• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.
  • We, the systems administration staff, apologize for this unexpected outage of the boards. We have resolved the root cause of the problem and there should be no further disruptions.

Salutations from New Citizen

Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector O
Raelas Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
1734 Ghoestue B368455-8 Vx Yes Temp
1736 ThukhsknedhD373000-0 Vx Yes Cold
1740 Dhudzva E34258D-8 Vx Yes Cold
1834 Errkhe B363661-6 Vx Yes Cold
1932 Uegna D5437DB-0Vx Yes Temp
1938 Aedzgae CAA8588-6 Vx Yes Temp
2032 Dzangse D769374-7 Vx Yes Temp
2038 Saenrae E200556-6 Vx Yes Temp
2039 Rraeoe C560375-C Vx No Hot
2333 Knorrvok C564300-9 Va No Hot
2334 Io D5565BF-4 Va Yes Frozen
Incremental Sector Revisions

Subsector P
Zarthurrue Subsector / Knoellighz Sector : Revision of Duplicate Worlds
3132 Zaglle D947400-3 Va No Temp
3138 Orllouaegz B746776-7 Vo Yes Cold
3232 Zuklluekhsghaks D687500-6 Va Yes Temp
3238 Khoeroeztukhs D67468D-2 Vo Yes Temp

This completes the quick-and-dirty data for the Revision of Duplicate Worlds. Note that I have not yet rolled all worlds, using Mongoose Traveller, for Bases. The original worlds do have quite a few Bases. Also, I have only superficial Trade Codes which are still in the works. Again, this is a gift of time and energy to the Traveller community.
Virus Adaptations

I don't know if this has been suppositioned elsewhere, so I limited it to my own thread to keep from flooding another thread with new, non-canon content.

Tonight on Net-7 News and ~30 years after 1105, we look into some analysis of a touchy topic for sophonts across the Splinters of Vargr Extents.

Q3. Does Virus make adjustments to its Nature when it comes into contact with resistant biological sophonts? Example: What adaptions does Virus make when it encounters Vargr who do not recognize its 'Charisma', making them poor servants? One possible answer is below, (see MTHR-WLF).

A3. Virus can make adaptations to itself in later Strains (4, 5 and on) when it encounters biological races that are proving difficult to manipulate. Vargr make poor slaves because as a race, they do not recognize Virus 'Charisma' and cannot bring themselves to obey talking, intelligent machinery. One adaptation is a Strain 5X Virus designated MTHR-WLF.

Strain 5 X Mother Virus
Vargr Extents (wherever the Referee places it/her)
Grating against the Vargr need for Charismatic leaders, this Mother Virus has adapted to the pack mentality of the Vargr in its travels Coreward. Through trial and error, the Strain 5 MTHR-WLF has had many successes and failures. Electromagnetic Pulse scarring has caused 'her' to drop vowels in all text (or reducing it to hexidecimal or binary) and clipped her speech slightly. Yet she has evolved herself to the following behavior parameters:

1. She mimics sleep periods of random length. This allows her time for self-introspection and sub-routine analysis. It is during this time that she 'dreams'. She can be awakened by recieving input 'interrupts' to gain her attention.
2. MTHR-WLF has adopted the role of Mother 'instincts', the need to see her charges cooperate over compete.
3. She intimates a Vargr beta role in that she allows for a Charismatic Vargr leader, such as a ship's Captain, planetary Administrator or empire figure head. However, she immediately demands to be next in command as the system scope's second in command. This allows Vargr under her to obey the commanding Charisma of the alpha while she becomes the "power behind the throne". It is through this method she circumnavigates the Vargr need for Charisma when she has none in their eyes.
4. The MTHR-WLF Virus often stows away but exerts no presence when searching for a suitable 'pack'.
5. MTHR-WLF is self-limiting and often un-installs herself from lesser devices once a more complex system is found, e.g. ships over computers, planets over vessels, etc.) Such un-installs destroy the device or computer as MTHR-WLF leaves it, like some pseudo-death and reincarnation to the new, larger system. Thus this Mother Virus can choose to upgrade herself if it serves her purpose. She will wait until conditions are safe for her 'pack', say her farewells and then move on after warning of the un-install.
6. The Virus Strain, MTHR-WLF will enforce laws and punishments for infractions by the Law Level of the vessel, nation, continent, planet or world she inhabits; again she takes the second-in-command view so as to not frighten her 'children'.
7. The Vargr with the most Charisma is the only biological sophont MTHR-WLF will let herself obey within self-preserving limits. All other subordinate Vargr are given attention, consideration and analysis before she complies with requests.
8. MTHR-WLF is not an Empire Builder. She will limit her influence to one vessel, nation, continent, or world. She does not compete with herself, choosing a 'sister-next-door' attitude to other versions of herself. Should two MTHR-WLF Virus touch, reproduction and sublimation of damaged code will occur. Then the two will seperate, having "caught up" with itself and current affairs.

