In, yes, but how are you going to get out without being picked up by a shuttle?A scout service interdict, a subsector duke with connections to Naval Intelligence, I'd have arranged orders for an escort crewed by my agents to join the interdict task force, with me secretly aboard, then found an opportune moment for me and a couple of picked men to slip down on grav belts while my escort was in orbit. The interdict's designed to keep shipping away, not to keep spies within their own ranks from sneaking down; it'd be awfully hard for another ship a few thousand miles off to detect a trio of man-sized objects separating from my ship and descending in vacc suits with chameleon covers and chill cans to hide the heat signatures, especially if my ship did something like dumping trash to cover my descent. I could be in and out with no one the wiser.
Anyway, I need Norris' team to be about 10 or 12 strong. Norris, several NPC henchmen, a couple of which turn out to be traitors, and half a dozen PCs. Yes, an adventure based on Norris recovering his warrant has been one of my numerous back burner projects for many years. I haven't gotten very far, and, as usual when I post these ideas of mine on these boards, anyone who wants to grab the idea and do something with it has my full blessing and whatever permission I need to give, if any (Though I would appreciate the courtesy of a heads-up if someone takes me up on it; I'd love to help any way I can).
I'm thinking Norris' team disguises itself as a Scout covert survey team (an extra one, unconnected with the one(s) already on Algine) and gets inserted in a spot close to the wreck of the cruiser (Which happens to be on the other side of the world from the main civilizations). The first half of the adventure ends when they locate the warrant in the cruiser and the traitors steal it and run. Somehow the transportation that was planned to take the team offworld again gets disabled (I'm not very clear on that bit yet). The second half involves a race across Algine to the covert Scout survey HQ half a world away. This is why it takes Norris so long to recover the warrant.
Something like that, anyway.
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