What It Is
A process I use to show the evolution and extinction of sophonts in a sector.
Technological development uses a changing rate of progression to measure how long a sophont people remain in a given TL. I apply this progression to show the development of sophonts.
The intended scope is a sector, over the span of time from -1 billion years leading up to Imperial year 1100.
Known Limitations
This does not take planetary events into account; e.g. the formation or reduction of atmosphere or surface water.
This also does not take the TL Cap into account (that some sophonts have a TL ceiling which is difficult to break thru).
Every world with atmosphere and hydrographics is a candidate for the process, which modifies the technological progression process.
A generation is defined in Traveller for humans as 26 years. In other sophonts, it can vary between 14 and 80 years.
For each world which has an atmosphere and hydrographics:
Generate generation length in years (1,400 thru 8,000).
Determine development duration [=(lethargic, average, fast) x 1D].
Set development to 0.
Set current level to 0.
End for.
For each year from -1,000,000,000 to present:
For each world which has an atmosphere and hydrographics:
Add to development level by (1/generation length).
If it's greater than development duration,
Increment current level, re-calculate development duration, re-set development to 0.
If new speed modifier = 6, inject 1D event:
1. Add 1D generations.
2. Decrement evolutionary level by 1D (!)
3. Shift to Lethargic
4. Shift to Average
5. Shift to Fast
6. Switch to decline rather than progress (flip the sign on generation length)
End if.
End if.
If current level > sophont barrier level:
Set 'sophont' flag.
Re-calculate generation length to 14-80 years.
Re-calculate development duration.
Set development to 0.
Set current level to 0.
End if.
If 'sophont' = true:
Show current level as current TL.
If TL is 33:
Determine Singularity (Flux):
-3 or less: self-destruction
-2 Regression by 1D tech levels
-1 Paralysis. TL reduced to 21 - 1D.
+0 Ascent.
+1 Acceptance. TL reduced to 21.
+2 Divergence. Roll 3 results.
+3 Pastoralized. TL reduced to 2D.
End if.
End if.
End for.
End for.
A process I use to show the evolution and extinction of sophonts in a sector.
Technological development uses a changing rate of progression to measure how long a sophont people remain in a given TL. I apply this progression to show the development of sophonts.
The intended scope is a sector, over the span of time from -1 billion years leading up to Imperial year 1100.
Known Limitations
This does not take planetary events into account; e.g. the formation or reduction of atmosphere or surface water.
This also does not take the TL Cap into account (that some sophonts have a TL ceiling which is difficult to break thru).
Every world with atmosphere and hydrographics is a candidate for the process, which modifies the technological progression process.
A generation is defined in Traveller for humans as 26 years. In other sophonts, it can vary between 14 and 80 years.
For each world which has an atmosphere and hydrographics:
Generate generation length in years (1,400 thru 8,000).
Determine development duration [=(lethargic, average, fast) x 1D].
Set development to 0.
Set current level to 0.
End for.
For each year from -1,000,000,000 to present:
For each world which has an atmosphere and hydrographics:
Add to development level by (1/generation length).
If it's greater than development duration,
Increment current level, re-calculate development duration, re-set development to 0.
If new speed modifier = 6, inject 1D event:
1. Add 1D generations.
2. Decrement evolutionary level by 1D (!)
3. Shift to Lethargic
4. Shift to Average
5. Shift to Fast
6. Switch to decline rather than progress (flip the sign on generation length)
End if.
End if.
If current level > sophont barrier level:
Set 'sophont' flag.
Re-calculate generation length to 14-80 years.
Re-calculate development duration.
Set development to 0.
Set current level to 0.
End if.
If 'sophont' = true:
Show current level as current TL.
If TL is 33:
Determine Singularity (Flux):
-3 or less: self-destruction
-2 Regression by 1D tech levels
-1 Paralysis. TL reduced to 21 - 1D.
+0 Ascent.
+1 Acceptance. TL reduced to 21.
+2 Divergence. Roll 3 results.
+3 Pastoralized. TL reduced to 2D.
End if.
End if.
End for.
End for.
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