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[Shipyard] To-Do List


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
My list of ship designs to port to T5 is here. Designs "to be done" are marked with TO DO. Some designs have been combined as variants of one "universal" design. The list is not comprehensive.

Designs drafted: 75 To do: 33 Total ships in list: 108

Group 1: TRADERS and GUNBOATS (7/12)

TO DO Imperial - DB-ES60 Condor-class SDB [FASA ACS1]
TO DO Imperial - E-DS64 - Valor-class Missile Corvette [FASA ACS1]
TO DO Imperial - EB-DS64 Lucifer-class Destroyer Escort [FASA ACS1]
TO DO Imperial - EG-DL42 Fiery-class Gunned Escort / Route Protector
TO DO Imperial - G-FB43 Modular Frigate [T5]

Universal - A-BS11 Free Trader [Beowulf, Alexandria [FASA ACS2]]
Universal - A-BS11 Maada Class Free Trader [Trednuk & Staan, LIC (T5)]
Imperial - A2-BA22 Avian-class Far Trader [Paranoia Press]
Universal - A2-BS12 Far Trader [Marava, Vargr Farrou (M2)]
Imperial - EC-DU55 Gazelle-class Close Escort [T5]
Imperial - GBS-VB50 Raptor-class Gunboat [T5]
Universal - R-EU12 Maru Merchant [FASA ACS1][/b]

Group 2: ASLAN (10/13)

TO DO Aslan - CB-K3S43 Warlord Battle Cruiser [FASA ACS4]
TO DO Aslan - TM-K3S43 Hero Intruder Transport [FASA ACS4]
TO DO Republic of Regina - TL-ES22 Clan Transport [T5]

Aslan - A-DS12 Eakhu-class trader/merchant [AM1]
Aslan - E-HU44 Ekawsykua Escort[AM1]
Aslan - G-DS41 Khosaa Frigate
Aslan - J-BS22 Kteiroa Prospector [AM1]
Aslan - L-DS14 Hkiyrerao Lab ship [AM1]
Aslan - R-FB22 Khtukhao Merchant[AM1]
Aslan - RL-KS13 Taori-class Exploratory Merchant [T5]
Aslan - T-KS33 Aositaoh MilitaryTransport [AM1]
Aslan - S-BS43 Ktiyhui Scout[AM1]
Aslan - S-BU72 Stayow Combat Scout[FASA]


TO DO Corsair - R-HS33 Chameleon-class Commerce Raider [FASA ACS1] *D
TO DO Imperial - C-VS23 Cruiser [T5]
TO DO Imperial - G-VS33 Sydkai-class Frigate
TO DO Imperial - Y-DU14 Desiree Keah-class Yacht [FASA ACS1]

Corsair - P-GA42 Corsair [T5]
Universal - C-HS33 Mercenary Cruiser [Broadsword, Judges' Guild ]
Imperial - CM-HU33 Broadsword Class Mercenary Cruiser [Broadsword, Judges' Guild ]
Imperial - EB-KS64 Chrysanthemum [S9]
Imperial - EB-KS64 Fer-de-lance [S9]
Imperial - E-EA53 Lurushaar Kilaalum-class Corvette [T5]
Imperial - EP-DS43 Type T Patrol Corvette [CT]
Universal - KS-BA12 Safari Ship [LBB2]
Universal - Y-BU11 Yacht [Lady of Shallott-class Yacht [FASA ACS2], MC&S Yacht [Judges' Guild]]
Imperial - Y-EU42 Vanderbilt-class Yacht [T5]

Group 4: ZHODANI (7/10)

TO DO Zhodani - A2-BS22 Fanzhhienz-class Far Trader [FASA ACS2]
TO DO Zhodani - DB-DS64 Stedlas-class SDB [FASA ACS1]
TO DO Zhodani - S-BA35 - Chatl-class Leader Scout [FASA ACS1]

Zhodani - C-VS42 Vlezhdatl [FASA DPM-5]
Zhodani - C-VS44 Dodielchiatl Council Cruiser [AM04]
Zhodani - E-DU64 Zhdits [FASA ACS1/AM04]
Zhodani - E-FS53 Sesavetl [AM04]
Zhodani - G-FU24 Shivva [AD04 et al]
Zhodani - M-HU14 Chtabl-class Liner [FASA/AM04]
Zhodani - S-BS24 Qliaf [FASA/AM04]


