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Small Craft - CT to T20


SOC-14 10K
EDIT: Note the original posting date. I was doing a search and this came up needing an edit. And maybe the resurrection won't hurt either.

So, pondering and doodling in a spare moment earlier this week my mind turned again to my, how shall I say this, lack of enthusiasm for the T20 versions of at least a couple of the old classics, ships that is. Not that there's anything wrong with them, I just like continuity or a clear declaration that it is something new if it departs from the old. Another reason for my picky translations to each new system as they've come along was to allow the use of previous deckplans without too much reworking, and ideally none. Again its a continuity issue.

Anyway I've been tooling different versions of CT ships in T20 for a while trying to recreate the specifics of the classics and sticking to the letter of the T20 design rules, no easy task but a fun bit of gearheading despite not being satisfied with the results, yet, which brings us back to my wandering thoughts earlier this week...

I'm sure someone else has already done it this way, and I know some have mentioned the method(s) as the way to get the B2 small craft to work in HG but I was always stubborn and slow to accept defeat, especially when my alternative worked for HG.

Forgive the long introduction, presuming you're still reading this far in you're about half-way to the good stuff.

Anyway, back to the subject (notice the wandering thoughts even now), I'm not sure what made me accept or twig to the idea but it seemed to suddenly dawn on me (you know like the 'overnight' success story, after decades of hard work), what if I took the "4 ton minimum" for small craft bridges at its most literal? As in you must have 4 tons but you don't need the whole "20% of hull" if its more.

Like I said others have used this method, so its not exactly new, just call me a recent reluctant convert.

My second act of "conversion" was to also accept as needed that perhaps not all the small craft were built at the minimum TL possible (as I used to do it, usually TL9 in HG) but based on the power plant fuel and energy requirements. This too is often mentioned as the way to do it in HG but I never found it necessary. T20 with its slightly different power plant requirements seems to require it though.

In my flash of inspired conversion I did up the 95 ton Shuttle and lo and behold it worked, with some assumptions that seemed reasonable, at least in the eyes of a born again gearhead, version T20.

So to kick off this topic, the first of this new convert's new conversions freshly converted from CT to T20 for your critique and use as you see fit, I present the Journeyman Design Bureau's hand-crafted Classic Recreation of the old 95 ton Shuttle...
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Miller Keith model Shuttle

Miller Keith model Shuttle – a Classic Recreation by djb

Class: Spaceship, Type Y                    EP Output:  5.7  (+2.85 extra)
Tech Level: 15                              Agility: 3
Size: Small (95 tons)                       Initiative: +3
Streamlining:  Wedge AF                     AC: 13
Non-Jump                                    Repulsors: None
Acceleration: 3-G                           Nuclear Dampers: None
Fuel: 2.85 tons                             Meson Screens: None
Duration: 4 weeks                           Black Globes: None
Crew: 2 (1 O, 1 E)                          AR: None
Staterooms:  None                           SI: 96
Small Cabins: None                          Main Computer: Model/2
Bunks: None                                 Flight Avionics:  Model/2
Couches: None                               Sensor  Range: Short
Low Berths: None                            Comm  Range:  Short
Cargo Space: 71 tons                        Cost: Mcr33.185 (before discount)
Atmospheric Speeds:                         NoE = 1,325kph 
Cruising = 3,975kph                         Maximum = 5,300kph

Other Equipment: Upgraded Streamlining, Fuel Scoops, Hardpoint
x1 (no weapons fitted)

TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)                    Ship’s Data
Design Notes:

I started with the goal of fitting all the described bits and abilities of the CT Shuttle into the T20 rules, with the interpretation of "minimum bridge" as noted in the preamble post above.

That settled, my next look was at the power plant. The CT version lists 2.85 tons of fuel and the ability to power 3 gees of maneuver and either a model 4 computer or 2 energy weapons. That meant a minimum of 4.85 EP (2.85 for the drives and 2 more for the rest). Since it was 2.85 EP for the drives and 2.85 tons of fuel the easy solution was to give it 5.7 EP at TL15. So it can manage 3 gees and agility 3 or sacrifice agility for weapons or computers.

A quick look at the first run through cost found it short of the CT Mcr33 with a minimum model/1 computer, besides being low for the upgraded streamlining and having an extra ton left. The obvious fix was to make the model/2 computer the standard.

I was now very close to the right price and had all the features including the 71 tons of open space for user customization. Well to be accurate I rounded the volume for the Air Frame structure from 4.75 tons down to 4.7 tons to get an even 71 tons of custom space rather than 70.95 tons.

Oh, as to why its an Air Frame configuration, that's what the old picture shows.

The model name is derived (perhaps obviously) from (and honors) Marc W. Miller (Traveller's creator) and W.H. Kieth (the illustrator of the Shuttle, among many other things).

"djb" is the logo of Journeyman Design Bureau, a small chain of independent shipyards and naval architects specializing in small to medium ships, especially custom designs and classic restorations.

I think that covers this build. Naturally I'd appreciate any and all constructive feedback on this.

EDIT: The above was part of the original post years ago. I never got back to it with the rest of the designs as there seemed no interest and I forgot about it. More to follow now that I have resurrected it as time allows.
Another reason to abandon the "20dT" rule? If a 95dT shuttle capable of interplanetary travel can have just 4dT of bridge, why must a 100dT starship have 20dT of bridge?
Why indeed :)

But hush, we speak heresy in public and the canonista have spies everywhere :file_22:

I may be converted further into this heresy and consider a similar treatment for starships, it remains for me to test the bounds.

Oh what depths will I sink to in the eyes of canon rule now that I have started down the path of reason raising me to new heights of freedom?
Nice design Dan,

Useful for getting material to orbit quickly 70 dTon at a time. Have you still got the workup (Tons/Cost/EP spreadsheet) for it?

I assume that you are 15dTon under sized for the bridge. Even going and following the exact T20 build rules it would still have ~55 dTon of Cargo space.

The larger mandatory bridge for jumpships is probably not something that you want to wave away, part of the "bridge" space is the support and access spaces on the ship. You can do away with this in a small craft that is expected to be externally maintained (in a larger vessels hangar, or at a starport), but not in a long range small craft with a normal flight period measured in days, or anything truely independent such as a starship.
Have you seen the deckplan for the original scout thip?
It doesn't have 20 dTons, it has closer to 4 dTons. :)

In deck squares:

it's got 5 squares of "bridge", 4 squares of avionics (probably half-height, and some surplus squares elsewhere (the entire upper gallery except the turret), if you are citing the design which appears in Sup 7 (Traders and Gunboats).

That deckplan only makes any sense at all if it's NOT a Bk2 design, and even as a Bk5 design, the bridge tonnage is dispersed in various areas.
Thank you veltyen. Yep, bridge heresy, you got the tons right. Though in HG one could fit just a control couch (0.5dT and MCr0,025) and a computer (effective model -1), so I figure fudging the helm (never thought of it as a bridge in small craft) rule and having a computer is a fair swap. Still not sure if it should impact computer level or not, I'm leaning to not.

Good point on the starship bridge possibility. I also include other items in starship bridge tonnage. Airlock and ship's locker leap to mind for two. Required for certification (gotta have a way to control access and a place to keep stuff like safety and rescue gear, repair parts and tools, Vacc-Suits, and such.