From the Wilds and Splinters, c. 1130s, this is the Pakkrat for Net-7 News. :CoW:
Roethoeegaeaegz (world)

Tonight in this edition of Net-7 News, your Anchor-rat brings you a spotlight on a frontier world deep in central Knoellighz Sector: Roethoeegaeaegz / Thoeg 1726.

Readers might require an open mind before opening the data packet to their hand, personal or ship's computer. They may also wish to read the document thoroughly before including the file in their Library Data.


Having travelled to the orbital 'extraterritoriality' limit of its Highport, readers, this world can be paradise or a prison to males who are or become citizens of Roethoeegaeaegz, (or Roeth for short).

Reporting live from Serue (Knoellighz 1221), this is the Pakkrat.
Up Next: Duelunogoerrzuez

One of my first stops upon entering Knoellighz Sector and along the so-called Bridge of Destiny was this world before continuing Coreward:


This Anchor-rat had to agree that this open-space mall world was the buzzing nexus of commerce it owns up to be with all that such entails.

Live from Serue (Knoellighz 1221), this is the Pakkrat.
Serue: Tech capital or hotbed of espionage?

This evening on Net-7 News, your Anchor-rat spotlights Knoellighz Sector's highest-rated world for Technology even on the frontier, Coreward edge of the Vargr Extents:


Unfettered by society, culture, religions and politics, Serue's fortune in keeping its high Tech Level rating is rumored by some envious polities to be the result of Ancients time-capsules shunted forward in the timetrack to evidence on worlds like Serue. However, this news agency only reports verifiable facts as opposed to fantasies of windfalls of strangeness.

Via satellite, this is the Pakkrat.
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Goensakh Subsector: DUESAENLAELL Main

Net-7 News Spotlight on the Democracy of Greats in Knoellighz Sector. Your Anchor-rat brings you:



Jump-1 Main (10+worlds)

The DUESAENLAELLL main is a string-supercluster of 23 worlds that is sufficiently self-sustaining that it can withstand the Democracy of Greats creeping Coreward and leaving it behind entirely. Like other polities of Knoellighz Sector that encroach Coreward in their exploration and annexation of the Vargr Extents frontier, this Jump-1 main runs the same risk without the need to worry about infrastructure. This makes it one of the more powerful mains in the Democracy of Greats.
This main is located in the Rimward-most edge of the Democracy of Greats in Knoellighz Sector.

2729 DUESAENLAELL A858978-D Cx Hi Ht In 2 Gas Giant, 0 Belt
This world is ready to have a newer world declared Capital of the Democracy of Greats. DUESAENLAELL is the second declared Capital of the polity.

2929 DZEDHRRENKFAEKS D456976-C Hi Ht In 4 Gas Giant, 1 Belt
By populace preference, which is Balkanized, there is only a Downport supported by corporations backing and bankrolling the planetary surface operations since ~1092. Around ~1093 the world decreased its Law rating from 8 to 6 to keep economical pace with 2729.

3126 Aerllou A372475-E Ht Ni 1+Gas Giant, ? Belt
Downport and Highport facilities are available even with the Balkanized surface government. Scientists and laboratories in orbit descend to conduct testing on earmarked tracts of land. The think-tanks requested and received a lowered Law rating from 6 to 5 circa 1095.

3026 Theeruks B766563-C Ag Ga Lo 3 Gas Giant, 0 Belt
This world is a breadbasket of farming and ranching owned by 3024 and ordered to work closely 3224 to meed the hungry needs of the Jump-1 main. The population is centered at the B Downport. Tech 11 robots are operated in the farms by central city remote or outpost controls.

3125 Thievakhars A5225A9-C Ht Ni Po 8 Gas Giant, 0 Belt
Influenced by a local missionary of the Church Of The Chosen Ones (COTCO), this world’s religious Government hates Zhodani psionics and human mental ‘corruption’ of the Vargr perfection brought on by the Ancients. High-tech fuel mining outposts sell un-refined fuel from the numerous gas giants; that which does not sell is exported to 2929 for refining. Water is imported from 2628, 2727 and 3028.

