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Spinward Marches & Solimani Rim question

What suppliments might have maps of these two sectors? I've an old, beat up copy of the spinward marches map, but I want one I can give my players so they can plot jump routes. As for the solimani rim, I don't have a map of that sector, just a few of the subsectors and almost no detail on either areas.

Any suggestions from our far reaching, all knowing scout type individuals on this board?
CT supplement 11, Library Data N-Z has maps of both. Otherwise there are various sites online that have them.
The Spinward Marches are all over the place.

To see things from a TNE perspective (which will give both 1200 and 1117 data), go here:

For a pure 1105 perspective, you can try (oddly enough:

For the Solomani Rim, you have slightly fewer choices. The zho.berka.com site will have an ascii map of the Rim. The Traveller Atlas should have the Rim, but the file appears to be missing.

You can find a PDF of both subsectors at:

There are other places, but these are the ones I can find quickly.

For print, get the Classic Supplements Reprint as it has Supplement 3 (the Marches), Supplement 10 (the Rim) and Supplements 8 and 11 (Library Data).

The Spinward Marches information is also in the Spinward Marches Campaign module, but that is hard (and expensive) to get.

The Solomani Rim information is also in Alien Module 6, which is slightly easier and less expensive to get. Also, FFE is supposed to be releasing the next Reprint in December which will be either Alien Modules 1-4 or 1-8.

TNE material for the Spinward Marches is contained in the Regency Sourcebook. This is useful even if you don't plan on doing anything TNE, as it also details classic era information as backstory to the "current" TNE information.

I can't help you with MT stuff, as I have none of it available (except the 4 color Marches map that came with the original boxed set).

Finally (though I doubt you care) in GURPS Traveller, the Marches is detailed in Behind the Claw and the Rim is detailed in Rim of Fire. The first is OOP, the second is still available.

Hope some of this helps.
Adding to Daryen's exhaustive listing:

TNE-era maps and UWPs for the Solomani Rim are at:
which is the site for Harold Hale's "Children of Earth" campaign, largely reprinting info originally in Traveller Chronicle #10-12. This was considered semi-canonical at the time, but AFAIK MJD's New New Era isn't going to incorporate it.

The only MT-era map of Solomani Rim is the dotmap in DGP's Solomani & Aslan showing factional boundaries as of 1120.

The Spinward Marches map and 1120-era UWPs were included in the MT boxed set. A poster-map of the entire Domain of Deneb (inc. Marches, Deneb, and parts of Trojan Reach and Reft) was included in DGP's MegaTraveller Journal #1, but the collected UWPs weren't given until MTJ3.
Just a note. Rim of Fire: The Solomani Rim Sourcebook from SJG is actually very good. Well put together. :D

I was recently able to find a copy of both Behind the Claw and Rim of Fire at a FLGS. We've never adventured in the Rim, but after looking through Rim of Fire, I was intrigued by the possibilites. One thing I like about Rim of Fire is that it doesn't detail every system. It gives the UWP for every system, but the details for many are left to the ref to develop.