of the thread creator) you are wrong.
During WW2 we(the US) treated our POWs well as did the Germans, French, and Commonwealth. However the Japanese did not. May I remind you of the Bataan Deathmarch? Of the Code of Bushido stating something along the lines of those who surrender have no honor and can be merclessly killed as seen fit?
Now Moving on to the statement about the Solimoni's not wiping Earth out as that would be like the French wiping out Paris. I also beg to differ on this as it has happened before. I don't know the exact date... but Winter in Russia, Nepolean, Moscow burning by the Czar's command... someone get out the marshmellows!
Personally as for the exact rules of war that the Imperium has, I think Mister Bill Cameron hit it on the spot. Tribunnels I would not think would exist at large and if they do see little use. The Nuremburg Trials were still going on 3 years after V-E Day and any Tribunel really would be as well.