A shot in the engine room is a tough 'first hint' that somebody is out there. A prudent captain could go either way.
Or... the raider could play SDB and lie doggo within the GG atmo
The raider hiding in the GG may not be as effective as it can't watch the approaches. If its hiding, no-one can see in & they can't see out. At best he can perhaps watch a very narrow arc of space, restricted by the bulk of the GG behind & the density of the GG atmosphere to left & right. But otherwise he's essentially relying on the merchant randomly arriving on his doorstep. Thinking about, even SDB's could do with pickets.
It occors to me the raider has to expect the possibility of a trap, with the trader as the bait, followed by a 6g Destroyer 1LS (300,000 km) running silent. Inside the 10d limit, in a poetic role reversal, the raider has few choices but to fight & run.
It might be a cheaper & more effective use of large escorts (vs the cheap escorts I'm working on elsewhere) than trying to catch a raider by randomly searching GG's. Just tag along behind some poor schmuck (PC's...) or unescorted convoy & see if anything tries to bite them.
Hmmm, its got me wondering now about ships making a run for the GG & hiding in the atmosphere. How many 20 min turns would an large escort get on a raider before the raider got to cover? Means we've got to get more precise on the raiders intercept of the merchant to figure out the starting points for the escort vs raider. Anybody want to help out? I'll post parameters in a minute.
(I've thought about the merchant hiding, but strategically, the merchant getting a fright achieves most of the goals of commerce raiding. If the merchant survives the 4-6 rounds before hiding, well, good on him!)