Republic of Regina - NP-DS23 Kurgulash-class Medical Scout [FASA ACS2]

Universal - A2-HS23 Speculative Trader/"Spice Trader" [TTA et al]
Imperial - J-AL22 Prospector [CT S7]
Universal - L-DC12 Lab Ship [LBB2]
Universal - S-AL22 Scout/Courier [Aslan Hraye, Zhodani Ninz] [FASA/AM04/T5]
Imperial - NJ-DU23 Donosev-class Survey Scout [CT S9]
Imperial - S-AA22 Delta Research Serpent [Paranoia Press]
Imperial - S2-AA22 Delta Research Wind-class Extended Scout [Paranoia Press]
Imperial - S2-AS22 Gashiiri-class Jumpboat/Enhanced Scout
Imperial - R-TU43 Leviathan class Merchant Cruiser [AD04]

Group 6: DROYNE & VARGR (10/11)

TO DO Droyne - C-KU33 Selistyamuxa Cruiser [AM5]
Droyne - T-JU33 Bretremoy Military Transport [AM5]

Droyne - A-BS11 Miymosa Free Trader [AM5]
Droyne - S-AL22 Syunutstryak Scout/Courier [AM5]
Vargr - G-HS44 Se Koez [AM3]
Vargr - J-BU11 Zukseg [AM3]
Vargr - P-GA42 Rrazaghz [T5]
Vargr - R2-FU13 Dhaztuen Far Merchant [AM3]
Vargr - S-AS42 Kanllaz-class Scout [AM3]
Vargr - S-BS33 Tathoe [AM3]
Vargr - P-FA42 Az Alrrak Raider [Signal GK]

Group 7: LOCAL COMMERCE (9/13)

TO DO Universal - ZS-EC00 Eshpadir-class Orbital Facility [FASA ACS2]
TO DO Imperial - MK-FS13 Lord Somerset-class Subsidized Liner [FASA ACS2]
TO DO Imperial - R-KU11 Magnadon-class Provincial Merchant [FASA ACS3]

TO DO Imperial - M-KU12 Star-class Merchant Liner [FASA ACS3]
TO DO Imperial - R-KU12 Triad-class Merchant Vessel [FASA ACS3]
TO DO Imperial - TF-KU12 Trader-class Provincial Transport [FASA ACS3]
TO DO Imperial - UA-KU12 Iris-class Armored Packet [FASA ACS3]

Universal - FT-TS13 Dakaar-class Frontier Freighter [GameLords]
Universal - RK-DA11 Fat Trader/Subsidized Merchant [TTB, M1/Eakhau J2, MGT Darrians/Nalumb J3]
Imperial - F-KS13 Oberlindes Freighter [TTA]
Imperial - F-K5S11 Hercules Freighter MCr658.8 [TTA]
Universal - M-FB13 Subsidized Liner [LBB2]
Universal - UF-CA33 Armed Packet [T5]


TO DO Solomani - GP-FS63 Endeavour-class Patrol Frigate [FASA ACS2]

Solomani - SX-BS34 Marathon Fleet Courier
Sword Worlds - C-CS32 Sleipnir Patrol Cruiser [MgT]
Sword Worlds - CB-VB22 Jarl-class Battle Cruiser [MgT]
Sword Worlds - Y-AS42 Sceaf-class Yacht [MgT]
Sword Worlds - G-EB32 Surtr Bombardier Frigate [MgT]
Sword Worlds - PN-AS42 Jump Fighter

Group 9: LONG DISTANCE (7/8)

TO DO Imperial - TC-KU11 Xboat Tender [CT S7]
TO DO Imperial - RA-KS14 Seeker-class Armored Merchant [FASA ACS3]

Imperial - F-K3U14 Al Morai World-class Cargo Carrier MCr 765.6 [SMC]
Imperial - M2-HS24 Brilliance-class Long Liner [MgT Deneb]
Imperial - M2-KS14 Tukera Long Liner [TTA]
Imperial - SL-AS04 Xboat [CT S7]
Imperial - TB-ZC00 Xboat Station
Transport T-Q2U14 Tukera AT-Class Transport MCr697.8 [TTA]

