SOC-14 1K
Bounced over from The Lone Star, since it's a ship design/deckplan issue.
Using Traders & Gunboats plans with the caveat that the hull is indeed three full decks high, not 2.5 decks high as given in the written dimensions:
Volume of a cone is 1/3 x base area X height.
Base area (for a diamond) is 1/2 of 27m by 9m = 121.5m2
(the 27m number is based on projecting the hull back that last 1.5m to the aft hull line)
Height is 37.5m.
1/3 x 121.5 x 37.5 = 1518.75m3 = 108.5 dtons (using the 14m3 per dton figure).
(with the aft hull bevels filled in)
Removing the last 1.5m of hull provides:
1/3 x (1/2 x 25.5m x 8.64m) x 36m = 1322m3 = 94.4 dtons
With those as boundaries on a 100 dton goal, the hull is well within the "close enough" percentages (+/- 20%) set by GDW.
New cone, with the base set at the aft bulkhead of the Flight Deck:
1/3 x (1/2 x 10.5m x 3m) x 12m = 63m3 = 4.5 dtons
So yes, the flight deck and basic avionics in the nose are only about 5 tons. This is CT, however, so the upper gallery, which is a dedicated sensor bay (that just happens to be empty) and the lower gallery (ditto) are part of the "as built" Bridge volume. I'll calc the volume of those two irregular tetrahedrons if you really want me to, but they are far smaller than most people seem to think.
Eh. What the heck. The upper and lower decks taken whole map as irregular cones, and as such can use the same formula as the whole hull:
1/3 x (1/2 x 16m x 3m) x 25.5m = 204m3 = 14.5 dtons each or 29 dtons total.
More than half of that space is fuel, since the fuel depicted on the main deck is also beveled around the edges. Most of the lower deck is fuel, since the lower gallery is a tiny space less than a meter high at the aft and getting smaller going forward.
The aft compartment is described in the text key as a (former) sensor/survey equipment bay. This six tons (and a bit) could be considered Airlock (Bridge), sensors (Bridge), or cargo. In the latter case, the (admittedly) huge crew common area amidships finishes off the Bridge tonnage with use of the "and necessary access" clause. I'd rather assign the cargo volume to that area, personally, and leave the aft compartment to round out the Bridge tonnage.
Or they never were really part of the bridge tonnage to begin with
Or more accurately they were never really part of the ship to begin with. They don't fit (deckplans vs dimensions and overall tonnage) so they should be ignored. The belly cargo hold also doesn't fit. So guess what that 3ton space at the back really is? At least in my take on it.
Using Traders & Gunboats plans with the caveat that the hull is indeed three full decks high, not 2.5 decks high as given in the written dimensions:
Volume of a cone is 1/3 x base area X height.
Base area (for a diamond) is 1/2 of 27m by 9m = 121.5m2
(the 27m number is based on projecting the hull back that last 1.5m to the aft hull line)
Height is 37.5m.
1/3 x 121.5 x 37.5 = 1518.75m3 = 108.5 dtons (using the 14m3 per dton figure).
(with the aft hull bevels filled in)
Removing the last 1.5m of hull provides:
1/3 x (1/2 x 25.5m x 8.64m) x 36m = 1322m3 = 94.4 dtons
With those as boundaries on a 100 dton goal, the hull is well within the "close enough" percentages (+/- 20%) set by GDW.
New cone, with the base set at the aft bulkhead of the Flight Deck:
1/3 x (1/2 x 10.5m x 3m) x 12m = 63m3 = 4.5 dtons
So yes, the flight deck and basic avionics in the nose are only about 5 tons. This is CT, however, so the upper gallery, which is a dedicated sensor bay (that just happens to be empty) and the lower gallery (ditto) are part of the "as built" Bridge volume. I'll calc the volume of those two irregular tetrahedrons if you really want me to, but they are far smaller than most people seem to think.
Eh. What the heck. The upper and lower decks taken whole map as irregular cones, and as such can use the same formula as the whole hull:
1/3 x (1/2 x 16m x 3m) x 25.5m = 204m3 = 14.5 dtons each or 29 dtons total.
More than half of that space is fuel, since the fuel depicted on the main deck is also beveled around the edges. Most of the lower deck is fuel, since the lower gallery is a tiny space less than a meter high at the aft and getting smaller going forward.
The aft compartment is described in the text key as a (former) sensor/survey equipment bay. This six tons (and a bit) could be considered Airlock (Bridge), sensors (Bridge), or cargo. In the latter case, the (admittedly) huge crew common area amidships finishes off the Bridge tonnage with use of the "and necessary access" clause. I'd rather assign the cargo volume to that area, personally, and leave the aft compartment to round out the Bridge tonnage.
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