Similarly, I've picked up MgT's LBB Dilettante and it essentially advocates the idea of detaching noble title from Soc, but the methodology seems to be a bit ornate and somewhat slightly arcane.
MgT seems to have conflated the two T5 concepts of Fame on the one hand, and Social Standing on the other. The two are not the same. This part of Dilettante needs to be reworked, IMHO.
I have no problem with the idea of using a Fame scale that is on the same relative scale as Social Standing as regards the extent of the Fame (i.e. a Fame=15 individual and a Soc=15 individual both being associated with a Subsector/Sector level. But a Fame=15 individual should still only be Soc=10 at most unless he has a separately granted Noble Title of Knight or higher. On the other hand, a Soc=15 individual probably should automatically have Fame=15 as a consequence of his Social Standing.
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