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Knoellighz Polity Heraldry

Tonight on this edition of Net-7 News,

Knoellighz Sector heraldry is a point of pride for the various empires of Vargr living on the frontier.

The Ascendancy Pact's standard features a planet grasped from below and held loosely and protectively, guarded possessively with claws. The world seems raised up in praise and value. "We ascend together," is the polity's slogan.

The Democracy of Greats features a sun disk of seven, spiraling spokes representing the elected and charismatic Greats even as seven circular saw teeth threaten to shred outside the great disk. A sense of unity even as each does their part to defend the polity.

Upper canine fangs of the Infinity League bite and sink into a symbol for infinity, a declaration of the perpetuity of the Vargr in Knoellighz Sector forever.

A moon is plotted and aligned in the upper right orbit over a host planet. Exacting precision is valued by the Vargr of the Oculus Alignment. "Our worlds see eye-to-eye."

Against the four circles of the Zhodani Consulate, the Vargr of Knoellighz Sector proudly breach into the vastness of the Coreward frontier.

Live from neutral crossroads and technology nexus Serue (Knoellighz 1221), this is the Pakkrat for Net-7 News.
Note that there are other sectors up there that are similarly messed up. I've been looking at some of them, but haven't attempted to clean house... except for one: Ngathksirz Sector. It's in review, but I hope to submit it to Travellermap after that.

There are actually three "riddled with problems" issues as I see them with those sectors.

(1) The main riddling is in duplicate data: the identical UWP line shows up in multiple locations on a sector, and this happens a lot.

(2) The second riddling is that the data follows Jo Grant's variant of Traveller's UWP generation system. So if I understand correctly, it's not even following MegaTraveller or TNE rules.

(3) The third riddling is that the TL distribution is skewed so that TL16 worlds are on the curve. Could be Rebellion-era data, but it might just be the way the UWP generation code worked. It's not as bad as Gushemege, but friends, it is wrong, and it should not be so.

Specifically: 110 UWP lines are duplicates except for the hex number.

29% of the entries:

[SIZE=1][FONT=courier new](2) Aedoughz       xxxx C528558-8    Ni                 102 Ve M8V M6D
(2) Aeknanggvigz   xxxx D648200-3  C Lo Ni              101 Ve F6V
(2) Agaesaegoengoe xxxx E8B1767-2    Fl                 300 Ve K9V M4D
(3) Aghueghrrunkue xxxx E383300-4  C Lo Ni              402 Ve F1V
(2) Azknigoenggzue xxxx C363973-7  C Hi In              530 Ve F1V M8D
(2) Dhoensueghzeg  xxxx C787978-5  G Hi In              313 Ve F9V M8D
(3) Dhurraengikhso xxxx A9A1114-C    Fl Lo Ni           400 Ve M2II
(2) Digouellouefat xxxx A422977-A  G Hi In Na Po        904 Ve F6V
(2) Dokaengvuell   xxxx C120555-7    De Ni Po           702 Ve M0III M
(4) Duekfukfueg    xxxx E575363-1  C Lo Ni              400 Ve F3V
(2) Dugokhsgvuk    xxxx C85A425-9    Ni Wa              612 Ve F1V
(3) Dunough        xxxx C9B7100-5  C Fl Lo Ni           224 Ve M6V M6D
(2) Dutirrghuts    xxxx C785577-2  G Ag Ni              715 Ve F8V M3D
(2) Dzoeghe        xxxx A666157-C  G Lo Ni              301 Ve M4V
(3) Dzoukfeku      xxxx E643357-6  C Lo Ni Po           224 Ve F3V
(2) Dzuerroghuegvo xxxx C253562-7  G Ag Ni Po           401 Ve K4V
(2) Egaerrgzaeng   xxxx B457746-9    Ag                 311 Ve F0V M0D
(2) Furongasue     xxxx C89A649-5  C Ni Wa              714 Ve F8V M3D
(2) Ghaduengoekaev xxxx A310133-B  G Lo Ni              202 Ve M4V M4V
(2) Ghaerksaerr    xxxx C45667A-6  G Ag Ni              704 Ve F8V M0D
(2) Ghillanikhokhs xxxx C888978-6    Hi In              303 Ve K7V M0D
(2) Ghillounksogun xxxx E456876-4                       702 Ve F8V
(2) Ghoetsnours    xxxx D2358BA-6  G                    402 Ve F8V
(2) Ghoguegaekueun xxxx C462133-9    Lo Ni              802 Ve F4V M4D
(4) Ghongsaenua    xxxx A899200-F  G Lo Ni              112 Ve K0V
(2) Ghorruenuloeku xxxx A210652-B  G Na Ni              603 Ve M2V M0D
(2) Ghuetsaghoz    xxxx B404454-A  G Ic Ni Va           715 Ve G2V
(2) Ghukhuenuelaez xxxx E432678-8    Na Ni Po           802 Ve M0V
(3) Gidhurr        xxxx B658872-6  G                    800 Ve F5V
(3) Goeghztekhs    xxxx B100688-A    Na Ni Va           424 Ve F1V M8D
(2) Gotsdhakoengza xxxx A69A524-E    Ni Wa              104 Ve F1V
(3) Gzaekhu        xxxx C120215-8    De Lo Ni Po        212 Ve M5V
(2) Gzaghaou       xxxx D342464-7  G Ni Po              701 Ve F5V
(2) Kaeghziksaegku xxxx A503100-D    Ic Lo Ni Va        800 Ve M0V
(2) Kako           xxxx B755968-C  G Hi In              501 Ve G0V
(2) Ketsaetsirr    xxxx B440336-8    De Lo Ni Po        312 Ve G4V M5D
(2) Kfoegha        xxxx C564734-5  G Ag                 103 Ve F0V
(3) Kfoutuaeghitse xxxx C434434-9    Ni                 202 Ve M2V M4V
(2) Kfungarrghaezo xxxx C310553-5  C Ni                 500 Ve K2III
(2) Khaegaeghgoegh xxxx E3007CB-7  C Na Va              403 Va M7II
(2) Khaerrgoe      xxxx B748778-6  G Ag                 100 Ve F3V
(2) Khau           xxxx C554445-6    Ni                 303 Ve K6V
(2) Khuekhsaetaer  xxxx D120963-8  G De Hi In Na Po     403 Ve F7V
(2) Khughesue      xxxx E553567-7  C Ag Ni Po           804 Ve F4V
(2) Knothuen       xxxx E898000-6  C Ba Lo Ni           402 Ve F7V
(3) Kodzaegaeaetso xxxx B402751-8    Ic Na Va           702 Ve M8V
(2) Kueknoukhskhig xxxx D559542-6    Ni                 427 Ve F7V M3D
(2) Kughaerrgorrko xxxx C657540-8    Ag Ni              604 Ve G2V
(2) Laeonguekhsur  xxxx C200434-B  C Ni Va              301 Ve M3II
(2) Lingranae      xxxx B521678-5  C Na Ni Po           202 Ve M4V
(2) Llaathal       xxxx A864551-B  G Ag Ni              303 Ve F3V
(2) Llaerztsoenogh xxxx B8B389D-6  G Fl                 300 Ve K7V
(2) Lodae          xxxx D673666-5  G Ag Ni              313 Ve F2V
(2) Nesegezzur     xxxx B100668-B  C Na Ni Va           203 Ve K6V
(2) Nofuegoekiks   xxxx B954688-4    Ag Ni              400 Ve F6V
(2) Noghghog       xxxx C759776-5  G                    502 Ve F1V
(2) Ogountsuez     xxxx B220423-A    De Ni Po           644 Ve G3V M6D
(2) Ollaek         xxxx E255844-3  C                    901 Ve F0V
(4) Osatsae        xxxx C8C85AC-5    Fl Ni              810 Ve M3V
(2) Otsougvongvaer xxxx B745879-8                       713 Ve F4V
(2) Oudoegourz     xxxx A436876-E  G                    500 Ve F2V
(4) Raiuue         xxxx E401559-6  C Ic Ni Va           505 Ve M1D M5D
(2) Rekllaegueaekh xxxx B225466-B  G Ni                 906 Ve M8V M8D
(2) Rikekhs        xxxx B431458-B    Ni Po              702 Ve M0V
(2) Roullsil       xxxx A302957-E  G Hi Ic Na Va        310 Ve F0V
(2) Rraekang       xxxx E34479A-2  C Ag                 814 Ve K0V M7D
(2) Rraekghaghoedu xxxx A555576-A    Ag Ni              902 Ve M0V M7D
(2) Rrusaeghuekags xxxx C9B2221-5    Fl Lo Ni           104 Ve K2V
(2) Rukhidz        xxxx B696230-8    Lo Ni              904 Ve F4V M2D
(3) Thaerraelodhae xxxx CA7A450-A  G Ni Wa              802 Ve F2V M4D
(3) Thaggvanarr    xxxx B220335-B  G De Lo Ni Po        900 Ve M0V M3D
(3) Thalaldik      xxxx C6586A9-2    Ag Ni              104 Ve F0V M3D
(3) Thoo           xxxx B989587-8    Ni                 102 Ve F1V
(3) Tsagoulli      xxxx C201862-6    Ic Na Va           501 Ve F9V
(2) Tsogzzaekso    xxxx E140586-4  C De Ni Po           125 Ve K9V M7D
(2) Tsukhozi       xxxx A635743-7  G                    612 Ve M2V M1D
(3) Ueguzangngurzi xxxx A544868-5  G                    601 Ve M6V
(2) Uengdhoengaeng xxxx E746516-0  C Ag Ni              703 Ve F0V M2D
(4) Ueraegho       xxxx B855165-6  G Lo Ni              603 Ve F3V
(2) Ughighorrghaer xxxx C200696-5    Na Ni Va           501 Ve M0V
(2) Ugorueg        xxxx B559543-A    Ni                 203 Ve F0V M2D
(2) Villaegva      xxxx B663688-5  G Ag Ni              411 Ve F3V
(2) Vuelluerzkfan  xxxx E310677-7  C Na Ni              104 Ve M7V M7D
(3) Zorodusae      xxxx B65A978-9    Hi In Wa           913 Ve F8V

