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[Shipyard] Lurushaar Kilaalum-class Corvette


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
Corvette EB-EA53 Lurushaar Kilaalum MCr315.7 [Clan Severn]

Disposition: In Service

Built on a 500-ton TL-13 winged airframe, the Corvette is the Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier, only bigger, faster, and better armed. It is fitted with the Ansar b3-G jump drive, the Yard 7 mL/5 maneuver drive, and the Grid 5p Tokamak/L3 power plant, giving performance of Jump-3 and 5G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports one jump and three months of operations. It has fuel scoops for gas giant skimming. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer and an extensive sensor suite. There are five hardpoints filled with an array of powerful weapons.

Actual volume: 498.5 tons
Crew comfort: +1
Passenger demand: -5

    Tons Component                          TN     MCr  Notes
-------- ---------------------------------- -- -------  --------------------
     500 Airframe Hull, lifters             12      42  A, lifters
      10 Wings and fins                     12      10  
       5 Flotation hull                     12       5  
       5 Landing legs with pads             12       5  
       0 AV=6. 1 Blast Organic              13       0  
      20 AV=13. 1 Rad Plate                 13       0  
       0 AV=0. c Ablat                      13       0  
     135 Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)             12       0  J3, 45t/pc
    67.5 Plant Fuel (3 months)              12       0  3 months
       1 Fuel Scoops 100t/hr                8      0.1  100t/hr
       1 Fuel Intakes 40t/hr                8      0.1  40t/hr
       2 Fuel Bins 40t/hr                   8      0.2  40t/hr
       4 Fuel Purifiers 16t/hr              8        4  16t/hr
    8.25 Adv Maneuver Drive-5 (N)           13      50  5 G
      45 Imp Jump Drive-3 (H)               13      45  J 3
      40 Imp PowerPlant-5 (N)               13      40  P 5
       0 Vd Surf Proximeter                 12     0.6  
       0 Vd Surf Life Detector              12     0.6  
       0 Vd Surf Activity Sensor            12     0.6  
       0 Vd Surf Field Sensor               12     0.6  
       0 Vd Surf Densitometer               12     0.6  
       0 Vd Surf Mass Sensor                12     0.6  
       0 DS Surf Communicator               13     3.5  
       0 DS Surf Jammer                     13     3.5  
       0 DS Surf Scope                      13     3.5  
       0 DS Surf Neutrino Detector          13     3.5  
       0 LR Surf EMS                        13     2.5  
       0 LR Surf Stealth Mask               13     2.5  
       6 AR B1 Missile (2)                  15     6.4  #2 
       3 DS T4 CommCaster                   14    12.5  
       1 Vd T4 DataCaster                   14     2.5  
       3 Vd B1 Beam Laser                   15     3.5  
       2 B Meson Screen                     12       2  
       3 B Nuclear Damper                   12       2  
       4 Computer Model/4 std               16      18  
       2 Life Support Long Term             13       2  40 person-months
       1 Life Support Adaptable             13       1  10 sophonts
       8 Squad Barracks (2)                 13     0.4  #2 (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3
       2 Emergency Low Berth (2)            13       1  #2 10 individuals
       2 Frozen Watch                       13       1  10 individuals
       1 Medical Low Berth                  13     0.5  
       2 Counsellor                         13     0.2  
       4 Surgery                            13       3  
      26 Spacious Controls                  15       0  
       6 Commander's Suite                  13     0.4  fresher + safe
     1.5 Crew Shared Fresher (3)            13     1.5  #3 4 crew
      24 Crew Lounge (6)                    13       0  #6 
      12 Crew Stateroom (6)                 13     0.6  #6 1 crew
       2 Mail Vault (2)                     13       0  #2 for express contracts
       4 Cargo Hold Basic                   13       0  
     0.5 Air Lock                           13     0.1  
      20 Gig                                12      28  
       4 Air/Raft Enclosed                  9      0.1  
      10 Hull Niche (Gig)                   13     1.5  
       1 SL Bracket (Air/Raft)              13       2

Table showing tail numbers and construction information for the Lurushaar Kilaalum (Series 1100) class. Information correct as of 001-1107.

