G. Kashkanun Anderson
Riiiggghhhhttt... And this coming from someone who thinks it's a "good" idea to up the technology of a TL 3 world just because the starport happened to be Class B.
Well, if we're talking about Dinomn/Lanth here, then the strongest argument against its existence from the strict-CT standpoint is that it's an impossible creation under the ruleset. The lowest Tech Level Dinomn should possibly be able to have is 5; there is simply no way for that world to exist in the first place except by referee fiat.
rancke said:I would first try to figure out an explanation, so I'd have to know which TL3 world you're talking about to say if I agreed with Daryen (changing the starport to Class C might be better, depending on the habitability of the world), but there's a good chance I would. That's because boatyards on worlds without the technology to support them makes even less sense than shipyards. Why would anyone build a boatyard in a system without customers? Not only do you have to import all the parts, you also have to export the finished product.
On the other hand, a true TL-3, Class B starport world is quite a bit less problematic, in my book. That's because the circumstances guiding the creation of such a world are so unique and rare in the first place (at least they should be, according to the rules) that its very existence practically conjures up its own explanation.
For starters, a TL3/Class B combination is only going to happen on a world with a couple of hundred million people laboring under a Religious Dictatorship (Pop-8/Gov-D). And when I say only, I mean it: as in that's the only Pop/Gov combination that will work here.
Throw in a few other limiting but necessary factors (such a world has to be fairly good-sized, with at least a marginally usable atmosphere and not too much water), and you actually wind up with a combination of vital statistics that are so rare that I estimate that even within the scope of the entire 11,000-world Imperium, the odds of even one such world appearing are less than 40%.
Meaning -- at least to me -- that if you honestly dice up such a world, you really ought to go that extra mile in figuring out why it is the way it is.