That's close to the same thing I came up with back in the day when HG2 came out. Mine was 6 tons, but I might have added back the .5 ton to keep the numbers even when figuring out launch tubes and hangar space.
I couldn't get it lower than 10 tons for a laser-armed fighter, though.
How about a solomani version with a fixed mount with 2 missile racks instead of the triple turret. Should get you down to 4.5tns.
Please correct me if I'm wrong on these points. Also, would you kindly send me the reference source for the Solomani weapons use? I'm not doubting you at all, just would like to know where to look for it.
Maybe I could work in a refugee Solomani weapons maker.
I'm not sure this advantage offsets the -2 TH, though, and less so in a ship with such small computer...
Yeah, I never put these up against a ship able to maneuver with a functioning computer. As I said earlier, they are strictly mop up and ground support. (Though at the lower TLs they get by.)
Better say they are not intended for it, but I'd not bet they'll never be.
As former militry officer, you must know better than myself that operational realities take precedence over desgn intent some times, and in Traveller, where closer reinforcements are 2 weeks from call, I guess some flexibility must be taken into account, as you never know what circumpstances will your fleet meet.
Yeah, I never put these up against a ship able to maneuver with a functioning computer. As I said earlier, they are strictly mop up and ground support. (Though at the lower TLs they get by.)
Thanks for the reference. I'm going to look it up just as soon as possible. Looks likes I'm going to read those Alien Modules more carefully!
Ace | Defensive | Assault |
(1)Maneuver/Evade 1 | (2)Maneuver/Evade 2 | (1)Maneuver/Evade 1 |
(1) Target | (1) Target | (1) Target |
(1) Launch | (1) Launch | (1) Launch |
(1) Gunner Interact | (1) Selective |
Thank you for this thread, is the use of the term triple missile turret describing something smaller than a normal ships turret? I think I just answered my own question.
How about a solomani version with a fixed mount with 2 missile racks instead of the triple turret. Should get you down to 4.5tns.
I'm not really familiar with the Solomani fixed mounts though I've heard them mentioned several times on this board and elsewhere. It was my understanding that there was a penalty in the form of a negative DM for using them, that they were strictly Solomani use and lastly, I like the advantage of 3 firing missiles at TL13+.
Please correct me if I'm wrong on these points. Also, would you kindly send me the reference source for the Solomani weapons use? I'm not doubting you at all, just would like to know where to look for it.
Maybe I could work in a refugee Solomani weapons maker.
CT:AM6 (solomani) page 42. Fixed weapons may have doublé weapons per hardpoint, but have a -2 to hit.
In Bk2 combat, this can be quite important, as you throw more missiles, with more TH chances, more probablity to overload defensive lasers, and more damage.
In HG through, the TH numbers for factor 3 and 4 missiles (3/6 launchers respectivelly) are the same (5+), but the penentrate number uses to be one less for factor 4 tan 3.
I'm not sure this advantage offsets the -2 TH, though, and less so in a ship with such small computer...
HG2 page 34 said:Weapons: A small craft may mount the equivalent of one turret. In actuality, the
mountings are probably rigid, and no actual turret is present. All computations,
however, may assume that the craft carries one turret. Weight, tech level, cost, and
energy point restrictions must be observed.
Quite right. There are a few other uses, even against TL13-15 fleets. A failing of mine though is to never use units as cannon fodder unnecessarily and I prefer not to deploy units in suicide missions. You are correct though, occasions can arise where the unavoidable becomes all to real.
Still, mission depending, I'd rather maneuver and save assets for a more opportune fight later...![]()
If using Bk2 combat, they're not at a disadvantage other than for lacking the bridge. Bk2 combat, however, also lacks significant effects of Agility and computer model.
A fighter with a model 1 is running either:
Maneuver or Maneuver-Evade (1 slot) - required for use of the MDrive
When shooting missiles, it cannot maneuver - because it has to load Target (1) and Launch (1)
Use a 1/bis instead, and it's far more variable... and interesting
Ace Defensive Assault (1)Maneuver/Evade 1 (2)Maneuver/Evade 2 (1)Maneuver/Evade 1 (1) Target (1) Target (1) Target (1) Launch (1) Launch (1) Launch (1) Gunner Interact (1) Selective
In HG there is no penalty for fixed mounts on small craft (fighters)... in fact the default is for fixed weapons!
In HG there is no penalty for fixed mounts on small craft (fighters)... in fact the default is for fixed weapons!
But a Little larger fighter might have more flexibility in action, whhile still being able to be used as you say. I guess in Traveller, where you go to space combat with outdaed intelligence, flexibility is paramount.
A larger fighter may have a bridge (so keeping the true rating of the computer), larger computer, and a gunner (thus allowing both crewmwmbers to use their full skills).
And see that your missile armed fighters lose most of their punch if ordnance limits (ammo) are used (one of the greatest flaws in HG, IMHO)....
If we want to get the fighter a tiny bit smaller. The Solomani alien module mentions that the solomani don't mind even smaller accommodation and staterooms etc. only need to be 0.8 the size of imperial ones. You might be able to shrink that 0.5 tn control couch down to 0.4 tns.
what's the point of tiny fighters that can only launch missiles?
Are they "manned sand" meant to soak up laser shots?o: