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"Serenity" now!

Another link for the guns of Serenity (and some others):


I seem to recall the guns making sounds and flashes suggesting other than simple "gunpowder" was in use. They could be some kind of clip powered energy weapon.

Easy enough to fudge it in any Traveller rules set, just pick something close to what you imagine.

As for those ship's papers, at that price I'd better find a functional series 3 Firefly class in the backyard if I get them ;)
I loved Badger's henchman with the MP-40 that had that high-tech squeal when it was activated in that one ep.
Let us know if they are worth the coin. When I saw it, i thought it would make a cool prop fopr a traveller game. But I have to be careful with my cash for the next while.
The papers arrived today.

I think it is pretty cool, and looks great. I notice that they use different weight and quality of paper for the different sheets. You have your "License for Cargo" both in english and chinese, a tranfer certificate from Isaac Ling Shipyards, a spec sheet giving wieght, size, registration and identifiers, a "violations sheet" that indicates that after 8 Alliance violations, you go to court and your ship is land locked until its resolved (Along with a 100 credit note, to be used to take care of any fees that a customs officer may need.) 5 violations are already noted, along with the repair receipt for repairs to the Pulse Beacon.

There is also a Trader's Guild certificate, Cortex Nav Beacon license, a decontamination verification certificate from Beaumonde, 2 salvage licenses for different regions of space, and a crew and passenger roster.

The documents all look professional and bureaucratic, and come in a leather case which looks pretty cool and realistic. Brass fittings, it looks pretty cool.

The only downside, and this is probably a quibble, is that its already filled out in Malcolm Reynold's name. But it does give me ideas as how to make a set of my own for different ships. If you wanted to build a set of papers for your Beowulf, or your Seeker, it should not be too difficult to put together something as cool.