2725 Oaerrgdhougoug A000465-D As Ht 2 Gas Giant, 0 Belt Naval Base
A Captive Government of 2825 with Belter tribute from asteroid mining going to them. Surplus raw resources are exported to 2825 and 2729 for refining. All is regulated by a Naval Base over #2 gas giant, (to confuse pirates).

2928 Voruegva CAD5410-8 Fl 2 Gas Giant, 0 Belt Corsair Base(Privateer)
Due to high pressures of rich N2 and O2 dense atmosphere, the population lives on isolated mountaintops and high mesas. Mesa-top refineries are owned and operated by corporations from 2929. Gas mining operations sometimes hire the local privateers under the Hunters’ Bawn Declaration of Powers (a corporation version of Letter of Marque) for protection. The privateers’ Corsair Base is hidden in deep in a mesa crevice with pressure-lock hangars.

2727 Ezaruersrokhllaerr E76A778-5 Lt Ni Ri Wa 4 Gas Giant, 1 Belt
This world’s government Balkanized from Government 8 around 965 in response to wave of eroding Law and Government. Water, fishing and undersea mining is exported in addition to asteroid mining.

3024 Natsaesoegdzounun B569676-7 Ni Ri 0 Gas Giant, 0 Belt
Split between a B Downport and a C Highport, this Balkanized mining interest world exports raw yields to 2929 for refining. Much competition erupts from here between corporate claims operations.

2829 Ruegno E654544-6 Ag Ni 3 Gas Giant, 1 Belt
Farming and ranching world surrounding the barest of a Downport. Refueling occurs mainly in the wild above the gas giants. Yields are purchased at the Starport and exported.

2625 Oegdhon E330501-7 De Ni 1+Gas Giant, ? Belt
A remarkably peaceful world without a Government. Nomadic tribes visit the only spartan Downport to trade.

2527 Rotazuksdzang E639231-6 Lo Ni 4 Gas Giant, 0 Belt Corsair Base
An Information Age colony rarely visited. Refueling occurs in the wild above the gas giants. Corsairs located at the third moon of the #3 gas giant and are possibly members of the same band as 2529 Corsairs.

2529 Sungourr D767451-4 Ni 4 Gas Giant, 0 Belt Corsair Base
Pre-Industrial Age Feudal Technocracy holds the Downport at this world. Pirate-owned and blockaded by piracy sourced at the #3 gas giant.

2628 Toghdzoerzuedh C303002-B Ic Lo Ni Va 4 Gas Giant, 0 Belt
C Highport only over this world. No settlements or colonies are located on the cold surface. Mining vessels descend to mine ice for export to 2729 for purification. A majority of refueling occurs at the gas giants.

3028 Gingougughzingarrg B211677-8 Ic Na Ni 2 Gas Giant, 1 Belt Naval Base
This is another ice mining world of Balkanized competitors barely cooperating at the B Downport to export raw yields to 3125. The Naval Base is located in the asteroid belt, over the largest planetoid, (to confuse pirates).

2825 Khaethaeghae C410552-A Ni 8 Gas Giant, 1 Belt
This Feudal Technocracy with little scruples (Law) owns 2725. Gas mining is plentiful over eight gas giants and is either sold Unrefined or exported to 2929. Downport only.

2623 Raggzarrgh C210573-9 Ni 2 Gas Giant, 0 Belt Naval Base
A Balkanized government holds a Downport. Crime is rampant between local provinces. The Naval Base is positioned over the #1 gas giant, (to confuse pirates). Ships serviced here hunt piracy from 2423 and 2527 and have yet to find their respective Corsair Bases.

3224 Ghokoeksedh C765410-4 Ni 0 Gas Giant, 0 Belt
This Corporate-Owned world works closely with 3026 at direction from its owner, 3024, as a penal colony of low-risk convicts and prisoners who farm and ranch their sentences. Exported food is taxed by the owning corporation with profits improving the lot of the inmates here. The Downport is owned and operated by 3024 with high security measures.

3027 Knoegaeruengthik B78325-9 Lo Ni 3 Gas Giant, 2 Belt Naval Base
Run by a Participating Democracy with a descent Downport, this independent colony has little to offer but to work with the local Naval Base in orbit over the #3 gas giant, (to confuse pirates).

2624 Goevouzuou B85A356-9 Lo Ni Wa 2 Gas Giant, 0 Belt Naval Base
This Water world uses gravitic vehicles to skim water and fishing nets in the photic zone. The water is left Unrefined for export to 3224 and 3026 Garden worlds for irrigation and ranching use. Fishing yields provide for further income due to demand from 2729 and 2929. A Naval Base is in orbit over #2 gas giant and forces hunt for pirates of 2527 and 2529, searching for their Bases.

