So some careers, Army, Navy and Marines, have +Social on the mustering out table. The Navy has +Social on the Personal Development skill-up table. The Other career has a -Social on that table. The Navy also gives +1 Social on attaining Rank 5 and Rank 6 in LBB1, though this is omitted in LBB5, I am not sure why.
I imagine all societies attach prestige to various careers. But the human condition is different in different societies. In Western cultures, doctors are high Soc, sure, and anyone who can pay their way through Med school (or who is willing to sell their soul to the military for a few years) graduates with basically a new Soc score. In other societies, you can be the brightest and richest person ever, but if you're of the wrong class, you're forbidden from certain things and definitely can't get into medical school.
So, I would totally agree that a Medic-3-level doctor probably desereves being bumped up to Soc 8 or 9 if they were below that, as I am a member of Western society. Almost any 'professional' skill at 2 is probably worth at least Soc 7, (or wherever you put the middle of the middle class, for some of the variant Soc rolls people) because you can afford and are generally expected to maintain a decent lifestyle and not come to work unwashed and wearing rags. And not many CPAs live in trailers. So this is probably the ideal situation for a broad house rule, where anyone that spends the cash for a lifestyle associated with a Soc (and lives that lifestyle, not buying a house and sleeping in the gutter) gets that Soc.
MgT1 has a table (in the Equipment section of all places) detailing the cost per month for maintaining various Social levels. I think that the table could work both ways: spend the cash to maintain Soc, but if you spend the cash, you can get the Soc. The reason that might not work is if a society isn't mobile, or if you pick your nose in public, then wearing a $500 suit and a Rolex won't get you into certain places.
So, end conclusion is YMMV, and Soc probably needs to be addressed in everyone's Travelller Universe for what specifically works in their campaign. The last game I played in took place on a planet that suspiciously resembled Roanapur from Black Lagoon, and anyone throwing cash around and dressing like a traditional noble would last about two minutes. But bribes in the right places and paying off the Hotel Terra faction would help your situation tremendously.