Thank you very very much.
Is "28 days(or whatever duration you decide on)" written in MegaTraveller Journals?
Is "24 hours (or whatever duration you decide on)" written in MegaTraveller Journals?
Which Vol. of MegaTraveller Journal is these PP slice written in?
Um..just curious, why does it matter? It's just simple math and projection.
28 days is just some number that "seems good", and 24 hours is another.
For example, consider powering combat weapons. I forget how long a combat turn is. In TNE, it's 1/2 hour. If you go with the swag that your ship will be firing all of it's weapons for 10 turns (guesstimating that the combat will be over one way or the other by then), then you can allocate 10 turns of power to the weapons (i.e. 5 hrs), figure out a "power/hr" consumption rate for fuel, and voila! Numbers for tankage.
And the numbers aren't hard and fast rules, they're just guidelines. If you want to figure out how much power is consumed by, say a lunar shuttle, you're most likely not going to need 28 days of fuel and life support as the ship isn't designed to go past lunar orbit.
Knowing how much fuel and how long it lasts gives you a better idea on how to handle adventure situations. Like when a fuel valve gets hit by a meteoroid and dumps 30% of the fuel before it can be fixed. Now how long can the brave crew survive? Can they get home??
FYI, also recall that the "beauty" of the M-Drive in everything but TNE is that the drive is reactionless. So, save for Power Plant fuel, no reason to just run the drive. Full bore, a ship with a 2G drive can get from Earth to Jupiter in about 5 days (2G will get you to the moon in about 2hrs). That'll give you a good guess on what kind of durations ships might have in space.
In TNE it's a different problem, but also in TNE, Power Plants take zip fuel for power. They run forever. Reaction mass, however, different story entirely.