Dear Folks -
From "Wet Navy: Part 1":
Hull resistance = sqr root(UCP disp. x resistance factor)
A submerged submersible has an rf of 0.9; a submerged submarine has an rf of 0.3.
I don't think a submarine would be considered an "airframe" under MT rules, so could I suggest that a submarine's hull should be considered "streamlined", while you could consider a submersible to be, in effect, "unstreamlined".
Therefore, an SDB's hull resistance would be sqr. root(400 x 0.3) = root(120) = 10.95.
Power in MW = (resistance x (top speed)^2)/2000
sqr root((Power x 2000)/res) = top speed
sqr root((5000 x 2000)/10.95) = 955 kph submerged, using only 5000 MW of it's 8730 MW power plant...
(Even if I change my mind and use the 0.9 rate, it can still travel at 726 kph...)
OK, so now you know
another reason why SDB's are nasty!
Now for max depth ("Wet Navy: Part 2"):
Multiply armor factor by 15, therefore 67 x 15 = 1005 metres is max dive depth.
(This is according to MT;
Striker's old system had a SDB's armor pegged at AF 85, so if you're a CT player your SDB's can dive to 1275 metres!
And finally, FWIW, "Seastrike"'s "water as armor" table is as follows:
"For purposes of
Striker, water has an armor value of 2 per meter.
High Guard use the following values:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Armor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Water(m) 30 32 33 34 36 37 38 39</pre>[/QUOTE]Water armor factors are cumulative with other armor, so a
High Guard hull factor 0 vessel under two meters of water would have an effective hull factor of 1; a
Striker vehicle with armor 10 at the same depth would be equivalent to armor 14."
[EDIT: this appears to be using
Striker's pre-errata numbers; i.e. 30 m x
Striker AF 2 =
Striker AF 60 =
HG AF 0. Since the errata says HG AF 0
really equals ST AF
40, the initial depths should probably be changed to:
20 metres of water = HG AF 0;
32 metres of water = HG AF 1.]
(Does any of this help?)