• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Slowing down?

Realistic UWP Update:

Real-life has caught up with me somewhat - I have a lot on my plate at the moment. I've not had much time lately to get all the world generation stuff done and I'm insanely busy right now - I've got size and atmosphere fully sorted, and some of hydrographics.

If I've got time I might post what I have so far for people to look at. I still want to do population, gov, law, and TL too though so it's not complete by any means yet.
Thanks for the update Mal.

Think it would be good if everyone contributing could put a short update up of what they're interested in/doing and how far they have got.

For myself:
Corporate Free Trade Zone (short essay on site).
Independent central trading main, with 2 worlds detailed (shadowport space station and TL11 balkanised capitalist world).
'Gold-rush' planet or pair of planets in indie space.
Non-Sollie human polities in loose anti-sol alliance on coreward/trailing border (Alpha quadrant).
Hiver subject/client races, including humans. Suggestion 6 inc warrior types already mentioned in T20 products.
Sollie and Hiver 'traders and gunships' (4 ships designed so far - deckplans on the way)

Interested in how the sector history is proceeding; ie, what have people got so far and an update summary would be good.

Also, do we have any plans for the current affairs of our sector project? Some pertinent questions:-
1) Is 993 our datline? Should we go for a period later in the war (995-8) or even just after the war when the Sol Rim is in massive readjustment (1005+).
2) How do events of the war impact the region? What Imperial assets and allies are there?
3) Apart from the Sol CF, Sol Party, Hiver Fed, and hi-tech, hi-pop planets what other organisations and special interests exist; ie religions, criminals, corps, secret societies.

I realise its Christmas; some people are going to be even busier while some people may have more time on their hands. Be good to see what everyone has got so far and then we can take this project further in the new year.

Will hopefully have more stuff on my site by dec31.

Happy holiday folks.
I can't even remember where we left off. :(

Also, my worldbuilding is in limbo. T5 is now in development, but given the generally bad experiences I had on the playtest (both in the quality of the material, the way it is being presented, and the attitude of the author) I have absolutely no intention of allowing any of my worldbuilding rules to be adapted into that game.

With T5 under development I run the risk that someone on the playtest could potentially be influenced by any rules that I make public and adapt them - unintentionally, I'd hope - into the game. Unless there is a way to guarantee that this cannot happen, I have to err on the side of caution. Therefore I feel that I cannot publicly release the rules that I have written at this stage. Sorry :( .

(As it is, I haven't got much further than where I left off and to be honest my enthusiasm for finishing them has waned significantly (in part due to the T5 playtest).)
I've been busy with Stellar Reaches, which I seem to be able to work on only during the weekends, as well as a few special projects for both Avenger and QLI. I've also been toying around with a few ideas for the Limited License, should it come to pass, but none of them have left the "deep contemplation" stage as yet, since there hasn't been any word on the Limited License in a few months.

Honestly, my enthusiasm for the Spica project has dimmed in light of my recent work, and I would like to retract my development of the two subsectors I claimed in order to pursue my current interests. I hope someone else can take up the reins, and I'm sure it'll be a great product, whether fan-based or published via QLI or Avenger.

I'll still drop by from time to time, though, and pitch in my two credits worth, if you guys don't mind.

As always, for me, there are only so many hours in the day, and I've always got 20 pans in the fire . . .

IIRC, I've done the most recent work on this, and that was 2-3 months ago.

Basically, as far as UWPs and starsystems go, why don't we just create them ourselves, individually, for each area of responsibility . . . passing them in front of the group with the express understanding that impossible combinations, like habitable worlds around O/B stars, etc., will be rejected.
My sentiments are mirrored in the above three posts to a large part. Maybe it was just too grand a vision to succeed

In any case, like Flynn, I relinquish any claim on the system calls made. I think that pretty much goes without saying at this point, should the project be resurrected. And if it is I'll probably be around, and if I'm not then kudos and fortune to those who take up the torch.

By all means, make it your baby and move Spica forward. If anyone has an issue with the direction you take things, it might encourage them to participate and contribute. While I have too many irons in the fire, I still would like to see this project succeed.

Best of luck,
I wonder if Spica development might work well as a series of magazine articles... say in Stellar Reaches? ;)
Well, I am looking ahead to Issues #5-8, which will focus on another sector instead of Empty Quarter. At the moment, I hadn't given it much thought, but Spica might make for an interesting choice, given the Prt' minor race and the interactions between Hivers and humaniti.

Right now, I'm looking at the next sector being set in 993. However, if TNE 1248 comes out before the release of Issue #5 (Winter 2006), I'm likely to set the next sector in 1248, instead, to support the Traveller timeline going forward.

My ultimate goal with Stellar Reaches is to develop sectors that would be fun to play in, but haven't seen much development from official sources. (Less canon issues to worry about, that way. ;) )

If it came down to it, though, I'd definitely be willing to either put out the Spica sector information as a series of fanzine articles or put together the final document once the work is ready for PDF publishing.

More later,
Sorry, I got involved in other matters (per previous posts) and frankly I'm not as interested in Traveller or the OTU as I was then. I think Spica still has merit though.

I still have my map files online and can send them to Gruffy etc. if needed.

Segmenting the work top down first into workable chunks might help. Article size is one way.

(edit: added bits)
Good idea. Stick with it! The rest of us can chip in as necessary, and maybe get pulled in later

I should still have all my maps and stuff lying around on my hard drive somewhere if you need them...

You are more than welcome to do so. We'd greatly appreciate and consider any and all contributions.

I've found that breaking things down into smaller pieces like the articles for the fanzine helps me get more accomplished.

Just let me know,
Clarification (since I badly worded the previous post), it's not the page itself, it's the links on that page to the Spica Subsector pdfs. I meant to say the page might be serving as a placeholder for files not yet put up.

sample (direct link to subsector A)

- Casey in need of caffeine

(edit: reworded this one!)
Oh. Yes, i think he says somewhere on the page - oh, on the Spica Sector Weblog that you can get to from the front page - that the files aren't up yet.