Well I was intending to hold off on releasing another build until I got a few more features working. But a number of errors have come to light. These were all minor fixes and have been done. The errors are below
A: Mixed turret batteries were calculated as one per type of weapon rather than one per weapon
B: Crew rules used did not take into account errata (the new build still retains the multiple options here)
C: Medics and navigators were required for non-starships.
The new build also gives more information in the text export function. Specifically a breakdown of the crew (which I'm actually thinking of dropping because it is just plain ugly) and EP used in the component export section.
I'm reluctant at the moment, just in case more come to light. So are these serious enough to warrant a new build
A: Mixed turret batteries were calculated as one per type of weapon rather than one per weapon
B: Crew rules used did not take into account errata (the new build still retains the multiple options here)
C: Medics and navigators were required for non-starships.
The new build also gives more information in the text export function. Specifically a breakdown of the crew (which I'm actually thinking of dropping because it is just plain ugly) and EP used in the component export section.
I'm reluctant at the moment, just in case more come to light. So are these serious enough to warrant a new build
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