Given the flow, I (or any of a number of people on the board, for that matter) can whip up a UWP generator based on the method. That's not too much of an issue. If I'm not doing something else when you get it done, I'll definitely give it a shot.
I think the border discussions are about done, or as done as people are wanting to go with them at the moment.
Polities: There's been some good suggestions presented, but I don't know what's stopped those discussions.
Races: Ditto. Not to mention that the Races need a place, and won't have one until the UWPs are done...
As for the rest of it, the topics are only so exciting, and then they lose their... pizzazz, for lack of a better word.
Sure, there's no reason why people can't talk about these things, but they aren't, so there's obviously a reason why. Just concerned that the project may be stagnating, after such an impressive start.

I think the border discussions are about done, or as done as people are wanting to go with them at the moment.
Polities: There's been some good suggestions presented, but I don't know what's stopped those discussions.
Races: Ditto. Not to mention that the Races need a place, and won't have one until the UWPs are done...
As for the rest of it, the topics are only so exciting, and then they lose their... pizzazz, for lack of a better word.
Sure, there's no reason why people can't talk about these things, but they aren't, so there's obviously a reason why. Just concerned that the project may be stagnating, after such an impressive start.