LBB2 = Civilian sector / conventional ships
Very pleasant thread.
I LIKE the LBB2 system 'Starship Design, but add the word, 'Civilian' - LBB2 applies to the Civilian Sector. Yards can and do make MILSPEC equipment for the G'ment, but it would be a considerable breach to let a MILSPEC vessel get into Player (civilian) hands - which does happen, sometimes, of course (Kinunir the classic CT example of this indiscretion)
MILITARY/GOVERNMENTS do not have the same constraints, nor economics, as Civilian ships must, which are constrained by profitability.
I use what amounts to His Excellency 'Aramis' system, 20ktons being an upper limit on military construction, which is 4 times the largest commercial hull.
The following is humbly presented as IMTU:
... those large drives take much extra maintenance to work reliably, and replacement parts are more expensive. Systems are large, bulky, and fault tolerant (multiply redundant).
Mil. ships are not cost effective (they are always cutting edge, bleeding edge, for their tech level).
Weapons have greater punch, etc. You would not consider using one to jump from system to system to make a credit. You'll lose your shirt.
Auxiliaries ('pressed' civilian ships) are used whenever possible to carry fuel etc. NOT as line of battle units, they break too easily.
'Everybody knows' that Military stuff is bigger, tougher, etc. Just make it so.
It is not really necessary to 'spec it out' for the players, I do for my own amusement, but just use a scaling factor for MIL grade vs Civilian grade. This leaves more time for the Role Playing aspects of the game, the Space War Game is (for me) a separate beastie, entirely.
The above are presented as opinions, my own unique fantasy space, I rather respect the Differing opinions and ideas I have seen presented, and look forward to discussion of the above thoughts, mad as they seem on the surface.