Originally posted by Cymew:
Now I have read the rules and (hopefully) digested them.
They look elegant and fairly solid.
Cool. I'm going to post the "official" updated version of these rules soon. I've got them pretty much complete (some tweaks from what is posted here), but I'll need to find some time to post it.
I'm not sure I think target orientation is worth adding DM's for. Space is big and the gameturns are so long I wonder if it matters were you're heading.
I'm with you.
I cut down the DMs a lot in the "official" version. I felt I had too many.
I'm only going to use a few DMs as necessary--the others are going to be "optional" DMs that a GM can use if he wants the added detail.
Target orientation is one of the "optional" DMs that GMs can choose to use or ignore.
I do think that they "matter", though, with regard to what you say above, because, even though the turn in starship combat is over 15 min long, a ship will typically accelerate in one direction in space for that length of time--so the orientation will matter for any GM willing to use the optional orientation DMs.
The rules will work fine (quick and easy) without them, though.
In fact, most of the DMs will be optional--the only required DMs will be PowerPlant and Range.
Then there's the question of sensor quality. Since the UGM scale is so tilted towards the "lower end" I wonder if Standard Passive array for civilians isn't a bit too good.
Remember that UGM doesn't have to be used at all. These sensor rules can easily be used with just a 2D roll (forget UGM).
The UGM task will, at most, give a +1 to the roll (+2 not very often), so we're only talking about a +1DM.
The UGM task roll is not needed at all.
Now, all I need to do is (1) get all this stuff cleaned up and posted so that it's easy to read (wading through all this is a nightmare for someone wanted to use the rules), and (2) decide how jammers are going to be implemented.
I think I'm just going to present the sensors rules first, then add jammers later as an expansion to the rules. Jammers won't come into play unless we're dealing with military ships (or military-upgraded PC vessels) anyway.
Now I'm getting very tempted to get my hands on those Special Supplements as well...
You just need Special Supplement 3: Missiles. It's a damn good set of expanded space combat rules for CT.
You don't really need Starter Traveller--we've mentioned everything you need to know about Range Bands earlier in the thread.
And, I don't think Mayday is really needed either. Although Mayday has the second best explanation of Range Bands (the best description is in Starter Traveller), and that system is similar to LBB2 with Range Bands--Mayday is also on a different scale (bigger Range Bands, longer turns).
If I were you, I'd just get Special Supplement 3 and play LBB2 space combat with the Range Bands instead of vector movement.
That's exactly what I'm doing in my game.