It has been a while since I have updated this thread. My lofty ambition: to thoroughly test the design concepts we have been discussing. I got out my old 101 Robots, 101 Vehicles (which includes a vehicle with a robot brain and has informed the discussion above re: control points) and started designing, using the URP's to reconstruct them.
My results are here:
In Excel
In Open Office
These two spreadsheets do not include the design evaluations, but I am hoping that when you read the yellow shaded labels across the top of each of the 108 designs, you will have enough information.
I would very much appreciate anyone casting a critical eye over these spreadsheets.
I have used the following principles.
1. Anything that has a robot brain gets the Robot Config multipliers for hull (x2 mass, x5 price). As discussed, I had been considering this being the "price" for a better braced hull that could take more damage. I am now tending to think this is a needless complication.
2. Robot brains and software are precisely as Book 8.
3. If total Control Points required divided by 250 divided by the INT rating is less than 0.05, no further controls are required, assume the brain has all required electronics to control the rest of the robot. Only two designs required any more consideration of control.
4. Master / Slaves work exactly as indicated by E.D. Quibell. I am sure mistakes have crept in here, I would very much appreciate someone going over them.
5. Where the item was already in the Mega Traveller rules, MT volumes / mass / prices / power requirements were used over Book 8. This is true in particular of fusion power plants.
6. Where for many "electronic" items there was no volume listed, it was assumed volume in litres = mass in kg x 2 (which is true for most electronics in MT). Because I started doing them with a one-for-one instead of a two-for-one, I am not sure that I have done this consistently and I would like some sharp eyes.
7. Weapons are included at the volumes and weights listed in the Imperial Encyclopedia. To save on any research about power requirements, I have put in volume and weight for power packs for energy weapons. I am open to suggestion on this, but I figured for now including the "magazines" would work the simplest.
8. For contact based suspensions (wheels, legs, tracks), I have used the
left over power only to construct the transmission. I have further calculated base speeds based on both left over and total power, but the total power is only for comparison. Even with only left over power, most robots on legs can routine walk at 80kph - 120kph -
off road!
9. I have endeavoured to correct mistakes I have found in the 101 Robots designs. I found many closed-hydrogen open-oxygen fuel cell designs had not considered that the robot would routinely be operating in environments without oxygen. I appreciate the original book was done by people who had day jobs and had tight deadlines to meet and probably did not have the benefit of spreadsheets.
10. Configuration UCP value is three digits. The first digit is the MT Craft Config - with the extension being A for "robot contoured" and B for "pseudo biological". Then a two-letter code - US for Unstreamlined, SL for Streamlined, and AF for Airframe.
11. For pseudo-bio robots (configuration "B") I have gone with legs that are usually 30% (in line with normal human proportions), but half of the volume is "given back" as Volume Provided because components can be installed there.
12. Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT) and Education (EDU) are calculated precisely as Book 8.
Just the exercise of including all components within hull volume has lead to some interesting results. In general, robots increased in size, and fuel (and hence endurance) dropped dramatically.
This is really only a problem with the pseudo-biologicals because in general they will be too tall on a suitable BMI to be realistically able to pass as human.
I would very much enjoy constructive feedback.