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Shonao-Class HG Frigate


SOC-14 5K
High Guard Design (USP Stats absent/not calculated). TL-11. 5000 ton cylidrical hull. Jump-2, 6G, Plant 7. Agility 5, 350 EP, 1350 tons fuel, fuel processor as part of engineering. Armor factor 5. 4xModel-6fib computers**. 2 50-ton factor-7 PA bays. 5 heavy* (quad) plasma guns, 8 triple missile racks w/autoloader*, 4 triple sandcaster turrets w/autoloader, 10 triple pulse laser turrets. 36 staterooms. 2 extended medlabs*, 2 machine shops*, 4 (TL-11) solar panels*, minimal vehicle workshop for up to 30 ton ship's boat*, 4 full hydroponics gardens*. 1 ship's boat, 1 (military) speeder. 167 tons cargo, 70 crew (including security personnel). 18 months to build, 8576 MCr (8.576 MCr architect's fee has been paid off).

This is IMTU the current largest ship in the Navy of the Duchy of Selena. Shonao-class ships saw much action in the Selena-Bosin Insystem wars and also helped with antipiracy and strike duties in the Anozang and Rosemoor systems (see the Creating Pocket Empires thread in IMTU forum for details), and were designed for long-duration insystem operations.

* = items taken from Omer Golan's LBB2 Expanded worksheet.
** = includes a house rule which massively decreases the cost of computers.
This would be something that would be found in the pocket empires among the Domain of Gateway, under different names.
I think I was thinking of a kind of missile, but that may not be entirely right. A bit of time should clarify things, though.
Ummm... Not perpendicular. It is meant to be able to belly-land on a planet.

Just in case...
GypsyComet, you might be right. Maybe it is a perpendicular ship.

But I think otherwise that it looks a lot like the Maskirovka Corvette from Escape Velocity (the top one in the linked page), except mine has no control-bay protrusions on the front, the blue wings are not there, and the six engine pods kind of "bleed into" the hull. If anyone would be willing to make a rendering or a deckplan of this, I would be grateful.