Part of the problem is that assumptions of ship cost in CT also assume middle class incomes of KCr12 or so per year, but later economic systems assume incomes on the order of KCr30+ for middle class incomes.
Keeping in mind: at the time CT was written, most of the goods priced in the rulebook were priced at about the then-current market prices for the US midwest. (I've checked old magazines, newspapers, etc, online. Seriously, it's 1976 Illinois prices.) Median income then was about $11,500., and the mean income $9,700 or so. A man could house his family for $400 a month in a nice apartment, $600 a month in a house. And feeding oneself was about $50 a month, $100 if one dined regularly, and about $300 if one never ate at home.
In that scheme, a 10% tax rate (pretty close to the world average at the time) means KCr=Pop. If we assume a 50% military budget (like the major cold war nations), KCr=0.5Pop. And the navy gets 70%, or KCr=0.35Pop.
A world with 1 billion people then has about MCr35,000.
A 5000Td carrier-battleship under Bk 2 runs...
5000Td MCr0500.0 5000Td Hull, USL
0100Td MCr0025.0 Bridge
0125Td MCr0240.0 JDrive Z=2
0047Td MCr0096.0 MD Z=2
0073Td MCr0192.0 PP Z=2
1000Td MCr0000.0 JFuel
0020Td MCr0000.0 PP Fuel
0050Td MCr0155.0 50 Trip turr, 1xBL 1x SC 1xML each.
1500Td MCr2850.0 150 Fighters w/Beam Lasers
0600Td MCr0075.0 150 Staterooms for fighter crew.
0260Td MCr0032.5 65 staterooms for ship crew (7E 1M 1N 1P 50G 1C 1X 3A)
0800Td MCr0100.0 200 staterooms for 200 Marines
0380Td MCr0137 4 shuttles (for marines) with 50 seats (and 21Td cargo) each
0045Td MCr0000 45Td cargo.
MCr4402.5 base cost. MCr3962.25 in bulk order
At KC1 per month per pilot (officers all), and marines at Cr300 each minimum, she racks up a good bit of salary - about MCr0.3 per month.
4.5 billion credits to build, 4.5 million a year to maintain, another 3.6 million to crew once (And she probably has dual crews), plus base housing probably (costing about KCr0.5 per annum to maintain) for both crews for another MCr0.415 per year, plus 25 fuel loads (another MCr2.6 per year or so, unrefined). She runs about 15 million a year, not including the base staff nor paying for the hull. With GCr35 per annum, and a 20 year replacement cycle, and 50% of the naval budget for non-ships, expect about 73 of these guys. Or replace some of them with smaller ships, to provide promotion potential.