SOC-14 1K
If you like the DGP version, why are you asking for alternatives?Originally posted by kafka47:
Liam, as an alternative, it has flaws. I prefer the DGP version, as...

Well, in the referenced situation, the Tukera guy is irrelevant, as he is dead. Strephon and Margaret are then free to marry. Also, Margaret has already had Strephon's children by then, so Strephon (and, by extension, Margaret) should both be well past their respective mourning periods.But, guys Margaret is already married to the Turkey guy. It would take the pervert Lucan to actual propose to Margaret.
But, if you want to stick as closely as possible to the DGP setup, then the one change I would make is to have Lucan be sane. Sure, he is still a murdering little creep, but he is NOT insane. Lucan can then realize that the best way to win all of the factions back is to ignore them and kill Dulinor.
Therefore, he makes sure he never attacks any of the factions other than Dulinor. He knows that if he leaves the other factions alone, they will likely leave him alone and function as effective (and temporary) border states. Once he finally kills Dulinor, they will fall in line pretty quickly.
As for the Moot, he doesn't have to imprison and kill them. He hopes for a quick confirmation and, when that doesn't come, he just makes sure they don't pick anyone else. Go ahead and let them say whatever they want, the Navy is behind him. Contain the Moot, but don't persecute them.
He can then reign as a "Regent", holding the throne for the eventual emperor. Once Dulinor is disposed of, he will pretty much be the only alternative.
From a meta-game level, the biggest change I would ask for is knowing the end before starting the beginning. DGP's biggest failing with the Rebellion setting is that they only made a setup. They never made an ending. Since they had no idea where to take the Rebellion, they let it get so out of hand that then only real solution that was finally available was to just kill everyone and start again.
[Edit: To be clear, I want the AUTHORS to know where the story is going, not me/the audience. Unfortunately, they didn't.]
Very poor planning.