I think its easier to base this whole concept on what kind of ship and crew you are dealing with than some hard and fast rule about what is or isn't in a "ship's locker."
Instead you base it on the type and age of the ship, its state of repair, and the skills of the crew.
Most of the crew doesn't have vac suit training? Why would they have vac suits? Even if they did, they're going to have lots of issues with using one starting with getting the thing on.
Your "engineer" has a couple of level 1 skills? He gets a very basic tool box that maybe has what you need. If the part doesn't exist on board he sure isn't making it even if a machining center / part maker exists on the ship.
The ship is a 30 year old merchant of some sort that hasn't been serviced lately and the Captain is nearly broke? Probably don't have much in the way of whatever you need on board.
One crew member is a steward 1... If the ship has a galley its stuff from packages and the "microwave." Doesn't matter that the galley is a fully equipped restaurant level one. He doesn't know what half the stuff does.
A new ship, one owned by a corporation, or a warship will have better equipment aboard.
An engineer with level 1 to 3 skills in a range of stuff has a huge selection of tools and knows how to make parts.
A steward level 4? This guy complains there's too much vibration on the ship to cook a soufflé for dinner and demands the Captain shut the engines down. He can use the restaurant quality galley.
Most of the crew has good weapons skills? Weapons are available. They have next to no skills then they have a couple of whatever to defend the ship.
That's really considerably simpler than having pre-concocted lists in detail for everything. This way you do or don't have what you need for the situation you are in based on the situation your party and the ship are themselves in. Amateurs are unprepared, pro's are.