You just don't get it, Hans...
Let me remind you that in a previous post you explicitly stated that jump-3 and jump-4 traffic wasn't profitable. I pointed out that jump-3 and jump-4 traffic is canonical. How you reconcile this paradox is what I don't get.
Megafreighters on their routes run more jumps per year (reducing LS, salary, and monthly payment shares, as well as PP fuel shares) than tramps. At a reasonable 3 jumps per month, megafreighters can scootch the costs down a good bit. They make their money on spec and internal... but the megacorp owning the freight is moving it 'internally'... and not paying actual passage rates. But it's well within the expected Cr1200 return per ton under Bk7... and in volume, it adds up quickly. If you can refine your own fuel offboard (which a megacorp can), you can get the cost down to about Cr950 per ton per J3... at 3.111 jumps per month on a 50KTd ship. (mind you, the cost savings is less, because the MegaCorp absorbs those into the overall scheme...) It's extremely tight, and relies upon lots of prep outside... orbital warehousing for both fuel and cargo, and rapid transfer of both... but it's doable.
What I don't get is what relevance the profitability of 50,000T jump-4 freighters operating between high-population worlds in a way that ignores several of the canonical rules for operating freighters has to the profitability of a 600 or 1000T jump-4 passenger liner operating between worlds with lower population scores.
Side issue: Also, of course, if 50,000T jump-4 freighters can make a slim profit at Cr1000 per dT (where did the Cr1200 come from?), 50,000T jump-1 freighters can make huge profits at Cr1000 per dT. This would require very heavy-handed enforcement of the price-fixing, something that does not jibe very well with the other activities of the Imperium.
It's also the kind of prep that won't be happy for passengers... being ready to board for an entire 24 hour window, and having to be off in a matter of an hour after dejump... Oh, and HP only.... MP is a losing proposition...
Losing for who? If I'm going from Lunion to Strouden, all I have to do is plunk down Cr8,000 and get aboard a liner going there. That's the price the Imperium has fixed, and that's the price the company can charge me. Making a profit is the company's problem. Which, of course, makes one wonder why it carries passengers at all. That's what I don't get.
J4 can make a profit on spec.
Again, totally irrelevant to my argument. J4 merchants can make profit on spec. J4 freighters and passenger liners can't. Because they're using their cargo space to carry freight and/or passengers instead of speculative cargo.
To sum up:
a) Canonically, small jump-3 and jump-4 ships exist and thrive in the OTU. (
Stellar Class, Tukera Long-liners, Al Morai ships).
b) Canonically, these ships operate on a two jumps per month shedule (Description of Al Morai SOP) and carry passengers at Cr8,000 unless they can fill up with high passengers.
Until and unless you can explain why these ships carry passengers and freight at all, and how they stay in the black doing so instead of dedicating all their tonnage to speculative cargo, this picture is wrong somewhere.
Side issue: If the Imperium is indeed fixing the price of jump-3 and jump-4 passage, it is effectively supporting long-distance travel by making it cheaper.