Originally posted by Bhoins:
I always thought that one was funny as the 2000T Strike Cruiser showed up at Garda Villis and was only Jump-1 it would have to make 15 jumps from the nearest Zhondani base (2 of them in empty hexes, one of them in the same hex as an Imperial Scout base and 5 of those jumps in Imperial space to get there.Or 4 jumps in Imperial space (one in an empty hex) from the nearest Sword Worlds base.As this is the first shots in the war in an adventure.... Always made me laugh.
That strike cruiser was reworked in TNE - it's the Vlezdatl found in Power Projection: Escort. That design has a J2 drive.
Here's what we drafted for PP:E (c)BITS UK Ltd 2002-2004 and also (c)2002-2004 Tobias Riepe
Vlezhdatl Class Pocket Strike Cruiser
2000 dT TL14 MCr 1,857 PV 20
The Vlezhdatl Class Pocket Strike Cruiser, sometimes referred to as the 'Pliebr Atshtiavl' (Chill/Winter Sun) Type after the first unit deployed, is one of the more common Zhodani warships in the Tloql (Spinward Marches)
Following the Fourth Frontier War (1082-1084), the Iadr Nsobl Provincial Council concluded that a range of 'pocket' cruisers were need for use on the very edge of the Zhodani Consulate. Such vessels could be used in local operations without the provocative political impact on strained Zhodani/Imperial relations that their larger cousins could create. In addition, their primary weapon of a particle accelerator bay provides a devastating punch against smaller ships and escorts, lending the Vlezhdatl a menacing reputation as a commerce raider.
Note that the example shown has an extra energy weapon battery above reality - this is used to simulate the attacking punch of the small fighter squadron that the Pliebr Atshtiavl carries. Fighter rules are included in Power Projection: Fleet.
From: "Tobias Riepe" <TRiepe5898@>
Date: Wed Nov 6, 2002 22:45:23 Europe/London
Subject: [Traveller_FullThrust] Zhodani Strike Cruiser
Hello Dom!
I don´t know if you are getting my E-mails, so I´ll try this.
The ship you were searching for is the Vlezhdatl class. The original design=
, btw, is quite illegal by the rules. I made a corrected version:
Ship: Vlezhdatl
Class: Vlezhdatl
Type: Strike Cruiser
Architect: Tobias
Tech Level: 14
CS-B124CE2-306600-05905-0 MCr 2,321.247 2 KTons
Bat Bear 21 2 Crew: 47
Bat 21 2 TL: 14
Cargo: 127.000 Fuel: 640.000 EP: 240.000 Agility: 4 Shipboard Security Deta=
il: 2
Craft: 2 x 30T Vlezhdest fighter
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 23.212 Cost in Quantity: MCr 1,856.998
All you have to change in PP is to downgrade the Energy and Missile batteri=
es to ordinary ones, and to change the ND to level 2. Note that I increased =
the Jump rating to 2, in accordance with the TNE version.
If you didn´t get my first e-mail, there was a FASA supplement concerning t=
his ship, and it also appeared in Brilliant Lances (the TNE space combat boa=
rdgame.) In case you´re wondering, I don´t have said FASA supplement, so I c=
an´t help you there.
Some info can be found here: