Fellow Earthmen and Earthwomen, I present to you my deckplans for the Solomani Trader, as shown in AM6: Solomani. The HGS design is reposted from its original thread; the Launch design is re-posted from its respective original thread for your convinience.
Ship: Solomani Trader
Class: Solomani Trader
Type: Trader
Architect: Panstellar Inc.
Tech Level: 11
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">USP
SA-46222R1-040000-30000-0 MCr187.9 400 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew: 9
Bat 1 1 TL: 11</pre>[/QUOTE]Cargo: 156 Passengers: 8 Fuel: 88 EP: 8 Agility: 1
Craft: 1x 20T Launch
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr1.8 Cost in Quantity: MCr151.4
Detailed Description
(High Guard Design)
400 tons standard, 5,600 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 2 Engineers, Steward, Medic, 2 Gunners, 1 Flight Crew
Jump-2, 2G Manuever, Power plant-2, 8 EP, Agility 1
Bridge, Model/1bis Computer
2 Hardpoints
1 Triple Beam Laser Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3)
1 Triple Sandcaster Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-4)
1x 20-ton Launch (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr5.4)
88 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
12.5 Staterooms, 8 High Passengers, 156 Tons Cargo
MCr184.3 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr1.8), MCr146 in Quantity, plus MCr5.4 of Carried Craft
82 Weeks Singly, 65 Weeks in Quantity
A1.Bridge and Avionics; floor hatch leads to B17.
A2. Crew Dormitory.
A3. Ship's Office
A4. Ship's Locker.
L1. Launch's Bridge.
L2. Launch's Cargo Bay; ceiling hatch leads to the dorsal hardpoint.
L3.-L4. Launch's Fuel.
L5.-L6. Launch's Engineering Section.
B1. Launch Docking Airlock.
B2.-B3. Fuel and Fuel Scoops.
B4. Upper Cargo Bay; floor iris valves lead to the two ventral turrets.
B5.-B6. Fuel Purification Plants.
B7. Galley and Lounge.
B8.-B15. Passenger Staterooms.
B16. Medlab.
B17. Engineering Section; ceiling hatch leads to A1; floor hatch leads to C1.
B18.-B19. Life Support Equipment.
B20. Upper Airlock.
C1. Lower Cargo Bay; celing hatch leads to B17.
C2.-C4. Landing Gear.
C5. Main Airlock.
Generic Launch (Type-GL;TL9)
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Launch GL-0201101-000000-00000-0 MCr5.4 20 tons
Passengers=1. Low=0. Cargo=12. Fuel=1. EP=0.2. Agility=1.
Crew=1. TL=9.</pre>[/QUOTE]The Launch is a basic small craft meant for auxillery as well as emergency
use. Passenger couches and/or cabins may be added at listed (LBB2 or HG) price and tonnage
at any Starport A or B with little effort (one day?).
Ship: Solomani Trader
Class: Solomani Trader
Type: Trader
Architect: Panstellar Inc.
Tech Level: 11
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">USP
SA-46222R1-040000-30000-0 MCr187.9 400 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew: 9
Bat 1 1 TL: 11</pre>[/QUOTE]Cargo: 156 Passengers: 8 Fuel: 88 EP: 8 Agility: 1
Craft: 1x 20T Launch
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr1.8 Cost in Quantity: MCr151.4
Detailed Description
(High Guard Design)
400 tons standard, 5,600 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 2 Engineers, Steward, Medic, 2 Gunners, 1 Flight Crew
Jump-2, 2G Manuever, Power plant-2, 8 EP, Agility 1
Bridge, Model/1bis Computer
2 Hardpoints
1 Triple Beam Laser Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3)
1 Triple Sandcaster Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-4)
1x 20-ton Launch (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr5.4)
88 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
12.5 Staterooms, 8 High Passengers, 156 Tons Cargo
MCr184.3 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr1.8), MCr146 in Quantity, plus MCr5.4 of Carried Craft
82 Weeks Singly, 65 Weeks in Quantity

A1.Bridge and Avionics; floor hatch leads to B17.
A2. Crew Dormitory.
A3. Ship's Office
A4. Ship's Locker.

L1. Launch's Bridge.
L2. Launch's Cargo Bay; ceiling hatch leads to the dorsal hardpoint.
L3.-L4. Launch's Fuel.
L5.-L6. Launch's Engineering Section.
B1. Launch Docking Airlock.
B2.-B3. Fuel and Fuel Scoops.
B4. Upper Cargo Bay; floor iris valves lead to the two ventral turrets.
B5.-B6. Fuel Purification Plants.
B7. Galley and Lounge.
B8.-B15. Passenger Staterooms.
B16. Medlab.
B17. Engineering Section; ceiling hatch leads to A1; floor hatch leads to C1.
B18.-B19. Life Support Equipment.
B20. Upper Airlock.

C1. Lower Cargo Bay; celing hatch leads to B17.
C2.-C4. Landing Gear.
C5. Main Airlock.
Generic Launch (Type-GL;TL9)
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Launch GL-0201101-000000-00000-0 MCr5.4 20 tons
Passengers=1. Low=0. Cargo=12. Fuel=1. EP=0.2. Agility=1.
Crew=1. TL=9.</pre>[/QUOTE]The Launch is a basic small craft meant for auxillery as well as emergency
use. Passenger couches and/or cabins may be added at listed (LBB2 or HG) price and tonnage
at any Starport A or B with little effort (one day?).