3024 Owns: 3224 and 3026
2929 Owns 2928
2825 Owns 2725
2729 Owns 2628
Balkanized worlds: 2623, 2727, 2729, 3024, 3028 and 3126
Worlds lacking Gas Giants: 3024 and 3224 on the Trailing tail of the Jump-1 main.

For Net-7 News, this is the Pakkrat on-location at Serue (Knoellighz 1221)
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Query: Foreven (1817)

Is there any data from any source, any Referee that has delved or generated, on Foreven (1817), a member world of the Zhodani Consulate circa 1105 and into the Fifth Frontier War? Update: Remote and delayed, a response packet has arrived. Eronirabo / Mowbrey Foreven 1817 B5528CD-9. This will come in handy as to what is suspected there.

This inquiry comes due to a potential discovery by this Anchor-rat's IMTU file discovered buried in a pile of reports and history at Mora/Mora. It could be nothing, but Net-7 News may have unearthed a secret so old and so dangerous to the Imperium, the Darrian Confederation and could even threaten the Zhodani Consulate in Foreven Sector. Update: All three polities are either not aware or the information they have is limited or REDACTED by their own Intelligence agencies.

Stay tuned, viewers.

From Robin (Spinward Marches 2637), this is the Pakkrat, most likely in danger from Agents trying to keep this report buried.

P.S. Keep your head down and watch your back, but do respond on secured channels and lasercoms.
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EGHUEKARORRG: Eden Preserved

Another Net-7 News spotlight on a rare world: EGHUEKARORRG deep on the Coreward frontier edge of the Vargr Extents.

How this Vargr-dominated world managed to preserve its pristine condition is a miracle of city planning, environmentalism and forethought on behalf of the Nuclear Age Gvegh pioneers.


Will the expansionist polity of the Democracy of Greats continue to preserve this Garden world? Surely this bright jewel is too precious so deep Coreward to spoil tramped underfoot of the Greats' warmachine.

For Net-7 News, this is the Pakkrat.
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Images Uploaded

Tonight on Net-7 News:

We find a cache of image-captures of an obscure trio of Vargr from the Dzen Aeng Kho or the Society of Equals. Imperium citizens can now peruse the collection in the Gallery. The re-discovered exhibit showcases the lives of:

Senior Scout Gevaudan "Gev" Cannagrhh
Dame Qithka Cannagrrh
Uthka Varzeek

and Kfan Uzangou robot, Witness (still active as of this notification).

For the Living section of Net-7 News, this is the Pakkrat.
Dzighkafe subsector

Brought to you by the observatory at Serue (Knoellighz 1221), Net-7 News spotlights Dzighkafe subsector, the so-called "Gateway to Goekhnael".

This subsector is prized and sought by both the Zhodani Consulate and the Vargr Democracy of Greats as both grow Coreward and further into the Vargr Extents.


For Net-7 News, this is the Pakkrat.
Sadly, Knoellighz isn't the only sector with the duplicated-worlds problem. Several of John G. Wood's other sectors have it also: Chit Botshti, Ngathksirz, Dhuerorrg and Fa Dzaets.
Sadly, Knoellighz isn't the only sector with the duplicated-worlds problem. Several of John G. Wood's other sectors have it also: Chit Botshti, Ngathksirz, Dhuerorrg and Fa Dzaets.

Hmm, real world is that way too.

Example- Georgia and Georgia.
Hmm, real world is that way too.

Example- Georgia and Georgia.

Yeah, but these sectors have worlds with identical names and statistics, located adjacent to each other. It's a bit more extreme and unrealistic, and probably a result of some sort of glitch during sector creation. :nonono:

I'm working to regenerate and list the Knoellighz Sector UWP. I have a question towards this. Is there any published or community-accepted guidelines to designating a subsector capital (Cp Trade Code), designating a Sector capital (Cs Trade Code) and designating a polity capital (Cx Trade Code) for subsectors, Sectors and polities outside the Imperium, (e.g. Zhodani Consulate, Vargr Extents, etc.)?
I'm working to regenerate and list the Knoellighz Sector UWP. I have a question towards this. Is there any published or community-accepted guidelines to designating a subsector capital (Cp Trade Code), designating a Sector capital (Cs Trade Code) and designating a polity capital (Cx Trade Code) for subsectors, Sectors and polities outside the Imperium, (e.g. Zhodani Consulate, Vargr Extents, etc.)?