Perhaps I should pave over the unreviewed V&V sectors with XXXXXXX-X placeholders like I did for the S&A sectors. John G. Wood's dataset was as awesome thing to plug in when TM was new but I can be more picky now.
Knoellighz UWP

Perhaps I should pave over the unreviewed V&V sectors with XXXXXXX-X placeholders like I did for the S&A sectors. John G. Wood's dataset was as awesome thing to plug in when TM was new but I can be more picky now.

I will immediately list, as soon as I can, the valid and older UWP of Knoellighz Sector with the ones I rolled up with the Mongoose Traveller. Keep in mind that I have only the hex, name, UWP, some (not all) Travel Codes, Gas Giant(s) presence and Allegiance.

Another consideration for my submitted data is that I personally felt this to be a frontier sector and as such took a -1 or -2 DM on Population rolls the further Coreward. From my initial analysis of the sector, this does not cause disbelief as the worlds 'feel' right for a frontier edge of exploration. While I am aware of Ghoekhnael Sector just Coreward of Knoellighz, I felt that the one I am working on was a frontier edge of civilized Vargr space. Ghoeknael feels like a fluke with a Vargr empire way out there in the black, like some black sheep scapegoat polity. This is why I focused upon Knoellighz Sector. It has more story to tell than Ghoeknael in my opinion.

Again, this is a submission of UWP data. Feel free to put it on TravellerMap as a gift to the community. Knoellighz, to me at least, has some story to tell starting 1105 through 1200.

Via satellite, this is the Pakkrat, transmitting from Serue (Knoellighz 1221).
Democracy of Greats

On the scene everywhere that is anywhere, this is Net-7 News! This Weekend Edition spotlights the largest Vargr polity of Knoellighz Sector, the Democracy of Greats:


This massive, crawling polity seeks to dominate all Jump-1 mains, drive out the psionic Zhodani, with the assumption that all Zhodani Humans are psions, conquer the Bridge of Destiny, and expand Coreward with all the Charismatic gusto the heroic Greats can muster.

Join us as we shed some light on this aggressive Vargr polity on the Spin-Coreward frontier of the Vargr Exents.

Brought to you by Astroburgers, home of the Flamebroiled Death burger.

