SOC-14 5K
Every ten years, check for a ship quirk, which can be remedied by a lengthy stay at a shipyard.
I certainly disagree that most small ships would regularly use unrefined fuel and hence expect to occasionally misjump.Most ACS ships will hit D ports, and thus be forced to use unrefined fuel, about once a year or twice a year. Most won't make all 40 years without a misjump. And that's about 50% likely to be fatal.
MT basically makes real misjumps impossible with a bit of skill and using a cautious task. Exceptional failure on a Simple (3+) task is difficult to achieve.Also note: MT and TNE both increased the number of misjumps but reduced the severity.
MT misjumps usually cost you a week - half a jump cycle - from earning. Given the trade model (Bk7 derivative), and the cargo accidents, few ships make all forty years even with skilled crewing... andf the average crewman is axiomatically skill 1 in field... but they also do not require carelessness.
As far as I can see the wear value only affects breakdowns, not misjumps?In TNE, the wear value system causes misjumps of much lower severity but annoying frequency... about 2 a year, but only one in 10 is a "end the ship's career. 10 kAU is still a lethal misjump if the ship has no additional jump 1 worth of fuel and 4 weeks of food. (Assuming strict rationing, even the 12 weeks is not enough.)
In TNE, the wear value system causes misjumps of much lower severity but annoying frequency... about 2 a year, but only one in 10 is a "end the ship's career. 10 kAU is still a lethal misjump if the ship has no additional jump 1 worth of fuel and 4 weeks of food. (Assuming strict rationing, even the 12 weeks is not enough.)
Also, the low maneuver fuel of merchants in TNE means that a failed roll for planetary intercept is either expensive rescue or is a total loss, depending upon local world.
Subsidized merchant; government backed insurance, more prevalent during wartime.
what about the crew?
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
[*]Jump Travel is still dangerous
[*]Insurers won't touch dangerous of the level of uncertainty that is implied in CT rules. ...
Is it? That is not the impression I get.
As far as I can see the economic model implies that jump is very safe. Ships are routinely expected to survive 40 years / 1000 jumps with proper (cheap) maintenance. ...
Given the GDP per capita in Striker (which is decanonized, just for reference) and the canon 13 month year... (Note that the canon year of 13 months only seems to be 12 payments a year, so the min 2 weeks downtime probably, and IMTU and IM analysis here, it's generally the ship's crew's vacation time)...what about the crew?
unless wartime, prospect of average 5 to 10 years career?
insurance work for owners, but it is my life and I dont intend to die to cash in on a policy.
furthermore, think of the premium. Much more cheaper to buy a purification plant than pay insurance premium equivalent to a new ship every 5 years
have fun
Given the GDP per capita in Striker (which is decanonized, just for reference) and the canon 13 month year... (Note that the canon year of 13 months only seems to be 12 payments a year, so the min 2 weeks downtime probably, and IMTU and IM analysis here, it's generally the ship's crew's vacation time)...
TL15 Rich Ag world is Cr42,240/year
TL12 neither rich, poor, ag, non-ag, in, non-in is Cr12,000 per year
Ship's Captain is Cr6,000 for Cr78,000/year (has to work the month of maintenance)
Ship's Navigator is Cr5,000 for Cr60,000/year (has maintenance off)
Ship's Engineer is Cr4000/mo or Cr52,000/year (has to work maintenance)
Stewards at Cr3000/mo, Cr36,000/year (has maintenance off unless the captain's wanting his services)
Medics at Cr2000/mo, Cr24,000/year (Has maintenance off)
Rousts and Gunners at Cr1,000/mo, Cr12,000 (has maintenance off)
A ship's captain is well off - no living expenses and clearing 1.5x as much as the upper middle class in the wealthiest worlds!
Even many TL 10 worlds, it's average GDP per Capita, and that's usually around 4th quintile... quite well off to even be a cargo roust or gunner.
These kinds of jobs are going to attract quite a few of the lower classes from TL9+ worlds...
I'm not digging through T5 to figure out the current canonical equivalent values... but suffice it to say, Ship Crews make GOOD money.
Compare this to the mercenaries...
A Merc Colonel (per Bk 4) makes Cr2,000 a month. Same as a ship's Medic.
A Merc Private makes Cr300 a month.
Simply put... Ship crews, even lowly rousts and gunners, make ground officer pay...
To everyone who has commented on my original post and is still interested. I have expanded on my original post to write an article(s) for Freelance Traveller Magazine. Many thanks to Jeff Zeitlin for all his help in editing the first article.I will give you my "stock" answer on that: You write the article to give it the treatment you think the topic requires, and let me worry about word counts.
Early May is plenty of time for the July/August issue!
As you've outlined it, it's potentially an ambitious project; I like that! You can also, however, consider it as two or three separate-but-related articles: First, an overview of ship classification as a 'background' article (which is pretty much what I was targeting when I made the original suggestion); second, the ship surveyor career; and third, the adventure seeds (or combine the seeds with the career).
However you eventually choose to structure it, I look forward to seeing it!