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Ships of 2320


Hmmmmm. Google for "2320 Esmiol" and you turn up this rather nifty set of ships and accompanying text on Etranger, even though it is not yet on the navigation for the site:


Have a look, before they get taken down. Needed a robots.txt, looks like. :)

I have to say, Laurent's work just gets better and better and better. I'd give my right arm for a set of 3D deck plans of that scout ship. Even 2D plans and stats would do. Any chance guys, or is this being held back because of Mongoose?
I hope that these don't get taken down, but I expect they will for legal reasons.

Well, I understand these images weren't bought for 2320, and so ownership is still with Laurent. I guess it depends whether or not he considers that he should keep them back for sale in any future Mongoose project.

He certainly deserves to be compensated for the time he spent on these models and renders. They are the best I've ever seen for this setting or any other game setting for that matter.

The biggest regret I have over the 2320AD project is all the artwork that was commissioned and never actually purchased. The work that Laurent did was amazing. I don't see any copyright issues here, aside from, maybe, the names of the ships that were actually published. I had really looked forward to doing up the stats for all those ships, too. Maybe I still will. The design system is Closed Content, but products of the design system are Open Content
The biggest regret I have over the 2320AD project is all the artwork that was commissioned and never actually purchased. The work that Laurent did was amazing. I don't see any copyright issues here, aside from, maybe, the names of the ships that were actually published. I had really looked forward to doing up the stats for all those ships, too. Maybe I still will. The design system is Closed Content, but products of the design system are Open Content

Laurent has said (I think on Facebook) that he intends to publish this stuff on Etranger, let's hope that page is a draft in edit, and there's more amazing stuff to come.

Colin, I'd love to get stats to those ships. Do you have stats for the Beagle scout ship you can share?

Also, I've said it before, I'll say it again: 23xx needs more deckplans. It especially needs 'em if they're 3D deckplans done by Laurent. [droooool]

ships of 2320

Hello guys,

I have been busy these last months and I have followed the debates with an inattentive eye.

I still have pictures sent to Colin in 2005-2006. As the goal was B&W printing, these images are over-exposed and this even more true with LCD screens (I had a older screen at time). As they grew older, some of these models don't please me because their defects are too apparent. I could upload the pictures but the size of the file is 8Meg.

I have more recent (and pleasant) images with spacecrafts in situation but the file is 5Meg. Those pictures will appear on Etranger but I think that Dan is busy too...

As I owne all the models, I'am free to to distribute these images as I wish.

Hi there,

As noted this article is actually on the etranger noticeboard and hence 'in draft' and not yet accesible through the main site.

As also noted the images are Laurent's and the copy was developed by Laurent and myself. Of the designs the Myrmidon, India (although unnamed) and AB.400 (which has a brief cameo in one of the pics) are fully developed in 2320AD. The Dreadnought (also unnamed) is mentioned in 2320 and Colin worked up the initial design with Laurent as per the acknowledgments. If QLI or Colin, who IMO has the moral if not legal intellectual copyright in this case, has any objections to the depiction of these particular ships in the article, I'm sure we'll be able to change it.

We have been working on stats, and I was going to ask if Colin wanted to have some input into those designs he was involved in, although I haven't had time to scratch since September :) Once that's done we'll revise it and post to the full etranger website.


That's great Dan, I look forward to seeing these write-ups completed. Even in draft form they are excellent.

And Laurent, it's clear you hold your work to exceptionally high standards. But if the images on that draft are indicative of the quality you mention, then they are already better than most of the imagery I've seen in other games.


Well, all I can say to Laurent's comment concerning file size....bring it on!!! ;)

Now I have good reason to use my 10 meg cable service! :))

I agree with the rest of my fellow posters...even drafts would be acceptable, as this beats anything I have seen, game-wise, out there!

Yah never now about 2320 AD...maybe there'll be a resurgence. I never figured that 2300 AD would see the light of day again, and what do you know! :)
Those images are AMAZING! Great job. You should do ships for Mongoose :)

Did anyone stat them out?