Group 10: EXOTICS (3/10)

TO DO Carrillian - CL-HS13 Explorer-class Survey Cruiser [FASA ACS2]
TO DO Carrillian - BQ-K342 ISPMV: Fenris [FASA DPM-3]
TO DO Carrillian - TM-KB33 ISPMV: Tethys [FASA DPM-4]
TO DO Carrillian - B-V2B11 ICSV: Leander [FASA DPM-2]
TO DO Darrian - C-PU43 Relic Cruiser Zehthete
TO DO Darrian - E2-JL63 Darrian Corvette
TO DO Reformation Coalition - Aurora-class Clipper [TNE]

Carrillian - G-HB53 Avenger-class Patrol Frigate [GameLords]
Chamax - T-V2U00 Chamaxi Sleeper Ship [Chamax Plague]
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Looking at Starhome (trying to see where I could fix my original attempt at same Far Trader). Under crew there is a spacer niche, 4 staterooms, a double size crew lounge and a shared fresher.

Why a spacer niche? Which poor crewman gets put in the cupboard?

The original description has a "spacious owner's cabin with large windows" that I notice is absent in the skeleton. Is that a feature of the program you used or a deliberate design change?

Lastly, can the barebones design program put in the basic sensor package?

Sorry to be a bother, still trying to figure out T5 starship construction...
Attached is a ZIP file containing skeleton (i.e. unfinished) design files of all remaining ships to port into T5.
Cool, I was trying to think of what to work on next, and this reminded me of Droyne ships!

Why a spacer niche? Which poor crewman gets put in the cupboard?.
That would be Spacehand Potter (a latent psionic). :rofl:

Gah, :eek:o: now that I think about it, HP fits into Traveller rather well...
Welcome to the Hogwart's Institute for Psionics and Psychicry...
With these designs, is it up to the player/GM to equip additional weapons, armour and facilities or are they 'good to go' as is? I have found the shipyard Flash program so I can check out the designs in detail later.
With these designs, is it up to the player/GM to equip additional weapons, armour and facilities or are they 'good to go' as is? I have found the shipyard Flash program so I can check out the designs in detail later.

Some of them are equipped, and some are not.

Even for equipped ships, feel free to swap out installed components, because your needs may require it. Also, if some armor levels and weapon loadouts look wrong or sub-optimal, feel free to comment on that, as well.
Regency and TNE

Will you be including any TNE (Regency, etc) conversions?

This is nice to see. I did all of my T20 conversions myself. :cool:
Will you be including any TNE (Regency, etc) conversions?

This is nice to see. I did all of my T20 conversions myself. :cool:

I did a version of the Aurora Clipper, before v1.0. I would like to finish it.
Also your list should include all ships with existing deckplans (FASA, etc).
No reason to throw out CT plans.

So, just for grins, I added in all the missing ships from FASA.

Just about doubled the number of ships left. Aieee.
more ships

So, just for grins, I added in all the missing ships from FASA.

Just about doubled the number of ships left. Aieee.

A robust universe. I have yet to review the starship creation in T5. I am still scratching my head with character creation.

Deckplans are not so numerous that we can afford to throw them away. Reuse reuse.
I've re-organized the ships into groups of roughly 10 ships, more or less, organized by purpose, mission, or affinity.
Ported the original "Type T" Patrol "Cruiser" (now Corvette).
And the Type J Prospector.

Designs drafted: 72 To do: 36 Total ships in list: 108
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Y'know, Rob, I think the main attraction for me in getting the T5 rules right now is so that I will be able to understand everything you put into these ship designs. It all looks very cool, but some is incomprehensible without the rules. It is just the mass of errata that is still keeping me on the fence...

I dunno if it will make your list, but I am drafting an AFT-CS44 Fast Far Trader, the 'stretched' 300dT version of the Empress Marava. It has an attached drawing and a short story attached. Coming as soon as I finish the story.

Sounds cute, Pakk.

I converted the Droyne Bretremoy-class Deskay Transport.