                        Keel Laid  First     Building            Current
Tail Number                  Down  Flight    Shipyard            Status
----------------------- ---------  --------  ------------------- ---------
EE53-9407                 20-1100  196-1102  Vlandian No. 2      Missing
EE53-9409                294-1100  211-1101  General Shipyards   Missing
EE53-9420                317-1100  265-1102  GSB, AG             Missing
EE53-9439                230-1101  189-1102  Piorabanti          Lost 1107
EE53-9444                292-1101  133-1104  General Shipyards   In Service
EE53-9448                 27-1102    4-1103  Yard 16 No. 3       In Service
EE53-9466                 72-1102   49-1103  Commonal            In Service
EE53-9477                155-1102  271-1104  AHG, AG             Fitting Out
EE53-9489                150-1102  266-1104  Gashidda No. 2      Scrapped
EE53-9500                139-1102   92-1103  Highlans            Destroyed
EE53-9503                 76-1102  322-1102  Gashidda No. 3      Scrapped
EE53-9517                139-1102   87-1104  Piorabanti          Captured
EE53-9549                 97-1102  278-1103  Yard 16 No. 3       Destroyed
EE53-9555                110-1102   95-1105  Tukera              In Service
EE53-9582                108-1102   73-1103  Yard 11 No. 1       In Service
EE53-9594                 85-1102  189-1104  Highlans            In Service
EE53-9602                101-1102  319-1104  Yard 16 No. 4       Scrapped
EE53-9612                175-1102  357-1104  Yard 16 No. 3       In Service
EE53-9624                218-1102  275-1105  Yard 16 No. 3       In Service
EE53-9637                271-1102   17-1106  AHG, AG             In Service
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20 ships? That sounds like a very low production run for the Imperial Navy. And a very low production run for the IN counterpart to the Scout/Courier. The IN would need thousands of scouting vessels. One squadron of 8 corvettes per regular fleet would come to 2400. Not necessarily all of the same class, but the IN would be ordering its small escorts by the hundreds.

Unless there were some reason to discontinue the planned production run prematurely.

I covered my bases by calling it the production run for the "Series 1100" class, whatever that means.

There's also a question as to whether or not Marc intended to increase it to 500 tons; I seem to recall that it is not an accident.
20 ships? That sounds like a very low production run for the Imperial Navy. And a very low production run for the IN counterpart to the Scout/Courier. The IN would need thousands of scouting vessels. One squadron of 8 corvettes per regular fleet would come to 2400. Not necessarily all of the same class, but the IN would be ordering its small escorts by the hundreds.

Agreed, also isn't J3 inadequate, it needs min J4 to keep up with the Fleet, or else larger warships end up being diverted to Courier duty.

320 Fleets, possibly 3,200 squadrons, production run needs to be in the 10,000+ range, there is a 400t Courier in CT FS with J6, M2, indicating the IN uses different ships for Scouting and Courier duties.


Agreed, also isn't J3 inadequate, it needs min J4 to keep up with the Fleet, or else larger warships end up being diverted to Courier duty.

The question that answers many other questions is probably: in what sense is it like a Scout/Courier?
The question that answers many other questions is probably: in what sense is it like a Scout/Courier?

Sorry I don't want to appear too negative as I really appreciate what you are doing converting all these ships to T5.

I could certainly use this design as an upgrade to the Type T patrol corvette and I think that's what you where going for originally.

Apologies for any misunderstanding

Kind Regards

The question that answers many other questions is probably: in what sense is it like a Scout/Courier?
My guess would be that it's the ship the Navy uses for the same purposes that the Scouts use the Scout/Courier: Scouting and short-distence courier work.