Via satellite, this is the Pakkrat.
Incremental Sector Revisions

I find that Real Life(TM) is not letting me post all the revisions at once. To that cause, I will try to post revisions to Knoellighz Sector, one subsector at a time. Here is 1/16. I generated these scores using Mongoose Traveller. Trade Codes may or may not be present. This is a quick and dirty attack on the problem with Knoellighz.

Subsector A
Riadr Subsector / Knoellighz : Revisions to Duplicate Worlds
2203 Chrnzhponshchti D675244-3 Zh Yes Temp
0502 Atonshplenz C25029D-B Zh Yes Temp
0807 Theve E414300-7 Va Yes Cold
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector B
Dzighkafe Subsector / Knoellighz : Revisions to Duplicate Worlds
0907 Dhourraz A595588-A Va Yes Hot
1004 Ongnuen E130665-A Va No Temp
1110 Dhughre C240165-6 Va Yes Cold
1206 Ousgva B120000-0 Va Yes Frozen
1304 Negzkhoen C323546-A Va Yes Temp
1405 Anghaeghz D09238B-2 Va No Roast
1505 Uerrgrueth B11086A-D Va Yes Temp
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector C
Rourukhae Subsector / Knoellighz : Revisions to Duplicate Worlds
1908 Rikhsgarrg E4463A9-8 Vd Yes Temp
1910 Rarrllundazrruz C878220-6 Vd Yes Temp
2008 Naeadh A655277-E Vd Yes Temp
2202 Ongho D094000-0 Va Yes Hot
2303 Aerrghdza D767859-4 Va No Temp
2304 Ekhsgvo C9B0401-C Va Yes Roast
2309 Azzakh C443684-5 Vd Yes Temp
2407 Ollza D8C5115-3 Vd Yes Temp
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector D
Ourdzoeg Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revisions to Duplicate Worlds
2509 Zukhsdou X769323-0 Vd No Temp
2606 Zuloth C595343-6 Vd Yes Temp
2802 Uerdaen C8C0100-9 Va Yes Roast
2805 Dzusza D300000-0 Vd No Temp
3105 Araksa A30456A-E Vd Yes Hot
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector E
Etlieejibia Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revisions to Duplicate Worlds
0114 Flizhedchtech C010144-A Zh Yes Hot
0319 Ipzhdievrebl C543664-8 Zh Yes Cold
0320 Odlinche D221679-8 Zh Yes Cold
0420 Jdedolrefl C471676-B Zh Yes Cold
0712 Epfintsplrz D310534-6 Zh Yes Hot
0713 Stanchsobje C5745BA-8 Zh Yes Temp
0718 Lienzflienchjditl D644279-7 Zh Yes Temp
0816 Medlzhonzh E573647-3 Zh Yes Hot
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector F
Engakhs Subsector / Knoellighz : Revisions to Duplicate Worlds
1014 Ursthae E9B0000-0 Va No Roast
1516 Oeae D566377-4 Vd Yes Temp
1613 Giou B7A5232-9 Vd Yes Cold
1618 Uzksae D21469B-5 Va Yes Temp
1619 Ghathgorr E658457-3 Va Yes Temp
1620 Thaeirrgkues B8B1460-A Va No Roast
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector G
Oguegh Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
1713 Egvaegh B1007C8-9 Vd Yes Temp
1714 Oor D75A136-9 Vd Yes Temp
1818 Saekkung D615456-4 Vd Yes Cold
1912 Azgol D8C0366-9 Vd Yes Roast
1916 Guigzdhaell C8755AD-5 Vd Yes Hot
2212 Goak C357110-A Vd N0 Frozen
2217 Kuzou C000358-A Vd Yes Hot
2317 Ksee D531367-9 Vd Yes Cold
2411 Kfarrgtha D456514-7 Vd Yes Temp
2412 Saegzknuel C55437B-9 Vd N0 Hot
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector H
Elkhaghaza Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
2520 Oall D869587-3 Vd Yes Hot