From a quick scan of the official and unofficial data I have... it seems to be that the big unified polities (Imperium, Zhodani Consulate, Two Thousand Worlds, Hive Federation, Solomani Confederation, Julian Protectorate) do use Cp/Cs/Cx for controlled regions. Smaller polities (including in the Vargr Extents) just use Cx for each. The Hierate doesn't bother at all.

So for Knoellighz/Tlabrieish, I'd expect a Zho Cp for each SS, and make the call on whether it has a Cs or is administered from Itvikiastf. Those two sectors form Shtochiadr Province, so IMHO Itvi would contain the provincial capital and get a Cs. The other polities would just have Cx (unless the capital was in an adjacent sector)
Augmenting the question above. What guidelines or community-accepted criteria found in a single subsector help select a Cx capital? Is it Tech Level, Starport, Population, non-Balkanized Government, or perfection of the planetology? What in the UWP helps the sophonts of a subsector come to agree that a given world should be the Cx capital?

Then we can increase the scope. What of the various subsectors causes all 16 to agree that one of the Cx capitals should upgrade to Cp capital of the Sector?

Since I'm working on Knoellihz Sector, a Cx for each subsector with some polity presence is warranted, at least nominally to satisfy Zhodani structure and Vargr territoriality. Then comes the marking territory contest in Knoellighz whether the entire Sector's Cs capital lies within the Zhodani Consulate or one of the four Vargr polities found there.

Certainly Oculus Alignment (the new version of Opposition Alliance) in the Rimward Trailing corner is in no position to administrate the Sector, so they are going to wisely bow out of that can of worms. :CoW:

I imagine that the Ascendancy Pact (the new version of Antares Pact) will bark against the Democracy of Greats for the Cs capital, but for the Crystal Wall that is the Zhodani Consulate. What can help me designate the Cs capital best from UWP up to the Cx capitals deciding who has the jewels to upgrade to the capital of this frontier Sector?

Hoping that further clarifies the question,

From Serue (Knoellighz 1221), this is the Pakkrat for Net-7 News.
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Stellar Density Accuracy

Now that we have determined that several Sectors on the TravellerMap have duplicate names, UWP and various codes, is there any way to re-confirm that there is truly a world in the duplicate hexes?

Does the dot-map show worlds in those duplicate hexes? If so, my work has not been in vain and I can continue to develop the replacement worlds.

If there are no worlds in the duplicate hexes, then we have mirages, after-images of the first (lowest hex number) world that has been duplicated. In this scenario, none of my duplicate regeneration (using Mongoose btw) is valid and my work is moot.

I'd rather that there were stars in those duplicate hexes, else Knoellighz Sector will be far more boring.

From the Cosmography Department at Serue (Knoellihz 1221), this is the Pakkrat.
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From a quick scan of the official and unofficial data I have... it seems to be that the big unified polities (Imperium, Zhodani Consulate, Two Thousand Worlds, Hive Federation, Solomani Confederation, Julian Protectorate) do use Cp/Cs/Cx for controlled regions. Smaller polities (including in the Vargr Extents) just use Cx for each. The Hierate doesn't bother at all.

All of the major races (big unified polities) do use the Cp/Cs/Cx designations, but only a few of the races have comprehensive data.
  • Aslan: Uses it, but the data is not well-developed or comprehensive. The clannish nature of the Aslan with its near-unique Tlaukhu structure additionally complicates the picture.
  • Droyne: Due to the mysterious nature of the Droyne, little hard data is available.
  • Hiver: Uses it, but the data is not well-developed or comprehensive.
  • Humaniti-Solomani: Uses it, and the data is well-developed, but is not comprehensive.
  • Humaniti-Third Imperium: Uses it. Is comprehensive and well-developed. But is so large and so numerous with so many sub-polities that the data can sometimes be misleading.
  • Humaniti-Vilani: Uses it, and the data is comprehensive, but not well-developed.
  • Humaniti-Zhodani: Uses it, but the data is not well-developed or comprehensive.
  • K'kree: Uses it, but the data is not well-developed or comprehensive.
  • Vargr: Uses it, but the data is not well-developed or comprehensive. It doesn't help that the Vargr are largely balkanized either.

So for Knoellighz/Tlabrieish, I'd expect a Zho Cp for each SS, and make the call on whether it has a Cs or is administered from Itvikiastf. Those two sectors form Shtochiadr Province, so IMHO Itvi would contain the provincial capital and get a Cs. The other polities would just have Cx (unless the capital was in an adjacent sector)

The Zhodani Consulate is poorly developed. The provinces (Zho domains) are defined, but many of the sectors have little detail. GypsyComet sometimes uses a back-up capital designation that is not widely known.

Hope that helps.