But why do I have to guess when I can just ask the author in what sense he meant it when he wrote that it was the Navy's equivalent of the Scout/Cruiser?

So in what sense did you mean it when you wrote that it was the Navy's equivalent of the Scout/Courier?

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But why do I have to guess when I can just ask the author in what sense he meant it when he wrote that it was the Navy's equivalent of the Scout/Cruiser?

That made me pause! But really that would be Marc, not me: it's quoted from T5.
Please, what is the minimum crew required to man this ship?

A commander, up to twelve crewmen in double occupancy as needed (but at least: pilot, astrogator, sensop, medic, and three engineers), and five gunners, in a barracks. A second barracks has room for up to 5 marines.
Agreed, also isn't J3 inadequate, it needs min J4 to keep up with the Fleet, or else larger warships end up being diverted to Courier duty.
Perhaps it is designed to be carried by larger ships until deployed. Or to be attached to fleets with J3 combat vessels, in which case there will be another version with J4 capability.

320 Fleets, possibly 3,200 squadrons, production run needs to be in the 10,000+ range, there is a 400t Courier in CT FS with J6, M2, indicating the IN uses different ships for Scouting and Courier duties.
Perhaps not 10,000+, but certainly in the high hundreds or low thousands. That's assuming that the IN has more than one ship class for each of its functions.

The canonical fleet courier is not the Type S. The Type S carries mail off the X-boat routes to everywhere else. (Sup 9, p. 11)
The Fleet courier is a 400Td J6 2G courier with a 5 man crew. (S9, p 20)
The canonical fleet courier is not the Type S. The Type S carries mail off the X-boat routes to everywhere else. (Sup 9, p. 11)
The Fleet courier is a 400Td J6 2G courier with a 5 man crew. (S9, p 20)
Yes, we know. The flavor text for this ship says its the "Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier". That is to say, the vessel employed by the Scout Service for short hops. Presumably the Navy uses this model for short hops. One might infer that the Navy doesn't use J2 vessels for scout and courier work.

In any case, the Fleet Courier is not the Navy's equivalent of the Scout/Courier, but the Navy's equivalent of whatever the Scouts use for J6.

Yes, we know. The flavor text for this ship says its the "Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier". That is to say, the vessel employed by the Scout Service for short hops. Presumably the Navy uses this model for short hops. One might infer that the Navy doesn't use J2 vessels for scout and courier work.

In any case, the Fleet Courier is not the Navy's equivalent of the Scout/Courier, but the Navy's equivalent of whatever the Scouts use for J6.


The scouts don't need a J6 for what they do.
[The Corvette is] the "Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier".


[Therefore] the Fleet Courier is not the Navy's equivalent of the Scout/Courier, but the Navy's equivalent of whatever the Scouts use for J6.


In other words, just as the Scouts have a Corvette-equivalent, they might also have a Fleet Courier-equivalent.

It's possible. Perhaps even probable, due to an aberration in the Spinward Marches xboat route. Do you know what aberration I'm talking about?
(NOTE: I think the aberration has been retconned away, since it appears to be absent in travellermap.com).
It's possible. Perhaps even probable, due to an aberration in the Spinward Marches xboat route. Do you know what aberration I'm talking about?
The jump-5 X-boat link from Tenalphi to Strouden, you mean? Yes, I see that it's been replaced by a link from Tenalphi to Persephone.

I hope we can take this link as evidence for X-boat links occasionally bypassing intervening systems that appear to be on the routes. Such as interdicted Penkwar (and presumably also Spirelle).

Even if that is true it doesn't mean that the Scouts don't have some. They may, for instance, feel a need to deliver reports faster than they can do without J6.


At which point, they probably make use of the standing navy J6 runs... Or use the same plans the Navy does for the Fleet Courier.

For the most part, they're going to make do with J1-J2 to/from the X-boat net, and J3-J4 along it.