2611 Rurzsik B998310-B Vd No Temp
2614 Urgung D89A242-7 Vd Yes Cold
2617 Lluegzzaekh D668465-4 Vd N0 Temp
2813 Khaethzo C415144-A Vd Yes Hot
2817 Gauz E306123-7 Vd Yes Temp
3015 Okta E2078A5-3 Vd Yes Temp
3117 Rruerr E335338-5 Vd Yes Temp
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector I
Yeplzhaf Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
0125 Erjdanzhqledl C428237-8 Zh Yes Temp
0130 Pladchozhdafr D45167A-9 Zh Yes Temp
0226 Iantlilepl C460614-9 Zh Yes Temp
0228 Chiadrshedepr A667402-B Zh Yes Temp
0322 Prtabrket D3204A9-A Zh Yes Hot
0326 Azhtliprsha E9C47DC-2 Zh Yes Roast
0328 Tienzhkenzhplo D427668-7 Zh No Cold
0421 Eshafo E88A322-8 Zh No Cold
0422 Qrensheiaf B558625-8 Zh Yes Temp
0424 Inzhishfiet C4689EH-7 Zh Yes Cold
0526 Ebrfliemfia D240298-8 Zh No Hot
0624 Iebrianzhie E335358-6 Zh No Frozen
0625 Chtozhoqrkrensh A892245-D Zh Yes Hot
0727 Eltlets C577673-5 Zh Yes Temp
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector J
Irrarrdhang Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
0921 Izsiqr B1505A8-B Zh Yes Temp
1029 Ungkhou C201120-8 Va Yes Temp
1128 Ukhunllorr D237854-6 Vx Yes Frozen
1224 Ozdhoe C585111-6 Vx Yes Temp
1225 Ulghae C554100-9 Vx Yes Cold
1328 Uengsong A240000-0 Vx No Temp
1330 Vilknigiks E864655-3 Vx No Temp
1429 Oudzkekhorr D547642-2 Vx Yes Temp
1430 Roghoeg B344466-A Vx Yes Temp
1624 Aesrroeth B241300-D Vx Yes Temp
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector K
Thoeg Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
1721 Kongsu C454321-6 Va No Cold
1829 Ksoo C534000-0 Vx Yes Temp
1927 Nouon C120564-D Va Yes Temp
2123 Aengtsa B96649B-7 Va No Temp
2126 Dhoudhru A572164-C Va Yes Hot
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector L
Goensakh Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
2625 Oegdhon E330501-7 Vd Yes Temp
2821 Arzfuegz C4556DE-6 Vd Yes Temp
2921 Dzilrredh C6A2378-A Vd Yes Hot
3126 Aerllou A372475-E Vd Yes Temp
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector M
Piprninsh Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
0131 TiavrieqtliebrD1207BB-6 Zh Yes Frozen
0232 Ielzhone B240784-7 Zh Yes Temp
0331 Bazhoakl A11029C-E Zh Yes Temp
0437 NiavpoprkodrX4165AE-4 Zh Yes Hot
0537 Lazdadiapr D333789-7 Zh No Temp
0737 Zueuer B76A76B-9 Va Yes Frozen
0832 Uengsok D150359-7 V9 No Cold
0834 Koekhkha C477305-6 V9 Yes Cold
0836 Adhgurrgh B120676-B V9 Yes Hot
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector N
Khuzedhoth Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
0936 Uethrrae B2006A9-9 V9 Yes Temp
1031 Aelkhue A202400-C V9 Yes Temp
1035 Dzourzzo D665556-6 V9 Yes Hot
1036 Aeo C968668-3 V9 Yes Hot
1137 Orrgto A475253-D V9 Yes Temp
1140 Engzoerz A542541-C V9 Yes Temp
1331 Ouknal D9C6530-6 Vx Yes Hot
1336 Enllouakfo A100694-D Va Yes Temp
1337 Zuueks B875631-5 Va Yes Hot
1435 Khoun C371000-0 Va Yes Temp
1436 Rron C525455-B Va No Temp
1534 Ingga C210420-A Vx Yes Temp
1535 Akksong C845210-8 Vx Yes Cold
1539 Angghan C7B4569-8 Vx Yes Temp
1634 Uedznu A596232-8 Vx Yes Temp
1635 Aus B681132-8 Vx Yes Temp
1636 Dhoentig D363979-8 Vx Yes Temp